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George Krokos Sep 2024
From yesterday and today rises the hope for tomorrow
by which that day may bring an end to human sorrow.
But though this will seem to some now a very long way off
true faith is known to work wonders so we shouldn’t scoff.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's
Sep 2024 · 943
Love And The Weather
George Krokos Sep 2024
It's cold in the morning
without you my love
as the day is dawning
with light from above.

My dreams have been of you
so now are my thoughts:
at times we all go through
our life out of sorts.

That time spent together
did not really last
because of the weather
which came like a blast.

I long to be with you
with all of my heart
and hope you will be too
like after our start.

You know how it was then
at our first greeting
for we gave ourselves ten
on that chance meeting.

It seemed our time had come
to be together
as it happens for some
who brave the weather.

Those storms of life often
are too rough to bear
and some seek to soften
the road getting there.

You had to forgive me
when I doubted you
and this I found to be
as our love was true.

The people around us
don't have much to say
they're likely to cause fuss
and then move away.

I have always been yours
since the day we met
so for us to hold scores
is not that well set.

You're my life's one true love
and I'm not guessing:
you were sent from above
with the Lord's blessing.
Written in June '24. A difficult to write love poem as it went through a few drafts right up until just before posting.
George Krokos Aug 2024
The mirror we look into always has two sides:
one is a mere reflection while the other hides.
From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Aug 2024
Man's salvation is
compromised by ignoring
the voice of conscience
A Senryu written late '21.
George Krokos Aug 2024
There was once a time when you could drink
some cool and clean water at the local stream.
But now you either have to wonder or think
whether that was not out of a distant dream.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's
Aug 2024 · 472
The Martial Artist
George Krokos Aug 2024
A trained martial artist knows how to move
because that is the way he's able to groove.
He often turns quickly and looks all around
then at times jumps or leaps off the ground.
Balanced and ready to show one his skill
by these movements he is able to thrill.
You can easily get captivated by his speed
which seems so very impressive indeed.
A swift block, ****** or kick he deploys
all the measures of self defense employs.
It's amazing what a disciplined life can do
as both the body and mind will benefit too.
Written in the 2nd half of 2020.
George Krokos Jul 2024
The future foretold
is now passing before us
who is there to blame?
A Senryu written in late '21.
George Krokos Jun 2024
Technology and mass production
may be the cause of man's destruction.
From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
George Krokos Jun 2024
The rolling ocean of time appears so vast
that who knows how far back into the past
it extends and of our present moment only being
just a slight impression on its shores we’re seeing
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's
Jun 2024 · 517
Posture Minder
George Krokos Jun 2024
Sit, stand up and walk straight
and don't you ever wait
or else be seen here late
for it's all now our fate
mankind's most evolved state
humanity's last gait.
Written in late '23.
Jun 2024 · 469
Autumn's End
George Krokos Jun 2024
Winter is almost here as
the days are getting colder
and Autumn has left its mark
we need to be much bolder
if we're to get through its stark.
Written towards the end of Autumn 2023.
Apologies for the delay in posting this as it seems I've slowed right down a lot.
May 2024 · 554
Tired of Living?
George Krokos May 2024
What!? You say you're tired of living,
well, I think I know what you mean
as I also don't regard myself being
particularly, at all now, very keen.

The last couple of years have taken their toll on me
so much so that its become obvious for any to see.
The affairs of this world are just one thing I've considered
but what are the things I've done which haven't delivered?
Written in 2023.
A reflection on my current health condition and well being.
George Krokos May 2024
Nature responds by
extreme weather conditions
to man's transgressions
A haiku written in late 2021.
George Krokos May 2024
Keep away from bad company if you want to see the new day
as dark clouds will quickly gather to drive the light of hope away.
From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
George Krokos May 2024
It’s usually better to be safe than sorry
is what you hear some people often say
because it eliminates a lot of the worry
that may come into their lives each day.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's
George Krokos May 2024
A prologue
The dialog
Sleep like a log
Work like a dog
Look like a ***
Stuck in a bog
As thick as fog
Rich as eggnog
A wooden clog
The gear’s cog
Croak like a frog
Let’s go for a jog
Tastes like grog
Eat like a hog
It needs a flog
Something’s agog
Give it a slog
It smells like smog
Check out the blog
See the vlog
A monologue
The epilogue
A bit of creative humor. Written a few years ago as a distraction to see how many words ending with 'og' I could come up with.
Apr 2024 · 701
Existential Concerns
George Krokos Apr 2024
I just don't seem to get enough of Your love
which is a matter I need to remind You of;
life in the world is not the best at this time
there is so much going on that's like crime.

The pandemic unleashed is still causing pain
though some people are finding ways to gain;
it seems human ingenuity comes to the fore
as channels are opened up for some to explore.
Written in early 2022.
George Krokos Apr 2024
The earth is changing
into a turbulent world
by man's heedlessness
A haiku written in late 2021.
George Krokos Apr 2024
It’s liquid or water that always flows
and so in a downward direction goes.
Though never upward is also well known
unless by evaporation or force it’s thrown.
This may not be entirely true as water can also stay in one place and become stagnant but initially it would've had to flow or fall into that place and then begins the slow process of evaporation.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's
George Krokos Apr 2024
There's a light that one can see within the darkness of their mind
a glorious radiance which can be seen with love and tears to bind.
From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
Apr 2024 · 523
Keep Away From These Things
George Krokos Apr 2024
Sugar and spice
and some things nice;
are not too good
to have as food.
1. Refined carbohydrates: in the form of
    a. white sugar
    b. white flour
    c. white rice
(avoid the above or anything made with them as much as you possibly can)
2. Cigarette Smoke
3. Soft Drinks
4. Alcoholic Drinks
5. Junk Food
6. Common Table Salt
7. Bad Company
8. Sedentary Lifestyle
9. Food Additives: in the form of
    a. artificial colors and flavors
    b. preservatives
10. Overindulgence in ***
11. Not enough sleep
12. Drugs
My little take on certain things to avoid as or in food and even beyond. The proof is in the pudding; though some things are said to be OK taken in moderation, but their continual consumption / participation in can be a cause for addiction leading to chronic health conditions - both physical and mental.
George Krokos Nov 2023
Where small minds gather there is bound to be
trouble brewing and people who don't see.
From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
George Krokos Nov 2023
When the loss of a loved one causes you much grief
and so you can’t for a while seem to find any relief,
it’s very likely that you have been too long attached
and possessiveness must now be in ways dispatched.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's
George Krokos Nov 2023
When mankind plays with
nature certain things go wrong
history does tell
A Senryu written late in 2021. Inspired by the Corona Virus and other catastrophic events of human history.
Nov 2023 · 1.2k
Life at a Glance
George Krokos Nov 2023
Life is just a long or short journey,
for every creature in this world,
that includes birth, growth, death
and reincarnation or rebirth in the
One and only Infinite Being
of Eternal Conscious Existence or God,
where the main real objective and purpose of it is
for God to realize and know Himself,
through that of all of His
highest evolved forms in creation,
which are human beings,
be it any man or woman,
by a process of Involution and Realization
as being Omnipresent, Infinite and Eternal
and to experience,
for those who attain the goal;
which can only be attained here on the earth,
the infinite divine power, knowledge, love and bliss,
which are all the very essence and true nature
of That Indivisible and Unfathomable Creator.
Written Nov'2016. Inspired by an artist's painting that was commissioned by Meher Baba, a spiritual master of the 20th Century, to go with his book titled 'God Speaks' which is one of the 10 books listed that have really helped me to shape and inspire my life to understand the world and the hidden spiritual path that all human beings are indeed traveling on.
George Krokos Nov 2023
With the moon and sun
nature's quite remarkable
on both all wonder
Written in 2021
George Krokos Nov 2023
.........and helped to shape your life.

I got this idea from another website a few years ago and thought it would be interesting to post here as well.

Name 10 books that have most inspired and helped to shape your life and if possible in a few words say why.

For me they have been:
1. Autobiography Of A Yogi (In fact all books by Paramahansa Yogananda)
2. New Testament (Including The Psalms and Proverbs)
3. The Bhagavad Gita
4. The Holy Science by Sri Swami Yukteswar - the guru of Yogananda
5. The Science Of Breath by Yogi Ramacharaka
6. Discourses by Meher Baba
7. God Speaks by Meher Baba
8. Play Of Consciousness by Swami Muktananda (also Siddha Meditation by the same author)
9. The Tao Of Physics by Fridjof Capra
10. Cosmic Consciousness by Richard M. Bucke

Not only did the above books inspire me but they also helped to shape my life by offering an alternative world view about a lot of things that we hardly ever hear about and namely that there is a real mystical path towards realization of the purpose and goal of one's life and the way to achieve that end. In effect I can literally say that they blew my mind and have formed a solid inspirational basis for some of the poetry and prose writings that I've posted on the internet over the last several years. There are however many other books which I have also read and studied over the years (by quite a few classical and mystical poets/writers) that come very close, but the 10 books that impressed and stand out most in my mind are those listed above.

What are the 10 books in your life?
Written back in 2015
Upon specific request a more detailed description will be given on any of the above titles. One may even find, needless to say, a description of each of the above titles on the internet.
George Krokos Nov 2023
When criminal activity at a place doesn't cease
all the people will never enjoy any lasting peace.
From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
George Krokos Nov 2023
One may have to sacrifice a lot just to gain only little
and what this will demand would be a big committal.
But when one sacrifices a little and happens to gain a lot
it could be a very fortunate life which that person has got.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
Nov 2023 · 882
Money And Water
George Krokos Nov 2023
Money can be like water as it flows through our hands
and the more we have to do with it the more it demands.
Money seems like water as it passes between our fingers
and the longer we have to deal with it the more it lingers.
Money is like water as it's grasped with our hands
and the firmer we hold it the more it withstands.
Written in 2020
A comparison of money to water in 3 couplets.
George Krokos Nov 2023
Natural forces
are becoming more hostile
due to climate change
A Haiku. Written in 2021.
Nov 2023 · 1.4k
The Ocean and the Wave
George Krokos Nov 2023
You are the Ocean and I am the wave
moving in tandem as if I'm Your slave.
I rise and fall according to Your will
though once in a while I'm kept very still.

I have no real life without Your sanction
which now seems to be like a distraction.
There are so many others just like me
and I wonder somehow if they agree.

In this manner You just do as You please
and deploy us all with surprising ease!
Our goal seems to be on reaching the shore
then return back to You again for more!

The presence of the moon has much to say
with what goes on Your surface every day.
Its influence is more than we'd suspect
and has to be treated with some respect.

Beyond are other worlds and stars in space
along with the sun which dictates the pace.
They're orbs of living wonder in that sky
and cast their shadows if we care to pry.

How unenlightened seems this life of ours
when we consider how we pass the hours.
For our days are numbered lest we forget
but through One's realization some are set.

There isn't much else now that can be said
before a time comes and we're all but dead.
We can only hope that we've done no harm
on the Ocean's surface that's full of charm.
Written Dec.'22.
Nov 2023 · 1.3k
Just Another Dream
George Krokos Nov 2023
I once had a dream about what I would like to be
but the dream's still being realized in life to see.
To date I now find myself having a poet's brain
and a passenger traveling in an outbound train.
The carriage I occupy is starting to break down
and I wonder how much longer it will be around.
Though it's better to always keep a positive mind
and not let the devil of despair to rob you blind.
The life we're all living now is just another dream
of that Infinite Existence in the flowing stream
of Its own imagination which has no real end
apart from the limiting state we all try to rend.
Only a few ever come to know about this game
that is played out within a holographic like frame
which includes all dualities of form and substance
created to express Its own boundless abundance.
The illusion's needless to say so very well done
that we are all caught up in it and try to have fun;
going from one extreme to another as we live
in mastering the art of how to love and forgive.
Written in Feb.'22.
Another one of those existential, mystical and philosophical type poems.
George Krokos Nov 2023
If we give out love
it will all come back again
many times over
A Senryu with some loving advice. Written in 2021.
Nov 2023 · 1.8k
Angel Of Light
George Krokos Nov 2023
The ascending angel of light
rises from the dark in the night
displaying colors that are bright
and is seen by awakened sight.

None may ever see its glory
unless proven to be worthy
and in their daily life's story
win at God's Grace a priori.
The above poem was written to go with an original graphic art piece posted on another website many years ago. If anyone would like to see the art piece just use the link address below by copying it in your browser to view.
Nov 2023 · 659
Rogue Nation
George Krokos Nov 2023
Shame on that country as future history will show
what it had done to the world as it began to grow;
ignoring those standards of international laws
going about its own business unmindful of flaws.

Many of the other countries it shared borders with
had complaints to make against it that were in a pith;
related to its intentions towards them that seemed
to be hostile beyond those they apparently deemed.

The global community began to be alarmed
when that country's military build-up was armed
and ready to take on any other State around
that so tried to restrict it from gaining further ground.

Regarding itself as having gained the upper hand
in the area around most of the sea and land;
ready to defend its own interests and portion
by building fortifications as a precaution.

Together with a pandemic started on its shores
and allowed to spread abroad before closing its doors
hesitating to inform the world of the virus
that was going to infect people and to harm thus.

Done for economic and strategic advantage
as the virus has spread all over the worldly stage
pushing most countries into a recession these days
being reminiscent of old times the past displays.

It seems that the ball started rolling at the end of
a trade war between it and the U.S.A. to shove
that country and any other out of the way and
to show it also really had Trump's winning card hand.

One of its main objectives was to just gain Taiwan
an island country near its shores as part of its plan
having similar ethnicity but different
in political ideology it was bent.

The tables have been turning against it for a while
as the world now looks on at the extent of its guile
for those countries that've been affected will decide
what actions to take in curbing this rogue nation's stride.

A worst case scenario would be another war
if too many thresholds for either side slam a door
into each one of their faces as they'll test the throng
and spy on what the other's doing in case it's wrong.

In order to avoid such a dire confrontation
both sides must employ high level communication
in the field of diplomacy where it's most concerned
to resolve all those issues so the world won't be burned.

The situation above may remind us about
those preceding years of the second world war to flout
that mankind doesn't need to go down this road again
unless our life and survival on earth we disdain.
Written in Oct'21.
There shouldn't be any doubt about which country is being referred to here.
A similar correlation can be said about Russia together with the outbreak of war instigated between it and the Ukraine. The war between Israel and Hamas is different but still exhibits extreme rogue like behavior by Hamas in provoking the conflict. Other nations that may fit the description of the title of this poem are North Korea, Iran and Iraq, perhaps others as well.
George Krokos Nov 2023
To survive one must
observe discipline in life
regardless of wealth
This is a Senryu as it deals with human nature. I've got all my Haiku's and Senryu's together written one after another and may have to go back and rename or re-title what I've already posted like this one above.
Nov 2023 · 1.2k
{the} Manimal
George Krokos Nov 2023
Man is still very much like an animal though he has a human form
and continues to evolve with the passage of time which is the norm.
He has arrived with the impressions that are of the lower creation
to erase them from his psyche as he moves up to a higher station.
The various races of people in the world give an indication of this
by the way they live and eat or means of survival we can't dismiss.

There's also the observation that some people look like animals
perhaps due to a strong relationship, in past lives, to those in stalls;
a few similarities can be seen in the behaviour and existence
of some people to creatures of a lower form with consistence.
It's likely here that a human soul in the reincarnating phase
is still shedding impressions according to this theory we praise.

However, nature's provided man with ways of progressing higher
developing and cultivating his mind and intelligence to go further.
By overcoming those obstacles which hold him down to the earth
he's able to rise above his lowly origins that come with his birth.
This creative evolutionary push seems to have favored certain people
for we only have to look around in the world regardless of any steeple.

There's also the little known factor of the ages which the earth goes through,
together with the rest of the solar system, that are not obvious to view.
For the earth and the rest of the planets revolve around the sun we know
but what does the sun together with all the planets revolve around and go?
Science hasn't yet found out apart from the center of our milky way galaxy
which is what everything else in it happens to do as well for it's a guarantee.

These ages numbering four last for about twenty four thousand years
as the sun revolves around something greater than itself and so bears
the weight of responsibility for what goes on within its own domain
much like the seasons of the year that on the earth we know to sustain.
For as the sun moves closer* to its center of orbit there's a gradual change
that goes on within the mind of man and his environment of a huge range.

The rise and fall of all those past civilizations is a good indication of this
with the current advancement in technology we're also unable to dismiss.
For we're all going through an acceleration in the acquisition of knowledge
that's being revealed as we move into the present age with all our baggage.
And until we reach the saturation point that may just be a long way off yet
we'll continue to evolve and find things out that hopefully we won't regret.
Notes: *or further away from.
Written Dec'22. This could be one of the most challenging philosophical poems anyone may read. I sincerely hope that no one is offended but the subject matter is not meant to be racist as we're all in the same boat of existence in one way or another moving forward with an evolutionary push. As far as the mention of any Ages that the Earth passes through I've written another poem titled: 'The Mystery of the Four Ages' which explains a little more about these 'Ages' and has also been posted on HP for some time. My main objective is to inform about things that I've found out about and believe to be true unless proven wrong for this is part of the push that we're all going through to find out about the truth of our existence and which fascinates me.
Nov 2023 · 2.0k
Worst Case Scenario
George Krokos Nov 2023
You and I will most likely be gone as there'll be hardly anyone else around
without a building left standing, to be seen, anywhere near on the ground.
There'll be chaos and destruction wherever one may happen to look about
with the screams of women and children heard from afar in pain no doubt.
The voices of men crying together with words mumbled in resignation
addressed to a deity that had been forsaken long ago in condemnation.
Days of the future foretold now are passing under cover of a blackened sky
with the smell of smoke and ashes slowly rising from the ground to pry.
The earth as it has been known in people's memories now exists no more
and former things of beauty loved been shattered to pieces on the shore.
Hopelessness and helplessness are words to express the current situation
with no effort on anyone's part to make amends in a general desperation.
The howling of many dogs and other creatures can also be heard as well
with the sound of rolling thunder fading in the distance is a story to tell.
Flashes of lightning seen in the clouds above add a surreal touch to be
made out or viewed like it's doomsday come at last for those left to see.
With the earth itself trembling from all the current devastation around
there's no one to speak words of comfort to subdue the noise profound.
Like a worst case scenario the images will be etched in the hearts 'n minds
of all those who've remained alive, in one piece, the way that true guilt binds.
Written in Dec'22. I once read a similar poem by a female poet many years ago on another website to which I commented saying it was too negative and pessimistic but these days views expressed on such topics are becoming more commonplace even with me trying to imagine what may never happen. Or is it happening now? Hmm...............
Oct 2023 · 1.6k
Quatrain #422 - The Phoenix
George Krokos Oct 2023
The phoenix is a bird said to rise from its own ashes
being a symbol of immortality and spiritual rebirth.
So life in this world undergoes many similar flashes
which determine the degree and quality of our mirth.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
Oct 2023 · 569
A Way of Looking
George Krokos Oct 2023
Looking back at what's happened is hindsight
looking into the present moment is insight
looking ahead into the future is foresight
but looking in all three ways at once
is all-seeing; OMNISCIENT and
the way that God would see.
Glory and praise to You
Oh Lord. Please bless,
guide and protect
us all now and
forever more
Written early October '23.
The last seven lines in the form of acknowledgement and prayer added while posting.
Oct 2023 · 1.7k
A Prayer Poem
George Krokos Oct 2023
Do not ever forsake us dear Lord
even though it does appear at times
that we all do forsake Thee
but please, be with us always,
to guide, protect and heal,
wherever we are
for we all have a need to be.
Originally written and recited in the first person many years ago and still even these days due to it being etched in my mind. I've posted it here for anyone who might find comfort and solace with in these troubled times.
Oct 2023 · 497
George Krokos Oct 2023
Even if it's heads or tails
either side You always win.
Your own system never fails
ev'rything else wears out thin.
From 'The Quatrains' - #629, ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Oct 2023 · 421
Hope in Despair
George Krokos Oct 2023
What could've been never really was
but all of our hopes weren't quashed.
From 'Simple Observations' - S.O.#476, ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Oct 2023 · 738
George Krokos Oct 2023
If one person can do it then someone else will be able to as well
such is the range and scope of human ability we can surely tell.
From 'Simple Observations' - S.O.#458, ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Oct 2023 · 952
Blessed are they who ......
George Krokos Oct 2023
Blessed are they who are able and know how to truly help others for their motives stem from a sense of divine compassion deep in humanity's real heart.
Simple Observation #471. From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
Oct 2023 · 973
The Dabbler
George Krokos Oct 2023
Oh, it's in this area of love, I've been wounded too many times
that my heart has gone numb as I'm now left dabbling in meters and rhymes.
Simple Observation #465. From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
Oct 2023 · 678
Haiku #15 - Birds and Bees
George Krokos Oct 2023
The birds and the bees
are all at one with nature
living as they do
Written in 2020.
George Krokos Oct 2023
There are certain feelings in my heart that I won’t try to explain
which if I were to tell you about them you’d probably complain.
The well-springs of our heart run deep and determine how we live
meaning: if we don’t allow them to flow naturally hold us captive.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
George Krokos Oct 2023
The dogs of the world often bark at just about anything
even at all those people who can poetically sing.
From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
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