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i’m hopeless,
and restless,

stressed and

nothing makes
sense and

i can’t help
but be careless

falling head
over heels for

nights blur into

time eludes me,
once again

and i get carried

but when i see you,
i’m frozen in place,

i don’t know
what to do.

just like the wind,
you take my breath away.

cliché and typical,
i’m hopeless but hopeful
to spend another day

with you.
Bansi Adroja Jul 5
I want to tell you about my morning coffee,
the article I read last week,
and all the ways I got my heart broken when I was seventeen

I want to hear about the nights you barely remember,
about the days that feel like too much,
and everything in between
Níla Jun 18
I fell for you, not like leaves fall from a tree, in swift moves until they reach the ground they seek
Maybe it feels more like a trap, running in circles cause I **** at reading maps
Tip-toeing obstacles as I dare them to collapse
Let me be trapped
Hold on and consume me like a fly caught in a spiders web
Pick at my self doubt until boldness
is all that I have left
falling hot like a fever
you make me feel like
i don't want to get better
Andrew Jun 8
deep bass is
a wide-open-night. Sweat and
stupid questions that really -
didn’t matter all that much
by the end of the night. She
once told me,
I don’t like poems with awkward line breaks -
I like full sentences there.
I dance along to deep bass and - by doing so -
I have awkward line breaks. I have incomplete
that don't matter all that much.
I swear I don’t remember the way her arms
swayed as she danced to the Beatles - or,
even the space among teeth as she smiled.
deep bass plays me a song and
I try to dance but my my mind keeps
with questions of how she must be - no!
No. I do not want to think that.
but - yet,
my brain keeps with it, so I do. I do.

Do me a small favour, look up at the nightime sky,

Your beauty is on par with the lovely stars on high.
Gabrielle May 19
The warm light of afternoon
brings a blur to our harsh wrinkles.
Like a line drawing drafted over and over
after several mistakes.

The blemishes of us bleed and clot like brush strokes
on the painting of a landscape
Fleeting blues, searing orange,
the vista of our bends and breaks.

We sit together, as close as we can,
my nose in the cavity of your neck.
My surplus in the caves you carry,
your tears, lakes in my overbite.

I'll hold your hand holding mine holding yours,
breathe in your breath out.
If nobody is whole you can be my left foot,
and I can be your right.
This poem is about realising the things you thought were wrong about a person are what make you love them.
Poetic Eagle May 9
" so you don't love him anymore, all the feelings faded ? "

No l looked at him and realised they  changed

" Why you smiling "

Because it felt more peaceful than sad
Feelings don't fade they change
Jessie May 6
I want to see you with someone and know how we are not to be.
The crush on you is my forgotten dreams.
I no longer want to fantasize of our to be.
It's not even begun but it's a dream within my dream

Whenever I'm in a building with you I'm longing to feel connected to you. I don't want to.

I want to erase my crush and let it crush me. Every look with every look I look within I see me then in you. Crushed
My dreams see you and me
it's a slow let go
until I see you with her happy
You don't know me
I'm not meant to be called yours

I am only a flicker in your peripheral vision and you're etched within my cerebral.
A crush is only a crush because it crushes the soul
never given
a chance to
be rejected.
May it be
Singleness is a gift
Bansi Adroja Apr 25
Being in love with you feels habitual
Like living with a ghost

Kisses on the corner of Blue Boar Street
Walks in comfortable silence when we both should have just gone home
Coffee breaks to talk about philosophy

Old rituals like old friends

It feels lived in and familiar
In the best and worst way

It feels like I should have learnt from every past mistake I've ever made
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