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Justice denied
for another mind of my kind.

It hurts so much to see
the abuse over time.

It's a burden we carry
against our will.

Our hurt is an expectation
we can never fulfill.

But overcoming our "shortcomings"
is what strengthens us.

Our obstacles
are our only path.

Our unique efforts,
the only way to success.

Effort is success.
And success is being free.
And freedom is just being
the kind we were born to be.
I'm struggling with seeing a younger Autistic person receive so much abuse and negativity from her family and her peers. She is constantly struck down and never built up. She is beautiful. She is determined. She is wise beyond her years. She is passionate. She is a warrior.
Ken Pepiton Jul 18
Jubal Cain trained his children,
his brother, Tubal, trained his, as well.

When stories grow in prehistorical shade,
all letters symbol references locked away,

when the little people in blue Phrygian caps,
acknowledge the big strong wombed Liberties,
wearing with honor the red Phrygian caps.

Freedom from all forms of mental tyranny, snaps
medically induced connection across synaptic gaps.

Who, who? We heard it,
on the radio.
Life in my time has been totally unique,
in time as a whole,
scientifically, we, even we two, just me
and you, agreeing,
as touching,

any thing, a thought, a thing? being used
to make you think, once more

what if, we do, and never tell?  
what if this is telling?
what if we knew?
The audience widens preceptual effectuality... even one in tune in time
yıldız Jul 5
Within the depths of our minds, clouds may form,
Blocking the sun, causing a mental storm.
But remember, dear soul, after every storm,
A rainbow appears, bringing colors warm.

Through the darkness and the rain,
We find strength to ease the pain.
The clouds may linger, but they will pass,
Leaving behind a rainbow at last.

So hold on tight through the cloudy days,
For the rainbow shines in mysterious ways.
Mental health is a journey, not a race,
Embrace the storms, for they will be replaced..
Inevitable, that the circle be completed,
celebrating our seasonal return to the
sheltering abode by river, bearing winded
surround sounds to our isle of near-perfection,
where slivered tongued foamy waves deposit
new & used poems on beach, emptied from
now repurposed sea shells and hardened
conchae's, evidence that the truest inhabitants
never leave, always return, with their markers

Inevitable, that I write this in premature
anticipation, amidst the towers of babble,
& honking taxis, imitating Canadian geese,
who await our presence to refute any paper,
that we fool human claimants, before Nature
pretense of ownership, are not mere renters, albeit
but for a few centuries, which by larger definition,
is an interim short term lease, writ in invisible ink, that tho it
yellowing disappears, the orange summer heat magic revives

Inevitable, that decades of worshiping this
place, now mindbound, as temple, shrine, to
a place extant in our minds, wherever we be,
as land that owns us; here, we have buried
super~hero figurines, sanded, polished memories
of loved ones, parents, friends, adventures, times,
confusing generations, for the children of earlier
children, whose children, now too scream with glee
& courageous abandon, familiar+identical to forbears

Inevitable, that we live here, though life demands
our presence elsewhere, in our minds,* for each
year burnishes our genes with sun rays, while sand
smoothes our roughened skin, and we are only refresher
modifications of our earlier selves, when we first were
lost, and stumbled upon this grail, with shovels and
red plastic pails, with which we commenced erecting
foundations, homes, gardens and vines, and images
that are always at home in our minds, living on,

in real time…
May 3 2034
Do we know where our
time is heading
Where thou the
Walk with faith
New birth for  both
   God promise land

Spiritual hug hand

  *       *        
 Love Yearning
To be punctual or late
Love of fate
Comes when you
Bluest sky high five
 You take a skin- dive

  Good feeling

  Cure healing
*        *        *
The vibration
What do we know?
  Your in control

Your full body
Godly soul
Holy water dive
What do we know?

Go with the flow
Scenic drive
 Your time to survive
To love- run- or hide
Do we smell a rose
I suppose true love
*        *        *        
Heavenly power
All Mighty
   God above sun eyes glow
New birth celebration show
Your birth or what's now
Wake up call or last shot 
Godly light angelic face 
Chosen one rejoice to trace
Embrace your age
Every facet heart of a magnet
Bright sunset you met
Eyes focused all mind-set
  *        *        *
Meditation all healing wet
Godly voice to transform  
But God knows
  *     *     *     *
To envision all conditions
Dressed on a mission
But nothing to confess
Yourself worth in uniform
Somehow you smell the fire  
Darkness feeling a hint of low
But you rise up different world

   *       *        *
Maturing growing
A healing flower
A cactus of fighting pins
Positive win like a genius
A life do we really have the answers and what do we really know appreciate what we have
Our brains behold faces:
distracted eyes seeking stimulation
carried off in moments of
quiet desperation-
an eagerness to be at
The Centerfold-
of pain and proximity
crowded and contained
until the final stop.

Identify me
in a look,
or a glance,
a smile?

Imagine us:
one tired wisdom

currents of sparks or
twine spliced and
threaded through
Feathers of the same Wing.

Across a river and down we go
into the buzzing sea-
electric with the noise of
one cloister,
one kiss;
one quarrel-

After all-
we share the same tube

A screech of live wires
Fit for mind blips
bandied about souls
held together in this
glassy reflection
George Krokos Nov 2023
Where small minds gather there is bound to be
trouble brewing and people who don't see.
From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
Carl Sinderby Sep 2022
Lost when not knowing what to do,
Empty spaces we form to choose,
Silent thoughts evolve in our minds,
Beginning to surrender our voids to those who judge us,
Falling into a place we don't like,
Trying to get back but we never find,
That's what we feel when lost.
Karijinbba Aug 2021
From out of space my love re appeared
and fast I ran away disbelieving.
while hunted by webs
of predators in greed modes
trashing impeccable character
inborn parenthood trait 
courage, heart skill grace,
as weapons eluding chase
avating jealousy outface.

Each grotesque stunt
  trampled me to fall in pain.
losing all crops of my hard labour scenarious so turbulent to depict.
in any story poetry or book
My love spark within outlived
travesty and misery sent in.

From an ancient love spell
propelled a new lovers aim
following me with grace
deep as space, honor truth
understanding patience
Twin loss, twin dreams
Experiences base the glue.

Large as the cosmos we both
Phathom, thirst, crave and love.
Synchronicity in telepathy;
the cosmos conspires offering
cards to read virtual modes
to explore our receptiveness.
Our loving is a Deja-VU indeed.
An ancient powerhouse,
with outworldly, genetic legacies
We both share in our weave.
a hybrid mutant Adam and Eve.
Who's my mystic
beloved?A brightest star
over Jaipur! Intergalactic,
art at heart.
Poet verse, he's honey bee.
His aim is firm as his name
He is me I am him within!
similar avatar in the outside
We tingle a double mystic smile.
A magnetic vortex keep us both
In one LOVEz voyage loop,
through space.🐝🐝🛸.
His vessel his gates his hands
His mind,heart, soul is my own.
Nothing and no one can pull us
apart, we call HP our
time machine to beyond
Alpha Century bound.
Thus, a billion stars cinthilate
with gentle beams of hope
Antimatter lovers lane
And our heart Rd-Ad
our home.🦋🦋.
By: Karijinbba.
Inspired by- Good better best MOI.
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