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Spear 7d
He believes he is not ready
Yet he doesn't see how much shes adores him
He says he couldn't afford a relationship
Though he doesn't know she would be fine staying exactly how they are
With the late night phonecalls randomly and there letting each other know when they'll be unavailable
She loved how he seems to remember the small little things from their conversation
She loves how he has the same interest as her
But she cannot say she loves him though. Because that takes much more time to know.
She knows she adores him with her whole heart but never tell him
anita Jul 14
beautiful boy with the golden eyes
please don’t make me cry
the weight of your words changed my life
these feelings I have
I’ve never felt til tonight
in this moment it’s like suicide
taking my life
the decision’s all mine
I suppose it’s a toxic love
that’s really all I know
but I’m in it til the end
I won't let go
can't seem to quit you.
Jamesb Jul 11
I have given you the bakery,
The flour mill,
The barn,
I have passed the keys and title
To these allegories of
My heart entire,
Placed them in your care,
Expecting the deeds to your
Estate at some point in return,
Your physicality,
Your romance,
And your desire and yet
Your response is nary
A crumb,
Let alone a slice or a loaf
From even my own oven,
The flour that I have planted and grown,
And harvested and milled,
All counts for nowt,
So I'm folding those deeds away now,
And watching and waiting
To see what crop
You choose to reap instead,
What crop,
Which farm,
And indeed with whom.
This comes from an unexpected image arising in one of "those" conversations. As this poet at least has a habit of, I have rolled the dice beyond what actually happened. This verse is the result.
Florist Dan Jul 10
I don't know when you will be mine,
Or when you will be with someone else.
But in my heart, I love you,
Yet my mind tells me that it's unrequited.

I stand on the precipice of my feelings,
Torn between the desire to confess
And the fear of rejection.
The words I long to say
Are trapped in the corridors of my heart,
Echoing in the silence of my solitude.

Every time I see you,
My heart beats a symphony of hope and despair,
A melody only I can hear.
I cherish the moments, the fleeting glances,
The smiles that light up my world,
Yet leave me yearning for more.

My mind, ever practical, warns me,
"This love is unreturned, unspoken, and unfulfilled."
But my heart, filled with passion and dreams,
Whispers, "Hold on, perhaps one day..."

I watch as you walk away,
Hand in hand with fate,
While I remain in the shadows,
Bound by the chains of my unvoiced love.

I dream of the day I can tell you,
The day my courage overcomes my fear,
But until then, I live in this silent reverie,
Loving you from afar,
A love that gives me strength and breaks me all at once.

For now, my love remains a secret,
A beautiful yet painful secret.
I love you yet, I can't tell you.
And so, I continue to wait,
Hoping that one day, you might see me,
And hear the unspoken words of my heart.
Jamesb Jul 7
I have said I love you
So many times,
Yet that was not enough,
I have changed my very
Heart and soul
To return the real me,
That too was not enough,
I have buttled and battled
For you and for us,
Put self last and
Impoverished myself,
Even so twas not enough

Til now as if waking,
The worried words of friends
Break through,
Ring true,
For all that I
Poured myself out
Over and into you,
The return on my investment,
Love and heart and soul,
That return - requited nurture,
That visceral need for me,
That love returned,
It is actually THAT



Sometimes realisations can be painful
Unknown Jul 6
The girl's heart fluttered with bittersweet desire, Caught in a love that she couldn't acquire. She cherished their talks, each word they exchanged, But longing for more, her heart remained pained.

She admired the woman's commitment and grace, But yearned for a love she couldn't embrace. In her heart, a battle, love against reason, A friendship tested, with emotions to season.

Yet, through it all, their friendship prevailed, Supporting each other, even when love sailed. For sometimes, love takes different forms, And true friendship weathers life's storms.

So, they continued to talk, day after day, Sharing their lives in their own special way. The girl's love may have been unrequited, But their friendship, forever united.

In this tale of love and friendship's embrace, A girl's heart finds solace in a sacred space. For in the bond they share, come what may, Their connection endures, come what may.
Throughout the life of this lonely traveler, one thing has been true.

No one knows the burdens of a truthful, man.

Women pine, quake and laugh about the piteous concerns, and lies of, men.

But, no man has ever exposed the truth of women and their lies.

Clothes to cover up, aging flesh, morose temperament, and the scars of woe & wrath.

Mascara, the dark filth of the earth, to cover tired eyes and the depth of secrets in the soul.

Paint, to cover the cracks of age, and the true doom of the beautiful, yet withering, rose that is youth.

White lies, that blind and twist the fabric of a man's sense of truth and wonder about his love.

The lies are small, the vanity deep, and the wrinkles like rivers that are of broken reason. Trickling; yet, like veins in the eye,

The blood of falsity bleeds deep into the twisted soul of the lying woman. The illusion.

The lies are. Small. Yet each day, each month, each year, they are built skyward, like bricks in a chimney.

The smoke from within is putrid and rife with the anger of misunderstanding and emotional vapor.

The chimneys I see reveal factories of deceit and compulsive irony. The make-up of woman-kind.

They beg for truth, yet hide everything but tears to the eyes of their coddled lovers.

Each man, a babe; helpless to the hammer and clock of heart break to come.

A woman will tell one lie to save your soul... then tell another, to sell it to carrion. The lost.

I am lost. I am a vulture to truth and I am sickened by the taste of greed for love.

They tell me, they hurt, because one man broke promises meant to churn the engines of love...

Yet they continue to stir the cauldron of their own false worries and stifle the honesty of love.

What do they want? My soul? My. Soul? I will give it. I will bury it in the grave of pity, I will.

I will shovel out all the hope, dreams and promises I have to give and empty out a nest; in there.

I have burrowed out the ache and the pain of the bricks and lies women have told me, just to make home for new residence.

When I watch the walls crumble from the coom and cuss, of their idiocy, I will simply clean up the mess.

I have no more to give, but what I hope to be and what I hope to have once I find the woman without lies.

Truth is, men are masters, 'because' of women. Physical strength is all that keeps them at bay, because they, once, slaved us to their needs, we tipped the balance and hold the chain of destiny, in hopes of taming the horses that pull the chariot of angels.

The woman I see, riding the chariot is fierce and bright, like the light that shines that forms the ever-present sun.

I watch her until she passes by and wait for an empty return.

As I am here, with an empty soul... For. New. Residence.

The emotional man, is whipped and beaten by that chariot-woman. She laughs and curses me into the dirt.

But, I stand up righteous in my pursuit for the honest woman. The 'giving' woman.

She waits upon the highest tower, letting down the chains of our bond, to give me flight to the heavens.

... Until then. I simply. Have.

No woman.
I wrote this poem on July 4th 2010, a day, that culminated a harrowing series of ten days, ten days that may be etched in my memory so long as I live.

I was delighted to find this and read this today because it reminded me of the sorrow I've held on to for so long regarding my relationships with women.

Regardless, I'm in better spirits today, and am in a more reasonable place to perceive and digest the anguish I felt in those days, and in the times that followed.

As always,

Another Birthday
Without You
I've had enough
The pain of unrequited Love


Hang about
It is all in your Head  
Just keep living how you Feel
Because your Love is the Real Deal

2 July, 2024
I think this is a *** Poem! LOL Happppppppppppy Birthday!
Mrs Timetable Jun 19
You made me
Put my heart away
I put it on the shelf
It kept wanting to jump back in
But you told it to stop
Hope and pray
You meant
Not yet
When you see unrequited love, you just want to fix it for them
relahxe May 26
In the depth of the night,
when the crickets and cicadas
are holding my pain,
and they chirp as each tear wets the pillow,
I would like for you to hold it too.

To be fully seen is to be
a closed book with a lock,
for he who has the key.
He who cannot wait for the night
to come and let his pain be held
and also hold hers.

He prepares himself and reads
a page or two a day,
immersing himself more and more
in the story of her.

To be fully seen is to know well—
he could grab a pen and scribble all over,
add a page or two,
write instead of you.
Yet give him the pain, and the pen and the markers,
excited to see what he'd do.

Because you have his book, too,
and all you want to do is highlight,
draw a rose or two,
plant a kiss or two,
where the scars are visible,
where the pages are torn.

When it feels like too much—
two people and two books—
to be fully seen
is what I am here for:
to open the book of my heart
and my life
with hands trembling,
with eyes caught,
with heart open.

Did you throw away the key?
Forget it...
I want to read your book, too.
For every page that ends with a question,
I'll make sure to add my answer to my book.

To be fully seen,
as a soul, naked,
floating in space,
with you,
you can let go,
with all my secrets,
with all my questions,
with my book.

You can tear it to pieces if
you so decide.
With my heart trembling,
and a bag of markers,
I'll return your book and the key
and be glad I was fully seen.
At least, I tried to be.

Sometimes, no matter how much you explain,
the person cannot read your book well,
nor remember the details
carefully underlined by you.

Maybe, just maybe, the closure is to see
it's not the quality of the book;
maybe the genre's just not his cup of tea.
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