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Embrace the future's call
treasure the present's glow
and transcend the bygone flow.
The choice to choose the complexity of truth forever difficult different from the rest
sure it tests
in nature, it is natural for the rivers to flow,
trees to grow, as naturally as they can
  how do you plant a melon seed and wish for an apple to grow
no two fruits can taste same but they come from a family of greens, part of the earth
so are we, different in our ways as we naturally grow
how does it change the truth
hard as it may sound the truth can find its way up wherever it plants and grows roots, albeit,
if the humankind allows
Where there is a flow a natural progression of what is, no cutting down, distortion or clipping in parts, as it changes the whole
it makes sense as is
to the end
And there can be one
Some thoughts which found their way to words
Man Jun 1
These poems are generally spat out within a matter of minutes.
The rhyme schemes, unfortunately,
Symptomatic of how my thoughts flow.
Some kind of horrible harmony
That stalls and slows the more focus I show.
The problem being, not everything gets its full share of thought
Jeremy Betts May 29
My flow of motion knows one path
Confronted only by mostly wrath
Homegrown turmoil hath
A distinct flavor of aftermath
Can't solve the problem with broken math
The simple's simply to slippery to grasp
Daily attempts lead to a nervous laugh
It's never the last
If it was, would it matter?
Though I'd have to ask

Zywa May 23
I'm thinking aloud

and looking out the window --

There, the river flows.
Novel "The Golden House" (2017, Salman Rushdie), chapter (2-) 22

Collection "Low gear"
George Krokos Apr 12
It’s liquid or water that always flows
and so in a downward direction goes.
Though never upward is also well known
unless by evaporation or force it’s thrown.
This may not be entirely true as water can also stay in one place and become stagnant but initially it would've had to flow or fall into that place and then begins the slow process of evaporation.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's
Monica Mourad Feb 20
Eyes open eyes shut

Light flutters in like mist then fades like a silent wind.

Sunlight moonlight sunrise sunsets

Shades of light and darkness that emanate life.

Chaos and peace coexist within each transition.

Such is life and such is happiness…
shades of life and light
David Cunha Feb 10
Vibrant despair blowing out like sand paper from the soul
Dreams of colour
Fearless hallucination of love
for the World

A stream of consciousness so pure and thick
like a raw gem
like a river
like a marching bull
Painfully fulfilling me full

I could run for miles if I had the Sea to sightsee
if I had the Sun gleaming on me
if I had your figure in memory
even if I had nothing and wasn't meant to be

A fuel that bursts my pupils into a huge void
and so
a rocket to the Moon and my hands on this keyboard
setting the stage for another round

I cannot be stopped, I can only be blunt
I can only do it
I can only run
Veins bulk in a steaming rush
and thus time disappears like a fog

I am lucky I am here
- David Cunha
february 10, 2024
5:16 a.m.
Man Nov 2023
Don't stop walking, the path will appear before you;
Love will remedy all your pain if you keep your heart open.
It's not about what we think or feel, it's what we know.
So, surround yourself with good folks
Surrender, and just go with the flow
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