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Or get lost with the lord.
Go down the dark paths
With His light,
From the inside.
Get thrown into fire,
And come out cold.
Get tossed around, called *****
And walk out clean.
Touch once a stick,
But now a snake.
It's not rules,
But a veil torn open,
Giving a relationship.
A love undying, abiding.
But it will not be chosen
On a good day.
It's at your worst, in your room,
On your floor,
Crying, breaking down,
Soaring with sorrow,
Overwhelmed with pain.
This voice will call out,
They will touch you,
And speak.
“My child, you are safe.”
This voice will tell you,
This pain,
Puddle of tears and
Mistakes made.
It is all erased,
By His love.
Most think this experience
Will happen when you are okay,
Once you make it out of the fight
Stable, win your war.
But He is not that way.
He fights your fights and wins your wars.
He will pick up your sword,
When you have fallen.
When you give up,
And don’t want to even blink
When you’re curled into a ball
in your bed, or on your floor,
With scars and marks, blood dripping
Down your legs and arms.
Only then will he take you by your hand,
Heal your cuts, inside and out.
That is how, He works.
That is the difference between the world and Him.
The world will weigh you down over time,
The burden on your shoulders.
But He will be the unto your feet,
The burden and mistakes you carry
Will be released.
The devil will pound on you
And hammer at your heart
Until your fall, until you are shattered,
And the pieces are lost.
But, He will wait until you are done,
In your most vulnerable state,
To open your eyes and to drop the veil.
He will find those pieces that you thought
Were forever lost.
Becuase that,
Is who He is.
the lord is my savior from my darkest times, bad days, and good days too.
ime Oct 14
if your feeling down,
if your feeling happy,
if your feeling angry,
if your feeling nervous,
if your feeling thankful,

talk to God.
talk to our Lord.
thank our Lord.

find comfort in the fact that we are blessed,
that we are blessed with the world among us.

And when you take something for granted,
when you wake up,
when you get dressed,
when you go to school,
when you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
you are doing something that someone else in the world is praying for.

So thank the Lord,
remember that you are blessed.
Forgive your enemies, so that the Lord will forgive you for your sins at the gates of Heaven.
Live every day knowing that Jesus is holding your hand through everything,
and if you think no one is listening,
remember that God is.
ime Oct 14
I know that I love you still,
because every time I pray to the Lord,
your somehow in it.
Weaved into my prayers of health, my prayers of love, my prayers of happiness, is your name.
Because your somehow forever in my life, as a memory and as a figure, and I don't know how to accept that.
And even though I hate to admit it, I will pray for your love until the Lord pulls me the other way.
When I am so very easily moulded,
You use me,
And I am content when used,
That's the mystery of my nature,
I have a burning urge to be acknowledged,
You hear me my Lord,
And like the people,
you do not wish to listen,
You do not wish to acknowledge a fault in your making,
I am the fault in your making.
Broken and perturbed.
Let's go for a WALK, and
have us a LITTLE TALK
Please tell me WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND,
How are things in YOUR LIFE??
I hope their DOING GOOD,
PEACE and LOVE is what you SHALL FIND!!
I know things have BEEN ROUGH, but
I know that YOU'RE TOUGH
Don't ever let it BRING YOU DOWN,
Your TROUBLES will soon be GONE!!
LOVE and LIGHT is on your SIDE
For, the LORD will see you THROUGH
We have had a NICE TALK on this MARVELOUSLY DAY
Put it ALL in HIS HANDS and

Date 9/13/2024

!. O Lord, our God, how majestic is Thy name in all the earth!  
   Thy glory transcends the heavens and fills the expanse of creation.

!!. From the rising of the sun to its setting,  
   Thy faithfulness is proclaimed. Thy light guides us through every shadow.

!!!. Thou set the stars in their place and call each one by name.  
   In Thy wisdom, Thou shaped the universe and the world below.

!V. The mountains bow before Thee, and the seas roar with Thy praise.  
   All that Thou hast made speaks of Thy grandeur and Thy eternal power.

V. Thou art the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.  
   Thy sovereignty endures through all ages, unchanging and true.

V! . The heavens declare Thy righteousness, and the earth reveals Thy grace.  
   From the smallest creatures to the vast skies, Thy handiwork is evident.

V!! . Thou art our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble.  
   We lift our hearts in worship, for Thou art worthy of all honor and reverence.

V!!! . Let our lives be a testament to Thy glory,  
   Our words and deeds a reflection of Thy love and holiness.

X! . Praise be to Thee, O Almighty God, from everlasting to everlasting.  
   We exalt Thy holy name, now and forevermore.

X. Amen.
The praise of the ALMIGHTY
Nat Lipstadt Aug 16
don’t believe in
divine intervention,
but all~so(uls)
don’t believe in the
accidents of coincidence

the Pandora Box gods eavesdrop on my mind,
looking to match the music to my mood,
(box to box, they cruelly smile)
Providentially Provisioning
me with inspirational food.
to collect and let
what’s brewing,
stop stewing,
and come out
in a you know what…

that old song,
500 Miles,
returning, unplanned,
auto play repeatedly
entirely accidentally,
(U believe that?)
my mind keeps on
I’m up~blowing,
there’s unfinished business
a-firing, a forest fire
of a 500 miles~s-acred blaze,
the firemen intuit ‘tis
of a kind,
it can’t be stoppered
until you and it,
self extinguish, (ex~sting-you~ish (1))
burn itself,
outside inwards,
reverse phoenix,
not sparks left,
until it’s dead

and the song,
and it’s power o’er me,
** ** **, is un~finished
busine business,
having fun with
my undoing

Lord, I’m Two,
both of us,
in words unspoken,
know that the/a fragmentation
grenade that is my brain,
dancing on the thinner
red line that asunders me,
twice, into two unequal halves,
is inflamed, infected, dejected

Both of us,
hear that dog whistle
loud blowing
one inch, a salty pinch,
or even
500 hundred miles,
makes no difference,
cause Lord, I’m two

reminding how far I am
from my owning
my very own
personal homeland security,
complete with self-sourced,
sovereign jagged glass pieces,
intended to jag, jog, tear, penetrate, break, annoy, till~this line……ends
the errata of this man’s
quasi, semi, repeating
mess-ups, that are
erratically invoking
benedictional confessionals,
of poems unwrit

those I dare not,
until and unlest,
you board a plane
to come to save me

Lord, I’m Disordered,
Lord, I’m Three,
a trinity of Myself & I & Me,
siblings who just
can’t along,
but can’t barely survive,
as separate human beings,
for one cord connects us,
keeps attached like on a bus,
though at a modest
moderating distance,
cause the fights are

Lord, I’m
(yeah yeah Four, say no more,
just rap it up son,
there’s work to be done!)

am I finished being,
an unfinished being,
will I ever make it to Five,
get home, even barely alive,
Lord, will I ever be One,
just like you,
put together,
a jigsaw complete,
a whiskey neat,
a whiskered gnat,
a graybeard bit
of fluff
with a wide smile of a
Cheshire Cat?

give me sleep,
& poems born written
so alls that required is to just hit
a journey shelved,
ended before began,
a pieced together whole man,
give me rest,
eternal and blest,
make me an archaic kept,
in an archive slept,
and end this song,
with a fini
quietude & peace?

Sabbath Eve
- Av 12, 5784
- Aug. 16, 2024

(1) the proper pronunciation and,
ish is “man” in another tongue
(2) would I be less abnormal if I only wrote during daylight ?
Nat Lipstadt Aug 12
~for old, recovered, & new
tunes ‘n friends~

Lord I’m one…

the lovely old tune ease on in,
infiltrating, harmonizing, my soul with
of another
inching over the North Fork

soon enough, the body~mind continuum,
will ask me to slide~glide,
move over, make room
for a new tune,
here, asking you to call me,
if you need a friend, find place,
a chair & navy cushion,
  to We observe as

mine own carnival of animals,
do their morning exercise,
jumping from here to crazy, squirrel~crazy,
the flitting flighty birds, back and frothy forthing,
pointless lyrically zooming from tree to tree,
their AM calisthenics

an ancient crooner sings of knowledge
of how lonely life can be, and I soft retort,
this morning forbids lonely, come to me,
you my dear ones,
who welcome me into your hearts…
kiss my words
with affection, stating
everything will bring a chained love,
linked by tears of pearl drop-down,
a necklace of joy,
& everything is and will be alright

yes there is something happening over here,
so when you ask,
what’s it  all about Natty,
my reply is easy,
how sweet it is
to be with
my words unrehearsed,
and I brim with
anticipation of Us together,
sipping our coffees,
giving Our silence to be
part & parceled out to the
superior quietude of our surroundings, where
the sounds, well,
they infiltrate our conjoined beings,
I think~sing-enjoy deeply,
that old tune
“Lord I’m One”

Mon Aug 12

by the Sound…
and the drum  we march to,
and only
some supreme being
smiles knowingly
Nat Lipstadt Aug 12
~for old, recovered, & new
tunes ‘n friends~

Lord I’m one…

the lovely old tune ease on in,
infiltrating, harmonizing, my soul with
of another
inching over the North Fork

soon enough, the body~mind continuum,
will ask me to slide~glide,
move over, make room
for a new tune,
here, asking you to call me,
if you need a friend, find place,
a chair & navy cushion,
  to We observe as

mine own carnival of animals,
do their morning exercise,
jumping from here to crazy, squirrel~crazy,
the flitting flighty birds, back and frothy forthing,
pointless lyrically zooming from tree to tree,
their AM calisthenics

an ancient crooner sings of knowledge
of how lonely life can be, and I soft retort,
this morning forbids lonely, come to me,
you my dear ones,
who welcome me into your hearts…
kiss my words
with affection, stating
everything will bring a chain love,
a tear of joy,
& everything is and will be alright

yes there is something happening over here,
so when you ask,
what’s it  all about Natty,
my reply is easy,
how sweet it is
to be with
my words unrehearsed,
and I brim with
anticipation of Us together,
sipping our coffees,
giving Our silence to be
part & parceled out to the
superior quietude of our surroundings, where
the sounds, well,
they infiltrate our conjoined beings,
I think~sing-enjoy deeply,
that old tune
“Lord I’m One”

Mon Aug 12

by the Sound…
and the drum  we march to,
and only
some supreme being
smiles knowingly
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