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Nat Lipstadt Jul 18
it’s not even 6am, restless night, or wrestled night, ain’t much difference, see the **** geese on the water’s edge, I dutifully slip out of bed, awakening no one, dutifully slide in to my slip-on sneakers, grab the white umbrella next to the front door, dutifully, steadily, my first chore of the day, walk deliberately (and carefully) to make them get them get heck away, into the sound, and to cease polluting the grass where children may play…

standing at the waters edge, task finished, the sky commands examination, there is within the cumulus textured, multi-pastel, thick curdled pastiche cloud banks, overhanging the world as far as one can see, a substantive hole appearing in the sky revealing a blue heaven….what one believes, prefers should be, but what is, in fact,
not a…given and we are a but, partly cloudy day, a partly clouded observant person…

this reminds me that there are holes in all places, everywhere, in my disturbed sleep,  where I spend hours of triangulating in dreams, what I cannot pin down:

who I am, what I am, my purpose on earth, though I know where
I am, though not even, most critically, why I am…

is this a poem?

this thoughtful cursed query sits behind my eyes, frontally lobed, perpetually asking, judging me, these words, repetitiously heard,
one is not fooled,
it is a simple self-evaluation test, only an ask,
what are my justifications, ma raison d'être,
(reason for being) which is an amuse, for I discover

in French, ‘reason for being,’
is a feminine word,
(qui en Français,
c'est un mot féminin…)
and that makes me smile,
for I’m a woman-centric man

(I have no gender confusion,
this is not one of the holes
to which I refer)

perhaps it is, or, perhaps it is a rambunctious rambling of no worth, for no answers are obtained, given, deduced, and holes, skyward and inward are deep, none delimited by neither bottom or a top, just widening gaps and gapes in my existence…and answers are not


Thursday July 18
Year Two Thousand and Twenty Four
Av Jul 7
A man sat on the bench next to me
We wedge ourselves in the armrest
with empty seats to our rights
A bottle of ***** in his hand,
A juicebox in mine

Our eyes tunnel onto the empty space
that envelopes this busy street
in possessed silence as though
we were sat in church pews,
facing the altar,
affixed in prayer.
Zywa Jul 7
Do pretend it is

normal, yes, very normal --

it ís, all of it.
Poem "De mensen" ("People", 2019, Pieter de Bruijn Kops)

Collection "Thinkles Lusionless"
‎    ‎        At
some        point,
  felt           time
      ­          i
Zywa Jun 14
There is evidence

of what I had and did: signs --

of my existence.
Poem "Tussen wolken en aarde de tekens" ("Between clouds and earth the signs", 1997, Willem van Toorn)

Collection "Being my own museum"
Traveler May 31
We came here to experience love
This is the only place love exist
Question is..
If so will we be able to take love with us when we go?

Perhaps this is the only place
where music exist
Angelic arrangements
cosmic gifts

Perhaps this is the only place where hate exist
The gravity of separatism causes platonic rifts

Time and space can exist anywhere?
Perhaps only here..

I love it here
and I won’t let go
Nor lose my connection
to love, music, time, space and soul!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
My Dear Poet May 27
follow me not
follow me less
and follow me little
oh shadow, oh glue

afraid of sun
or dark
in shades of grey
or spark
you breathe between the two

free to go
free to flow
till swallowed
when day is done with you
It felt like my final moment, a fleeting sensation of being truly alive, as though each breath could be my last. The world appeared to come to an end, with the universe itself seeming to vanish. Time stood still, its relentless march halted. Thoughts of God consumed my mind incessantly. Would my soul find rebirth beyond the veil of death, or had I met my eternal end? My heart pounded heavily, pondering the notion of existence in ghostly form. Was it time to release the burdens of life and embrace a perpetual rest?
Viktoriia May 14
everything goes if we just let it,
even our universe.
when the light at the edge of it dies out,
as if watching a guillotine strike down,
and a glimpse of a memory, elsewhere,
so far from all we've ever known,
feels like home.
but the dawn is already bleeding red
and the answers have all but disappeared,
and this fleeting moment is all we have
before the last shadow falls;
everything goes.
Viktoriia May 13
a paradigm of solitude,
a monotone reprise.
she's desperate for a little break
to stop and shut her eyes.
a symphony of tragedy,
a prayer in disguise.
she walks her path so stoically,
but all their hymns are lies.
a disbelieving audience,
a concert of goodbyes.
she's desperate for a little break
to stop and shut her eyes.
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