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Zywa 3d
I'm homeless without

your hands, roaming through the fields --

There is snow coming.
Poem "Huset og hendene" ("House and hands", 1985, Rolf Jacobsen)

Collection "VacantVoid"
Zywa Jul 13
I'm getting so cold

without you, because it snows --

It snows white despair.
Song "Tombe la neige" ("Snow is falling", 1964, Salvatore Adamo)

Collection "Blankets of snow"
You didn't want love I offered
I continued life alone
Both lucky
You more than I
To be alive on my own
It's 11:11
Make a wish
Won't come true for you twice
Time I lost missing you is now yours to spend
You are paying the price
Written 3-3-21
Lazlo Mehl Jul 10
started like every other relationship, just friends but soon I found myself wanting and longing for me, with every gesture of eye contact I found myself falling deeper and deeper into a love lust for someone who I could totally not be with, how can this be happening I thought? Every moment apart I just felt more and more hopeless, I am mad this is insane, after all these years I had butterflies and it wasn't for the man I fell in love with, so many moons ago, but this feeling are and is wrong.

Well most of you are probably wondering how and when this all started so let rewind to the beginning...

About a year we started visiting some friends, not to far from where we resided, most weekends were spent hanging out and getting to know each other at first there was absolutely no gesture of feeling but soon after things started to change atleast for me, I found myself staring at him, dazing off at the idea of me and him... Now let me describe him, cocasion male, not very tall dark hazel green eyes with full lips (I swear it's the lips that got to me) manly hands, neat and tidy.. he was perfect. Now as our friendship grew so did our trust towards each other I became his close friend, the one he called early in the mornings and  messaged late at night it was like we were made for each other, I watch as his girlfriend at the time grew more jealous of our relations, but was that a good thing or a bad thing I kept thinking and playing all these different scenarios in my head of how things would end for us, but as i became more and more comfortable with him the more our feelings for one another grew, I knew he felt the same way, I could feel it, every inch of my body craved his attention. But at the same time I also had someone to think about, my partner the person I accepted as my person was it wrong for me to feel for another man I kept thinking.
Book thoughts true feelings that cannot be shared, love at a safe distance. Love is complicated, please like for more to this story of romance
Zywa Jul 9
I cannot hear you,

only the waves, wind sometimes --

but nowhere your voice.
Documentary "Louder! So I can hear you" (2022, Laura Bokhoven)

Collection "Stall"
dk Jun 21
I long for cobbled stone roads
Dim lit stone stairs climbing with ivy
Up buildings built by Romans
adorned with flowers and intricacies
Details honed by Craftsman
Delicately drafting
the landscapes we live in
Unlike the concrete utilitarian steel and glass pillars and highways
Their plight on our journeys in life
To benefit the productivity
but detriment the soul
To capitalize no matter what the cost
Leaving me longing to nap
in a park with Parisians
For fresh baked baguettes on a bench with a bottle of burgundy
For mosaics made of glass in cathedrals built centuries ago
Over billboards and neon lights,
the flashing and screaming
products for purchase
Let me get my dinner after the people have had their naps.
Let it be an occasion
not a necessity to get by
Let's walk the city after 10
while the sky is still bright
Waiting for the dim street lights
to light our way back
To another day of walking
cobble ****** streets
Elle May 23
Happiness passed by
So long ago
But the grass looked greener
In scorched fields
And now I wallow
Across dry barren earth
Elle May 21
Nostalgia is
The laughter down the rec
As we poured beer
And did milk shots

Nostalgia is
The camp fires
The boys added hairspray to
And panicked

Nostalgia is
Your arm around my shoulder
Protective and proud
And very nervous

Nostalgia is
The Daisy chains
And gossip of
Who kissed who

Nostalgia is
The innocence of
Running wild in fields
Till the sun came up

Nostalgia is
Our beating hearts
Under the duvet
Hoping your brother didn’t hear

Nostalgia is
Knowing it’s just a memory
No longer to be

Nostalgia is
Looking at old photos
With a half smile
And chest ache
Gabrielle May 19
The warm light of afternoon
brings a blur to our harsh wrinkles.
Like a line drawing drafted over and over
after several mistakes.

The blemishes of us bleed and clot like brush strokes
on the painting of a landscape
Fleeting blues, searing orange,
the vista of our bends and breaks.

We sit together, as close as we can,
my nose in the cavity of your neck.
My surplus in the caves you carry,
your tears, lakes in my overbite.

I'll hold your hand holding mine holding yours,
breathe in your breath out.
If nobody is whole you can be my left foot,
and I can be your right.
This poem is about realising the things you thought were wrong about a person are what make you love them.
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