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Dhimss 12h
Why must grief return in waves?
I can only hope,
It feels safe housed in me.
I'm just a poet/hj
If you're wondering, I'm doing well. No really, this is the healthiest I've felt in a good 10 years. I'm just slightly exhausted processing stuff as and when they come up. 2023 was soul-eviscerating, I hope 2024 treats us better.
FS-30 2d
I look up to the sky
Are you really there?
Or are you around me?
Are you everywhere?
Near or far
I just know
I want to be
Wherever you are.
FS-30 2d
If time is a healer
Why has nothing changed?
I feel the pain of your loss
Like it happened yesterday.
If time is a healer
Why does it feel worse?
Another day without you
On this lonely earth.
Time is not a healer.
When you took your last breath
The clock stopped ticking
The very moment you left.
it's judgment day
and i'm answering
for every sin

each time my heart
beat for you
took a notch off my life
my chances of salvation
cannot be salvaged
yet i'm still frantically
digging in the dirt
to find you

the pain is agonizing
so i numb it with
falsetto dreams
and broken windows
because i don't wanna
see the world anymore

i scream into my pillow
the very one you laid your
head down on next to me
living an imperfect existence
we played royalty and
i was your princess

those nights
we held on to each other
like the world was ending
and kissed as if it were
our last goodbye
every time

every time


it's judgment day
no stone is left unturned
i knew they would come for us
pitchforks and fiery stakes
piercing our core
tearing us apart

apologetic forgiveness
to the Powers that be
i beg for second chance
sacrificing my place
in your arms
to save your heart
(C) L.Lynn 2024
The stone lustered pink,
but in the lake, where I found it,
it destined to sink.

Only for a moment,
I held it in my hand.
And now, where it rests,
it holds my passions,
and plans.

It's like my heart sank to the bottom of the lake.

my lost object of affection
resides just off the beach.
But practically,
it lies
just out of my reach.

An ocean may as well separate us.

I won't ever find it.
And it won't try to find me.

I knew this piece of rose quartz
for such a short time.
I don't know where it came from.
I don't know who first had it,
and I don't know why
an unknown soul
left it for me to find.

I remember how it glistened
such a pure, perfect pink.
It had no inclusions, blemishes,
or defects I could seek.

That precious stone,
that I never got to know,
I'll never see again.
Aniseed Jul 9
Some days, all it takes is a whisper

A stray thought. A smokelike wisp

I want to drown in the silence of my life

Gentle like this snowfall

I count the threads of my grief quietly

Writing in tandem with this sorrow that roots itself in the pit of my stomach

I promise I am not all of this; or rather, this is not all of me.
I am flesh and bone and laughter and full.

But there are days when the static claims the nerves under my skin and the ache throbs in my soul.

Those days, these days, I come to you
Well it's been some time, hasn't it?
Wrote this some time back. Not really snowing in July, after all.

Hope you're well.
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