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Jeremy Betts Jun 4
Sometime long ago
Back before time had it's day
Before wind had a way
Before there was anything there to say
I regret deciding to stay

Jeremy Betts Apr 26
"It's not a bad life,
Only a bad day"
To which I respond right away,
But what if it's everyday?"
Their reply?
"That's just life"
"Oh, ya don't say"

Malia Apr 1
I lean into you
Just a little bit
To see if I can whisper
Without words,
Say it
Without a single utterance.

I do not think
That you got the message.

I do not blame you.

I can hardly crack the code, myself.
Peter Balkus Mar 12
I wish I could say what I think,
without hesitation, second thoughts.

I know we have freedom of speech,
but something makes me bite my tongue.

Wise men say silence is golden,
but dead men say silence is gross.

I wish I could say what I think.
I wonder how some would react.

I wonder whose face would grow scarlet,
and who would laugh in my face.

How much do I have to lose?
Shall I just say it out loud?

Or wait until they tape my mouth
and cut my tongue, close the case.

Oh, then it will be too late.
It will be a bit too late, I'm afraid.
Jeremy Betts Jan 30
{revised version}

You're back to question me
About this litny of negativity
To discover who or what misled me
But I know exactly who done it
Let me clear up the conspiracy theory
Place me in font of a mirror and look closely
Who do you see?
That's correct, very good, but the rest of the frame isn't empty
Take notice of the oblivious guilty party directly behind me
Particularly the one with the nerve to be judging me
Let me get out of the picture so the visual can be absorbed entirely

🚫 the first half conflicts with the last half🚫

I wish it was as easy
As you say it should be
To discover who betrayed me
But I know exactly who done it, place me in font of a mirror and see
Last convo of the evening.. So Who/what keeps you grounded..?  What is the source of what you feel is the thing that makes you founded.., In your busy and your idle times..?  what helps you be the best of who you are.. And do questions from a online convo some one you never met make you get annoyed at said arrival.. Like dang why you asking and do you feel the questioner better answer you first before you do. Or even if they do you don't give sound minded details of what is significantly you...about you??  answer or not hope i make you think  and feel some emotions and some thing to ponder good or bad..
Past intro   Some..  Questions .. LIKE what keeps u grounded..
saying something.. is a powerful..
thing so make that saying worth something....
Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2022
I wonder how you are feeling exactly
If you miss taste of my lips
Say you care but I can't help but worry
To you I am just something broken to fix
Before it seemed like you were so into me but now it just seems like you want me to change before we even give it a try
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now In This Day And Age...  
of... Cancel Brigades... !?!  

You Can’t Afford To Be Afraid...  
To... HAVE YOUR SAY... !!!

Our...  Freedom of Speech...  
Is A Basic Right... RIGHT... ?!?
Or Is It Being DENIED...  
When Certain Websites...  
Are Now DICTATING...  
What People Are Saying...  
On Their Website Pages...  
From Average Heads...  
To... Ex-Presidents... !!!  
Free Speech Dumped...  
And Stumped Liked Trump... !!!  
When It Comes To Airing Views...  
That Don’t Have Proof...  
Or Hold Values...  
That Are Proved To Speak TRUTH...  
But... Is THAT TRUE... ?!?
Cos’ Who’s Fooling Who...  
When It Comes To The News... ?  
And Speech On Vaccines...  
Because Any Kind of Speech...  
Linking Them To 5G...  
Is QUICKLY Deemed...  
To Be Some Kind of THEORY...  
That Is... PURE FALLACY... !!!
And A Conspiracy That...  
Has NO Basis In FACT... !!!
But That Shouldn’t Mean...  
That Those Whose Beliefs...  
Do Not Agree...  
With Those Who Lead...  
And Speak On TV...  
Now Should NOT Be Heard...  
Or Be Allowed To Be Seen... !?!  
So Folks HAVE YOUR SAY... !!!  
..... WITHOUT DELAY..... !!!  
Because It’s Okay To Disagree...  
With Mainstream Teams...  
And What They MANDATE... !!!
As Well As DICTATE...  
Pretty Much EVERYDAY... !!!
Into Peoples Pysches...  
And In Turn Their Mind States...  
As Being What’s RIGHT...  
And The Truth About Why...  
We’re Needing Lockdowns...  
And Vaccinations To Get Around...  
And Have Vacations In NICE Locations... !!!  
So... HAVE YOUR SAY...  
Because THEY Have THEIRS... !!!  
Those With FAME...  
And These WEALTHY Heirs... !!!  
Who Speak FREELY...  
EVEN When Their Speech...  
Is HATEFUL And MEAN... !!!!!  
Like PM’s... MP’s...  
And Presidents Seen...  
In... TWENTY TWENTY... !!!  
And As For The Blender...  
of Modern Day Genders...  
Are People NOT FREE...  
To Air The Kind of Speech...  
That Doesn’t Agree...  
With How They Be... ?!?  
Anti Hate Laws...  
Have Come QUICKLY... !!!  
While Racists Seem...  
To Just Make Apologies...  
And Don’t Get As Much Grief...  
From These Cancel Police...  
When They Use Terms...  
Like... “ Piccaninnies “... !?!
Double Standards And...  
...... MUCH HYPOCRISY...... !!!
Go With Policies...  
That Now SUDDENLY...
Have Come To The FORE...  
In A Time Where Disease...  
Than Economies... !!!  
Freedoms SHREDDED...  
Whilst Normalcy’s Presented...  
... In A Whole NEW Way... !!!  
So HAVE YOUR SAY... !!!  
Before It’s TOO LATE... !!!  
And BEFORE Things Sway...
Towards Police States...  
Being What We Face...  
ALL OVER The Place... !!!  
Don’t Delay And Wait...  
When You Are Told...  
To Keep Your Mouth Closed...  
By Those Who Control... !!!  
Who Don’t Seem To Know...  
How They Should Behave...  
In Political Zones... !?!  
They’re Being Exposed...  
And Being Shamed...  
More And More Nowadays... !!!
So Before They Make Claims...  
And Laws That Change...  
How People Can Relate...  
Their Views On Their Ways...  
And Demands That They Make...  
That Are Found To Be FAKE... !!!
Don’t Make The Mistake...  
of Choosing To WAIT...  
Because Your AFRAID...  
To Voice Your Opinion...  
On Things Like Dominion...  
Gender And Prescriptions...  
Now Causing Divisions... !!!  
I Suggest You Make SURE...  
That You DO NOT DELAY...  
When It Comes To The FREEDOM...
..... “Have Your Say”..... !!!
When it comes to freedom of speech, it should never have become, one rule for one, whilst being different for another !

So, as the poem suggests, have yours, before you can't !
hazem al jaber Sep 2021
Say ...

say more ...
even write ...
more letters ...
and words ...
Weave out more ...
more thoughts ...
to get verses for the poetry ...
of my feelings ...
until you drive me...
as crazy ...
to spend with it ...
all my day roaming ...
see nothing ...
from this world ...
only you ...
who i'm run for ...
madly with no mind...
with a heart ...
only loves you ...

say sweetheart ...
say please more ...
about the love...
and how much ...
you longs for me ...
since i said for you ...
about the love ...
that i got in you ...
and felt it ..
within your heart ...
for me...

please say ...
be more clear ...
don't get me confused ...
i'v been from waiting ...
for your answer ...
from the last night ...
waiting just ...
to hear only from you ...
to hear your heart ...
while it say ...
i love you ...

say it sweetheart ...
to put the smile ...
at my face...
to change my life all...
while i'm hearing you ...

just say it please ...
to tell you ...
what i hide inside my heart ...
only for you ...

hazem al ...
Daisy Ashcroft Apr 2021
i don’t ever listen
to anything you say.
i can’t help it
when your smile turns my way.

how do you expect me to hear
the words you’re directing to me,
when a laugh accompanies it
and it’s all i can see?
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