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EP Robles 16h
In the garden of flickering neon trees,
where shadows dance with marionette leaves,
I met a man with a clockwork heart
and eyes like prisms, tearing time apart.

He whispered secrets in a language of static,
his voice a symphony of glitches and clicks,
telling tales of constellations uncharted,
and love letters written in binary scripts.

We wandered through a labyrinth of velvet mist,
where fish flew by on currents of twilight,
and the moon sang lullabies to sleeping stars,
cradled in the arms of endless night.

I found a river of liquid glass,
where thoughts flowed like mercury streams,
reflecting the dreams of forgotten gods,
and the echoes of interstellar dreams.

A carousel spun in an abandoned carnival,
each horse a phantom of forgotten lore,
and as I rode, the world unraveled,
a tapestry of surrealist decor.

In the distance, a cathedral of crystal,
its spires piercing the fabric of reality,
and inside, a choir of silent voices,
harmonizing in spectral duality.

When dawn broke, the mirage faded,
leaving only a trace of whispered winds,
and I awoke, clutching fragments of visions,
in the realm where the surreal begins.

:: 05.17.2024 ::
Behind reason
Fear resides
Under an illusion of control
We walk tall into the night

Where entropy awaits
The ashes of stars
I fear a new existence
Means less than we are

And so here I try to imagine
What more there could be
In the end of all I know
Fear resides within me...
Traveler Tim

Re post from 2016
Funny I fear nothing any longer.
Eight years of spiritual growth makes a big difference. Peace!
Viktoriia Jul 2
there's a sea
on the other side of this dream,
you will meet yourself
there, on the shore.
she might say
"you're so much braver than me,
'cause, you see,
you've made it here on your own."
she could hold your hand
or hold back a laugh
when the waves catch you off guard
as they break.
there's a life
on the other side of this dream
to welcome you back
once you're awake.
(Spiritual Sailor)

The Waves Await
So travel your Sea
Captain your Ship
You have Ability
To Navigate Safely
Your spiritual Waters
Anchor your Heart
Upon your own Orders
As you reach new Shore
It is time to Explore
The treasure to be Found
On your Sacred Ground!

(c)  Debra Lea Ryan
I love analogy and metaphor related to the Sea.  Maybe it is that Celtic connection being a Ryan/Beckett  etc.
What will I see
When I’m outside the Veil
Dreams and Desires
Failures and nightmares
Those I love and lost
A wall of disappointment
Or reasons to stay
SANA May 15
love , how can i teach you to love me ?
love can never be taught
Robert Ronnow May 15
I have a special interest in telling about my colonoscopy.
The doc cheerful, secure in his specialty, colon cancer being
the second leading cause of cancer death after lung tumors.
They can snip the precancerous polyps right out of you during the test.
At first the doc gave me the statistics but having paid 25 bucks for this
I decided to make him explain the science. He was most comfortable
describing the physical architecture of adenomatous v. hyperplastic
but what about cell structure I said. He was vague about genes and
I could have been chatting with an Electrolux salesman.
I wasn’t worried although my *** was burning.
Everybody dies, everybody, even Whitman and Emerson, so I browse
      models for dying—
mine are middlebrow, saddlebow—John Wayne in The Shootist, Paul
      Newman in Hombre—or hagiography
Plath her head stuck in an oven, Hemingway who ate his shotgun.
Anyway I was upbeat flirting with the nurse, a muse who has seen it all
acting tough, which isn’t actually an act
you do your prep and say your prayers.
I thought I’d be in and out **** as you probably already know
the prep for this procedure is worthy of Gandhi. A day of fasting,
clear fluids only, and constant voiding.
You arrive at the hospital one spiritual chicken.
I reflected it can’t hurt, lose a little weight, remember who you are
without so much **** and flesh between you and the natural world.
Snipping polyps is like taking electrons to a lower quantum energy level,
      nearer the nucleus, with fasting and ****** abstinence.
The art of total presence and abstinence, dependence on the Other for
      future existence.
Traveler Apr 29
I fell back to sleep
I let the gravity take me
And knock me off my feet

It happens to the best of us
The lower self prevails
Stumbles back upon one foot
Face to face with hell!

This time Divinity awoke me
And saved me from my pride
Now I’m not afraid too live
And I’m not afraid to die!
🧳  TT
A glass can shatter
But a love  holds the key
Stay put your life
truly matters  
She rests her head
A steadfast rock don't keep
your eyes

Focused on a useless
Like tick tock what is more?
God has a plan right timing
Like a bet or winning score  
Our minds like shock wave
Glass half filled fingers move

Ballet tip toe beating heart  
Pour a new glass  your lips
turn colors and stay fit
Flying the stars  forms appear
Teardrops of a miracle
Powerful mind with principle

Jesus we trust
Like a rise up shimmered sun
Stained glass
He lift your spirit see through it
  New chapter being happier
Divine glass of wine
Walk the faith you stay* on line__

Hearts floating glass take one
Two sips love dream state
Promise land trip of fate
Your angels tell you spiritually
You are the divine wings

Deep glass opens bright star

       Sunset* We Met
Your glass you sip slow
Never to deceive you
Just a true love to please you
Heavenly father above
Glass flower spiritually
Grows maturely

Just lovely divinely
Like a holy taste of wine  
God delivers Guardian angel *
Like a celebration new you arrival
This is a spiritual great connection to God and Angels and being loved
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