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Ylzm 2d
On the highest peaks or the lowest darkest depths
In health and strength or broken, weak and nearly dead
In the midst of love and joy or rejected, exiled and unknown
In fullness of knowledge and assurance of the good will
Or bewildered and baffled, in perplexity stumbling and lost
With songs constantly singing, resplendent in angelic aura
Or utterly silent, crying beyond tears, covered in ashes of mourning
At the table, listened to and honoured by kings and princes
Or a starving slave forgotten and chained in the dank dungeon
But unseen in the flesh, unknowable unless heard,
is the Word, "I am with you," and that suffices for Life.
Bitcoin is open, for all, and free
A better money, for you and me
Satoshi’s gift, growing each year
You can help this new frontier

Donate!  Help the Bitcoin teams
Help the world with hopes and dreams
Send some dollars or sats their way
Big or small - it will make their day

Many are working day and night
Share a few sats to help the fight
All together - we can win the war
And open wide the freedom door

Some great Bitcoin teams below
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Join the peaceful revolution
Bitcoin shows the higher way
To a more efficient solution
For our money has gone astray

Yes, come join the revolution
As we forge our path in peace
With a confident resolution
That our savings will increase

Join the peaceful revolution
Feel the changes in your soul
As you make a contribution
To making our money whole

Join the Bitcoin revolution
Freely bring along your friends
Help increase the distribution
As this better money ascends
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Nyx Jun 29
Say Ah~

Dissolve me with your bitter taste,
let me linger upon your tongue.
With shaking hands you hold me tight,
inhaling deep breaths into your lungs

Take it slow, give me time
Very soon you'll feel sublime
Temperature rising, Heart beats quicker
You'll see the world around you begin to flicker

Dance with me, take my hand
Feel your worries fall away like sand
Forget the world, it’s just us two
Focus on me, we will see this through.

Let there only be us in this moment

Bitcoin is my lifeboat
In the midst of raging waves
Specifically designed
As a tool that builds and saves

Bitcoin is my harbor
For the value that I earn
Secure and well protected
Once I take the time to learn

Bitcoin is my lighthouse
Marking where the dangers lie
And showing me the benefits
Of a firm and fixed supply

Bitcoin is my anchor
Giving focus to my days
Improving daily habits
In so many helpful ways

Bitcoin is my haven
As I rest in nightly sleep
And plan for many years
With the funds I safely keep
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I am so Grateful I experience certain kinds of Choices in this Life!
able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another:
You travel time and space
Show me your lovin' face
I hear your voice - breathe you in
Then you disappear again

Sometimes you shout and wake me up
Its cruel and sends me into shock
I rise to show I truly care
Acknowledge always you are there

Dream Talker or Heart Stalker
What do you want from me?
If you can not hang around
Then let my soul be free!

You really love my playful moon
That spirits us across my room
We dance and I hope we never stop
Till I hear Goodbye Love - I'm Off!

I often wonder will there be a day
You walk into my life
Instead of playing our mind games
Throughout the night!

Dream Talker or Heart Stalker
What do you want from me?
If you can not hang around
Then let my soul be free!

(c) Debra Lea Ryan
The first write up of a Poem inspired by what transpired in deep sleep! Ha!  Funny hey when centred this piece it looks like a shoe print. I will leave the rest up to the readers imagination.
Choose a USER centric money
Bitcoin is the best around
It’s the money built for YOU
And the best that’s to be found

For YOU, as it’s permissionless
Your use can’t be denied
Unlike a nation’s fiat
Which can limit and divide

For YOU, as it’s immutable
Transactions can’t be changed
Gives confidence and clarity
As they can’t be rearranged

For YOU, because it’s finite
And the value won’t debase
Since Bitcoin keeps its value
It’s USER centric on its face

For YOU, as it’s decentralized
You can send it peer to peer
This was Satoshi’s vision
So no one can interfere

Choose a USER centric money
For the advantages to YOU
Designed to help your lifestyle
And the dreams that you pursue
You can see this poem on a background here -
Users of some exchanges based in the United Kingdom need to pass a quiz (to show understanding of the risks) before they can buy Bitcoin.

Perhaps people should also pass a quiz before using fiat money, just so they also understand the risks. Here is a United Stated based quiz.

75% score required, 15 out of 20 questions.

What is the Cantillon Effect?
Describe seigniorage?
Who benefits most from seigniorage?
How much value has the dollar lost since 1913?
What is the #1 cause of inflation?
What is “fiat” money?
What does fiat mean in Latin?
Who prints money in the United States?
What is Quantitative Easing (QE)?
What is a Central Bank?
When was the US Central Bank created?
What happens to the value of fiat over time?
Describe the Bretton Woods agreement?
Why does the US borrow money it can print?
What monetary event happened in 1971?
Why was it made illegal to hold gold in 1933?
What is fractional reserve banking?
Why do governments prefer fiat money?
Who benefits from “setting” interest rates?
What is the M1 money supply?
You can see this poem on a background here -
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