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Juicy plums on my tree
Sweetness and sugar
Just for me and nature's
gift is truly so free.
Alan S Bailey Jul 13
Jimmy Dean, Breakfast Frill,
Bacon and Chorizo-an' just put the Griddles on,
Ya know-the Waffles are almost done...
Sounds familiar somehow

Just don't forget, if you're thinking "be careful what you do! Syrup goes terrible with salt..."

Then you're on to me LoL.

Work in progress
Zelda Jul 10
I'd rather die
Knowing I tried
To fix myself
As I ate myself
From the inside

It's an acquired taste
I don't like it

MsAmendable Jun 6
When dinner becomes a dance,
Standing in the kitchen as the clock strikes 12,
Tomato juice dripping to my elbows
Spices spilled over vegetables raw in my hands,
The carving knife wet with sauce
Eating fistfuls of my own hunger and joy
Until I reach the end of that deep and driving primal hole
The meat pads my bones
And fills my aching soul
And standing for midnight mass
In the holiest place in my home
I catch my glance in the window's gleam
And am introduced to a woman I've only met
In my deepest and sweetest of dreams
Man May 30
You've gotta learn to love the vinegar,
Even if the taste is bitter,
Because times always get tough.
It's about drinking it in, taking it in;
Finding the strength to get back up.
To slog off the rough
And chisel something out
Louise May 22
⁠Even if you are an enemy
who's bound to hurt me,
I would still ask you
to come sit and eat with me.
Even if you are an enemy
who's sent to capture me,
I would still ask you
to stay for a while,
share even this one meal with me.
Even if you are an enemy
who's ordered to **** me,
I would still ask you;
"Have you eaten?
Kumain ka na ba?
Ya comiste?
Ja has menjat?"
And if you say you haven't,
I'll take out the plates, but
I'll be angered.
Because look at the time!
And if you say you already did,
then I'd let you take me out,
my head lowered.
You can waste my time!
Even if you are an enemy
who's bound to hurt me...
In Tagalog, we don't say "I love you". We ask; "kumain ka na ba?"
Tofu tofu
it just won’t do
the box is pretty
with its dragon stencil
but it looks and it tastes
like it rubs out pencil
Psych-o-rangE Apr 21
McDonalds is the answer
Feel Joy
Feed the Machine

You are Wrong
You have a Choice
Have KFC.
George Krokos Apr 10
Sugar and spice
and some things nice;
are not too good
to have as food.
1. Refined carbohydrates: in the form of
    a. white sugar
    b. white flour
    c. white rice
(avoid the above or anything made with them as much as you possibly can)
2. Cigarette Smoke
3. Soft Drinks
4. Alcoholic Drinks
5. Junk Food
6. Common Table Salt
7. Bad Company
8. Sedentary Lifestyle
9. Food Additives: in the form of
    a. artificial colors and flavors
    b. preservatives
10. Overindulgence in ***
11. Not enough sleep
12. Drugs
My little take on certain things to avoid as or in food and even beyond. The proof is in the pudding; though some things are said to be OK taken in moderation, but their continual consumption / participation in can be a cause for addiction leading to chronic health conditions - both physical and mental.
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