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Mishika 12h
I worship
The glass deity,
Inside the temple of insanity;
My temple of insanity.

With spirals for eyes,
And darkness for lips,
She shines in the moonlight.
My goddess, I bow to her.

She gazes
With eyes of pity,
Inside the temple of insanity;
My temple of insanity.

Her skin was glass
And I was oblivious to my nails.
Her blood bathed in the moonlight,
My goddess, please forgive me.

On her throne
I'm sitting,
Inside the temple of insanity;
My temple of insanity.
Who knows
how many
have been

Sprayed on,
and caked on,
and smeared on
for the purpose
of covering
the truth.

Oh ye who
through the ages
have done this,
your layers
be deep,
know this -

that the truth
will break though.
Not a thing
you can do.
For all
of the truth
is his.
Jaz 1d
A natural yet cruel reminder,
That we all have a hidden number.
Of decades, or years, or months, or days,
Left on this world, before we fade away.
“Grandpa had a fall in the middle of the night”.
And you start praying that he can win this fight.  
“Grandma has cancer and it’s terminal”
And you start hoping for a proper miracle.
“Your uncle Ben can’t walk without a cane”
And you start blaming God for all this pain.
I thought to change one hair tonight
from white to black, atop my head.
It seemed a try would be alright
while lying here upon my bed.
I called out to the powers that be
in all their forms amidst the sky,
but nothing changed at all for me
though I had given my best try.
I guess it’s human nature
to control the things at hand.
To try and make sure everything
works out the way you planned.
We swear upon by the heavens
and it brings down all the rain.
We swear upon the earth and find
it only leads to pain.
We swear upon our heads and find out
just how much we lack,
for we cannot so much as make...
one white hair turn to black.
... Ref Matthew 5:33-36
How vast is the reach of the universe wide?
How great be the distance between mind and eyes?
How far in both ways does the length of time go?
What distance exists between God and each soul?
Illusive the answer to each of these be.
Perspective controls how we think, what we see,
how we judge and interpret the concepts at hand,
the things we consider and just where we stand.
We all live in bubbles of what we believe.
We think we see what everybody else sees.
But that which we see at the end of the day
is through a glass, darkly, yeah just like they say,
and someday we’re all in for quite a surprise…
when we learn the distance between mind and eyes.

1 Corinthians 13: 10-12
God favoring us this year,
Locked in a way it appears,
You can not hold on to fear,
Its a different atmosphere,
All of these secrets crawling out from under the staircase, don't lose ya' peers,
The world ain't really ending , its nearly beginning,
We all gotta' try to get there,

Being as graceful as swingin like cindy , I know I shine like silk.
Rubbin them Vatican symbols off oreo cookies with no milk.
You don't wanna get in bed with that,
Instead of hatin' , research the facts,
they'll stay up late just to plot on you,
No Insomniacs,
We're born into it , we just love deceit.
Aware of things that we could never reach.

I'm sleep to da' , black men that don't treat their women right,
I'm sleep to da' , people that go out without a fight,
I'm sleep to da' , chaos that trump will bring in this country,
I'm sleep to da , women only wanting men just for money,
What is America ? I'm not American , very Indigenous,
Don't worry bout' what I got over here , mind ya' business,
think and over think , Don't be dumb, that'll cost you,
The one that walked out of the matrix, now they
behind you,

Being as graceful as swingin like cindy , I know I shine like silk.
Rubbin them Vatican symbols off oreo cookies with no milk.
You don't wanna get in bed with that,
Instead of hatin' , research the facts,
they'll stay up late just to plot on you,
No Insomniacs,
We're born into it , we just love deceit.
Aware of things that we could never reach.
Lizzie 3d
Friends go to church on Sundays and girl sleeps in.
Friends wear tiny little crosses on their necks and she wears nothing.
Friends believe in a divine, arbitrary, God and she believes in nothing.

“She is more of a scientific girl,” she says.
“God created the universe,” they say.
“The Big Bang created the universe.”
“Well, why did the Big Bang happen?” They ask.
“Scientists do not know but it is not because of a God,” she says.

Yes, she turns to science and friends turn to their tiny pretty cross necklaces.
She likes science because science is reliable. science is consistent, does not forget, does not lie, does not exile you for making one mistake.

Maybe that is why she does not believe.
Not because she thinks herself above them.

But because she is afraid.

“Do not fall for tricks of the devil,” they say but she has fallen for the snake's lies many of times and relished in it every. single. instance.

She is Eve and has taken from the poison tree again and again.
That is why she is afraid.
Because if Heaven is real then she would go to Hell.

“God is all forgiving,” they say.

Lies, Adam and Eve ended up lying in a pile of broken promises and death at the end, didn’t they?

If God was so forgiving, would he forgive her for having more sins than she does hairs on her head?
If God was so forgiving would he forgive her for losing faith?
If God was so loving then why would he curse her with this fate?

If God believed in love, why doesn’t he love her? Why does he not love me?
simmer 4d
Here alone in my thoughts
The place where I find comfort
I toil around

Keenly remembering thoughts that make my mind race
Enjoying my own company with the voice that echoes in my brain
That is until suddenly, reality shows its face

Leisure turns into chase
I find my self ducking and dodging
Revisiting that which was a peaceful place
Dashing to happy thoughts, desperate to get away
Once a playground, now used forcefully as a dire escape

But the truth is you can’t outrun the truth
Nor can you hide
And so in that realization I fell on my knees
I prayed to the one who listens
Whose burden is light
Then I stood up, looked it right in the face, and in total terror it ran from me

Why did it cower?
Such a long chase just to run
Just then a tap on my shoulder..
There He stood towering behind me
“Well done my good and faithful son”

And to think I was alone in these thoughts
Lengthier but worth the read
"Falling in love from across the table."

That Beautiful Day........

A beautiful day came to greet us, in the midst of our lives.
We were just ordinary friends, as we had always been.
You—the kind sister of my dear friend,
You arrived, and I joined on that day.

We chose a simple place to dine,
Just like how falling in love is simple.
With a simple person, in a simple way,
Sitting simply, speaking simply.

The world was bustling, yet time stood still.
Paused—just so I could gaze at you for a moment.
Through careful glances, I admired you.
That day, I fell in love… just a little.

Your smile and laughter remained constant,
Constantly pulling my gaze back to you,
Just to make sure—it was really you.
You, who melted my heart like water.

A whisper echoed softly within me:
"There she is… she has captivated you."
Oh sweet one, dearest woman,
A sweet blessing from God.
Thank you for gracing a moment of my life.
May we go further, beyond that day.

I have found Deogifta—God’s Gift.

Deogifta Graciani Lailossa🌻.
The poor have the good news proclaimed for them. We rejoice for the good news is upon us. The word of God is with us and in us and among us. God, help us recognize your presence, to slow down and stop being BUSY (Buried Under Satan's Yoke). Hurry is incompatible with love, and it is the great enemy of the spiritual life. Too busy to do the right thing and too busy to do what we need and ought to do. Love is time consuming!

Jesus is about slow and taking time. Why else would he offer us ETERNITY?
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