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I run from my inevitable next mistake
Only to find I'm the bait
I'm at stake
Everyone will debate
On why I MUST participate
Ignoring why I no longer want to partake
I wish somebody
Would have bothered to tell me
You can't possibly challenge fate

George Krokos Jun 28
Sit, stand up and walk straight
and don't you ever wait
or else be seen here late
for it's all now our fate
mankind's most evolved state
humanity's last gait.
Written in late '23.
brush past
one another
in the shifting
colors of the
city lights,
the droplets
from the clouds
of time fall
as though
touched by
starlight, and
even love arrives
by fate for the
people who
are not it's
Bea Rae Jun 25
While on borrowed time,
We wasted our minutes 
For the things that did not matter.
Bea Rae Jun 23
He stated to me

I want to do better but

You will not let me
Bea Rae Jun 20
I miss the man I met on happenstance.
Not the unmasked version of you.
Jade Jun 19
To say your name is a coincidence
would be a trivialization. A poet's name
is never just a name; it is more than a
conglomerate of letters.

A poet's name is an oracular
tool; and with a name like
Sexton, it is no surprise to me
that you dug your own grave.
Jeremy Betts Jun 19
I took a quarter of a lifetime to create
Boundaries with an impenetrable gate
That I could fall back to at a later date
Who knew I wouldn't have to wait
Because as soon as I challenged fate
And tried to break this family trait
And shift from the pattern of self hate
To a more beneficial internal way to associate
I was lead to and left in this mental state
No trial, no debate
Forced with the threat of death to participate
And that safe place, it began to deteriorate
As the darkness started to manipulate
Causing my stronghold to mutate
At an astonishing rate
'Till now I just feel like an inmate

Bea Rae Jun 15
You taught me that loving someone with your whole heart is not worth the pain.
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