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If you have other options
Is that love?

If you’re blinded from the curtains

Is that person worth it?

If you ever feel down

Can you climb back up?

Do you hear her voice, or hear your own sound?

Or are you going to proceed

Living in your dreams

Visions blinded you
I don’t know how else to tell you,
But you’re becoming someone else
You’re a broken heart, go get help.
Hollow Heart Oct 2
10 days
That’s how long it lasted.
10 days
Who could have thought.  
10 days
To get over missing me.
10 days
Why did I think I was worth more than that?
10 days
To say let’s go to a party.
10 days
I wish I could say the same.
10 days
Only added physical pain.
In order to perceive yourself as worthy;

How many more achievements must you accomplish?
How many more ‘wins’ must you have?

How many more followers must you have?
How many more likes must you have?
How famous must you be?

How many more characters must you create?
How many more images of yourself must you envision?
How many more masks must you wear?

How many more versions of the ‘self’ you need to create?
How many more ‘to become’(s) must you be?

How many more times must you reinvent yourself?
How many more times must you meet yourself?

How many more of your parts must you hide, silence, ignore, suppress, and crush?

What more must you consume to come to know your worth?
What more must you pretend to be till you allow yourself to ‘just’ be as you are?

There is no amount of ‘doing’ that elevates your self worth
There is no amount of sins that can ever depreciate your worth

The ‘self’ is eternal
The human’s ’worth’ is a sacred eternal gift
A gift that can never be robbed

In this acceptance
There is no longer a chase to actualise the true authentic self into this world

In this acceptance
The magnificent self emerges

Thank you for being here.

By NwK
Taÿpen Sep 16
To every woman,

With thick thighs and a curvy frame
Don’t be shy or ashamed
Flaunt your hourglass figure
There’s love for bodies that bigger

To every woman,

With long legs and skinny frame
Don’t be shy or ashamed
Strut that supermodel walk
Silence all the negative talk

To every woman,

With a tall physique and supple frame
Don’t be shy or ashamed
You posses the beauty of an Amazon
Stand tall whether it’s heels or sandals on

To every woman,

Know you are loved and adored
By real men all around the world.
A wise man once said,
if you want to allow yourself a bread,
you need to know how to sell yourself
when he found my dusty grey shelf.

Young Me asked — “What is it that I need to sell,”

and he responded,

“sell your laugh
with a mouthful of pebbles in your mouth,
then sprawl your wings of a moth
and mimic a butterfly,”

“But, that's All I have left!” Young me screeched -
protecting the only vanity I possessed,
which I put on the market so cheap, so priceless
to those who never will to pay,
but I demanded the bidding too high
to those who gave me
a worthless charity,
a careless pity.
Beans Sep 9
a grain of sand holds the water
and the wave nudges the sand
the birds pollinate the flowers
and the tree bears their tiny nests
the aphids feed the hungry ants
and the ants protect them in turn
i guess you can get from this
that everyone serves a purpose
the mutualism in nature
doesn’t stop there
somebody will need you
from your heart to your hair
just because you don’t see
the aphids or the trees
doesn’t mean they don’t exist
the creatures will still be
someone loves you and needs you
and sees you as their sea
family members or friends
or somebody like me 🩷
we all need a little Love in life
These feelings are like a credit card---
sliding in and out the machine of a man’s heart

Please enter your code:
to withdraw the worth of love, but I’m really not someone
To bank on all of your love- it’s a result of nothing;
sometimes feeling so fake, with this plastic debit card

INSUFFICIENT FUNDS not all of us can afford
the worth to love; so insecure much, not one to close
the deal; don’t come too close, don’t give me a long hug
Just like my card, I might loudly decline your very love…

Hiding the pin to my very heart- four digit requirements;
four reasons you need to give me, to be revealing ****
Or did I mean to say sheet; either way, its all a cover to
cover around the fact I have a ****** mindset about love

A love I never bought, but I did buy a bunch of its dreams
-it must explain why I’m feeling so broke nowadays
Jellyfish Apr 16
I have value
It comes from within,
I know it's enough
I feel it under my skin.

It vibrates from me,
The power I hold
I'm special,
I'm something to behold.

I know I'm sensitive
It's something I used to hate
But now I'm embracing it,
There's a reason I'm this way.

So I stick to my routine,
I don't want to give up
I may fall down at times,
But I will not get stuck.
Jeremy Betts Apr 13
Every second
Every minute
Every day
Spend a lot of time in areas of gray
Moved to the margins, before getting lost in the fold
Waiting for the one bump in the road
A proverbial tale retold
The one thing
That ends every dream,
That costs everything
Leading back too a familiar nothing
Because why?
Because I
Never been perfect
Never been worth it
Never been proven different
Not worthy of any of it
I beg constantly,
Prove me wrong
Is there nobody?
Not a single soul
Willing and able
Too prove the fable
Let me
At least see
How it'd be
Too belong
Maybe even an enemy or two,
Prove I was wrong thinking no one would come along
I've put my desperate plea in a song
With compassion in the composition
The right music hits the heart strings some
Just grasping for leverage, eyes fixed on the sun
I don't want to want to be wrong
But the list can't really be zero people long
Don't let that be the conclusion I land on
So fuuckin' lie to me...
I don't know if I can count on another day
With my own truth hanging over me
That no one claims too see
Woe is me

You bought me metal sheets
bent in the shape of a heart.
after days of leaving me in the dark
wondering what I was going to eat

Sweet and bitter lumps I crush
between my hands
I eat my heart tonight
because maybe you’ll love me

You loved me enough to steal me
Under an unconditional facade
I forgave you every time
Hoping you’d hold me when I’m down.

But I will eat my heart gratefully
because you told me to
because that is all I can do
because that is all I am worth.

You can take nothing when it is left.
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