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๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ”Š­๐Ÿ‘งโ˜ โŒ
my faith is but a humble paper holder
-folding his promises, kept in my heart
as a place to keep safe. and in the stillness of prayer;
he finds me empty, an unguided river, drawing into
the void- so close to near death, listening to the life he speaks

he sees me as a pearlescent sunflower seed,
hiding in the darkness of earth, parched from living water,
his word overflowing; only to those willing to partake, to
receive a promise unseen- as like the physical appearance of faith

still, it roams in the air; shapeless, always
staying the same- always there, until forever
as the weather is a teacher to seasonally help me
master weathering through oneโ€™s many, many
situations; I know my faith will be with me come time or tides
Zywa 2d
God remains unseen,

He disguises himself to --

do the things He does.
Story "Hypnerotomachia Poliphili" ("Poliphilo's Strife of Love in a Dream" / "The Dream of Poliphilus", 1499, Francesco Colonna), first book, chapter 10 - About queen/goddess Telosia

Collection "Unseen"
On a crisp autumn evening, in your warmth I find,
A paradise surpassing what heaven designed
In the quiet spaces between our whispers,
I find solace in the trust that lingers.
In the garden of our love, where skies are blue.
Just like Adam trusted Eve, I trust you,

The heavens may brand us as sinners, it's true,
But what's sin to the depth of me and you?
The first sins were woven in trust's embrace,
Where the forbidden fruit met loveโ€™s tender grace.

They trusted, as do I, with every chance,
Though rules may crumble, and judgments glance.
Perhaps our love defies the heavens' perfection,
Perhaps we offend Gods with our affection,
But our love's essence outshines any celestial objection.

Why seek heaven's glow in distant height,
When beside you, my love, is my purest light?
Because what has heaven got that I can't find right here with you?
Steeled by the sense of ire unmerited,
Half-eased in that a Powerfuller than I
Has willed and meted me the tears I've shed,
I clench my fist and shake it at the sky

And at the vengeful God who hammers me,
Delivering the blows that break my brain;
The God who finds his deepest ecstasy
In violencing my life with blinding pain;

Who laughs and says, "Thou suffering thing, declare
If thou hast understanding: Who hath laid
The measures of the earth's foundations?  Where
O where wast thou, O man, whenas I made
The cloud the garment of the sea?  How dare
Thou, foolish man, thy maker to upbraid?"
Compare "Hap" by Thomas Hardy

O Lord, Thou art exalted in the heavens,  
Thy majesty is beyond the realms of men.  
With awe and reverence, we lift our voices,  
For Thy greatness is unsearchable and vast.

Thou art the Creator of the earth and sky,  
Thy hand hath shaped the mountains high.  
From the depths of the oceans to the starry dome,  
All creation proclaims Thy sovereign throne.

In the stillness of the night, Thy presence is known,  
Thy light guides us as the sun's rays have shown.  
Thy wisdom doth adorn the world in beauty,  
And Thy love doth bestow grace and mercy.

We are humbled by Thy boundless power,  
Thy righteousness and justice are our strong tower.  
Thou, O Lord, art our shield and our guide,  
In Thee, we find refuge, where we confide.

Praise be to Thee, Almighty God on high,  
Forever may we lift our hearts and eyes.  
Thy name be hallowed, Thy glory proclaimed,  
For Thou art eternal, and ever unchained.

Let the heavens declare Thy wondrous deeds,  
And the earth rejoice in all that it needs.  
O Lord, our God, Thou art worthy of praise,  
In every moment, and all our days.

#GOD #glorification #worship #worshipday #holyday #praise #Cloudnines #Amen #C9fm
Holy ghost inspired.

The foundation was laid
And I was named to be a building โ€”
Dignified by the strength of my Masterโ€™s identity
And nurtured by His love that will last forever.

I played a role of hide and seek
And the long years built me
Where my facade dealt the beauty of the dust.
And the ashes of my ancestor
Were the old pieces of the bigger masterpiece.

A sculpture was born but it was unfinished
The lens of my Master was more than a promise,
And I aim to be whoever He wants me to be.
His burning arrows pierced me from within
Changing me as He leads me to the still waters.

Thereโ€™s no wasted time in His loving arms
And yet I fall short of his glory from time to time,
Turning from left to right,
Side by side failing like a falling debris
But still, He picked me up from the dust.

I used to think that a building owns itself โ€”
But itโ€™s a revelation of time
Reminding me that I am not well-maintained
In the shadows of my own strength.

The sand of time even worshipped the rising Sun
And so here I am โ€” waiting to be built again.
And if I am to spend another life
Then I would not waste a lifetime away from Him.
Michael Ryan Jul 17
Gnash and Gnaw
a story book
of semantically related tales.

Troublesome twosome
words that stitch
a crossword of misrepresentation.

Incredibly Inedible
of unrequited dining.

Grotesque - ******
struggles of theocracy.

Grace and _
spared from false
Leftover words from a struggle-some few day.  Nothing has gone wrong, other than thinking/hoping each car I drive by might veer in my direction when I am alone.
The Holy Temple
The Holy Father
The Holy Grail


Fear Man Not
Fear Only The Lord

Together We Stand
Together We Fall

May The Word of God
May The Faith
Bring Us Into Fruition
With No Temptation

Before Evil
Before Sin
Before Death


Peace Eternally
Peace for Eternity
Peace Be Upon Us

Let Us Be Saved
Thank You
Bless You
I Love You
Faith in The Law of The Holy Kingdom
O Lord, I am thy workmanship;
ย ย ย ย ย And shall the *** of clay
ย ย ย ย ย Unto the potter say,
Dash me to dust, for I've a chip?
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Nay.

Perhaps the potter uses scraps
ย ย ย ย ย For purposes the ***
ย ย ย ย ย Would likely like a lot
If he but knew.ย ย Perhaps.ย ย Perhaps
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Not.
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