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Caleb Kyme Jun 10
Went to California last week
My friends deserted me
And I was alone in the California desert
Broken heart and watery eyes

Then the sun smiled and said
It's okay
It's okay
It's okay to get a little lost sometimes

I went back and changed my name
I hoped they would not notice my problems
A fresh start in life is all I wanted
Forget all my problems in my diary

But she smiled and said
It's okay
It's okay
It's okay to get a little lost
Everyone gets lost sometimes
julius Feb 2023
3 breaths
Too late
I kept doubting
Moving only in my mind
My body, my sad corpse
Knows only (ab)u(se)
Is it too late
To break free (me)
Come clean
Hurt me
With a bullet
To the chest
Cellphone flashlight
Morphine shadow
Opioid dreams
****** sheets
I can’t be what you
Or i
break your heart and my mind
SelinaSharday Feb 2022
Waaater... wataaaa, waterrrr, running..
It represents healing and cleansing..
save(nurture) my nativity.. save my mentality save the soul in me.
My heart strings..
thoughtful gentle things.
My purest form it brings.
I can submerge in it all worldly activities..
hide me.. soak me, soak my actions..
cover reactions..
got some  water.. get ya some..
waterrrrrr, she's a wave of satisfaction. she's a mathematical a mystical rafter.
Shelter to seek after.
Water sets me free... water brushes.. water blows my knowledge.
It sustains my power...
Water is the mother of soul.
water cleanses makes us whole...
Ohhh Ohhh Ohhhh water..
drip drop waters what you got.
good what ya got..
It's everything...
Listen to It's.Water@soundcloud !!@It's.Water by SelinaRos3y
The poetry flow on water.. from birth to life surrounded in water, relaxing, hydrating and nourishing.. The water we need. To the symbolic spiritual supernatural Gift of water.. and the water we be.. The water of Life we need..
Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2021
the chitter chatter,
of the day,

are conversations of-
sun and rain,

that greeted the ground of,
this splendid rainy day.
julius Sep 2021
threading my fingers through your pink hair
warm silence rises out of open mouths
rose skin and water lilies float above water
basil Aug 2021
maybe if i could show people
the poems i wrote about them
i wouldn't need to write them at all
basil Aug 2021
i wear a bracelet i made
with rainbow beads around letters that spell out
"g a t s b y"
because we're both gay as ****
and i think i'm funny

you asked me if there was a
"n i c k"
pointing to my wrist
and i just blushed as i realized what you meant

because i wish it was you
i want you to be the nick to my gatsby
**** ******* STOP MAKING ME LOVE YOU *******!!

hazem al jaber Aug 2021
It's your gift ...

would you accept a gift ...
it's a red gift ...
stay between a ribs ..
beats with a nicely music ...
it beats ...
sings as a song ...
with your name ...
it's there ...
inside me ...
would you ...
accept my heart ...

it's the heart ...
heart of me ...
hidden for all ...
no one can see ...
except you ...
and only it ...
belongs for you ...
because it's you ...
and only you  ...
who you deserve ...
this gift ...
which it ...
part of me ...

would you accept my heart ...

hazem al ...
David P Carroll Apr 2021
I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for
The goodness in my life and
I cherish him in my heart
And I smile so bright
Praying to him every night
And he guide's me home
Safe and warm sheltered
From the evil coronavirus storm
And the lord Jesus Christ
Is my beautiful gift to our life
And all the blessings in my life
And his peace and love every day
And I am so very grateful today
To have the Lord Jesus Christ
In my heart every day.
Prayer 🙏🙏🌷🌷❣️
Thank You Fr Bill For Using My Prayer at church mass
julius Mar 2021
are fingers really tied
with red string?
and would you really listen
if i
tried to speak?

coughing up promises
i can never keep.
focusing on blue irises
that always weep.

not for me
and not for you
but for the scars
between us
a mushroom in a field of flowers
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