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Moon Cherry Jun 23
The ripples of water
Bursts into multiple waves
Merge as a river
George Krokos Nov 2023
You are the Ocean and I am the wave
moving in tandem as if I'm Your slave.
I rise and fall according to Your will
though once in a while I'm kept very still.

I have no real life without Your sanction
which now seems to be like a distraction.
There are so many others just like me
and I wonder somehow if they agree.

In this manner You just do as You please
and deploy us all with surprising ease!
Our goal seems to be on reaching the shore
then return back to You again for more!

The presence of the moon has much to say
with what goes on Your surface every day.
Its influence is more than we'd suspect
and has to be treated with some respect.

Beyond are other worlds and stars in space
along with the sun which dictates the pace.
They're orbs of living wonder in that sky
and cast their shadows if we care to pry.

How unenlightened seems this life of ours
when we consider how we pass the hours.
For our days are numbered lest we forget
but through One's realization some are set.

There isn't much else now that can be said
before a time comes and we're all but dead.
We can only hope that we've done no harm
on the Ocean's surface that's full of charm.
Written Dec.'22.
Savio Fonseca Sep 2023
My Words would have touched U,
in so many different Ways
and turn both your Hands,
Cold and Numb.
The Sense of Touch,
is so Wonderful to Feel.
A Hug, A Kiss, A Nudge, A Pat.
add up to a mammoth Sum.
I was a Fool to have fallen in Love,
Head over Heals and Blind.
I went blushing, all through the Day
and at Night, I lost My Mind.
Love can move Mountains I'm told,
it can Calm the Storm out at Sea
I had built, a Mansion for both of Us
and a Wave took that, with Me.
lua Oct 2022
i am a wavebreaker
i am a bloated body drifting in the ocean
i stop boats in their paths
for wealthy tourists to gawk
and ask me
where im from, where im headed, where ive been
but i only reply in silence
and bubbles that escape my lips

i am a wavebreaker
i cut through the waves like a blade to the neck
i rot and i burst
and i spread the remnants of myself across the world
to be remembered
to be known
to let them know of my remains
that i remain

i am a wavebreaker
i break the waves caused
by those wanting to wreck cities
i am what goes against the current
i am what stays when everything rushes past me

i am a wavebreaker.
When you find adventure in a person,
You feel weightless.
The mind consumes with wanderlust.
You get lost in the wave of them.
The heart races beyond its previous limits,
And the soul finally finds comfort in the great unknown.
Shofi Ahmed Jun 2022
Rose in a dew
I thought I caught
a glimpse of you.

Zooming in
I thought I can
get closer.
Only to eye on
upon a river
amid myriad
over looking stars.

A drop spans out
to be a sea
neither did it tarry.
I thought I would
give up that big
is not for me.

But yet a scene
never washed away
is intact unblurred
beneath the million
waves of the sea.
I thought the moon
will give up!
It can never touch
but always returns
over the sea
can't forget a scene.
So is me
once that
I chanced to see.
Omarcito Jun 2022
Syllables mixed,
Meaning dispersed between the two conscious minds,
Connecting them,

But yet no sound was made.

The Brightest Star
Just smiled and waved,

The wind
Blowing though the rays that embrace Karim
Like a strait jacket of light, blinding bias.

Karim could hear the ants in the mycelium;
Manufacturing temples.

Tears flowed to the present light.

His tears then created the Nile River,
Where the stream keeps their society alive,
Engraving their history into ours.

Since that day,
Karim could only smile and wave.
I S A A C Mar 2022
they are polluted by my delusion
they were born to ruin
my tears are acidic and my burden is heavy
my fears are basic and I feel incomplete already
it's a lot to wrap my head around, especially when my feet are not on the ground
I'd rather ride the clouds or catch a wave
who determined that life had to be so grey, day in and day out
paychecks in and I already spent it, this hole I cannot get out
my teardrops are acid and my god I cannot hold them in any longer
my emotions are stronger the longer they harbor.
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