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Jeremy Betts Jun 30
With each and every smile the lie grows
Gotta live with this Pinocchio nose
Black out curtains dress the windows
So, I suppose,
The only parts of me I expose
Are silhouette shadows

We fall
Into design.
A pretend world
According to the eyes
Of ones with no sight.
We live,
And we die.
Some fight
And some hide.
Both strong in right,
Though equal in fear.
As living through others,

Makes life unclear.
Jeremy Betts Jun 19
I don't feel at home
In my own skin
I run from ghosts
I do not believe in
To live and love
Has not been win win
I'll have to hang upside down
The next time you ask me to grin

A note to nature ,
Blooming in scenes.
Comfort in quiet,
Enriched in peace.
Leaving me silent
And blind from greed.
Clueless to violence ,

Finally at ease.
Lyra Scott Jun 7
I am afraid of living, she said.
I am afraid it will hurt me.

Good, he said.
It will.
The world is frightening.
You should be afraid, he said.
The world will hurt you, and it will be worth it.

I'm afraid I will deserve it, she said.
And I'm afraid, she said, that I won't.

Nonsense, he said.

The world will hurt you.
People will hurt you, he said.
And when they do it,
They will do it because they will.

Is that all? she said.

No, he said.
That is everything.

The world will hurt you.
And the world will love you, he said.
People will love you, he said.
And when they do it,
They will do it because they will.

You have not earned this.
You have not deserved this.
This is living, he said.

How do I stop it? she said.

You don't, he said

You live afraid.
And you live desperate.
And you live happy.
And you live.

I am afraid of that, she said.

I know, he said
You should be.
Jeremy Betts May 22
I can't live with these thoughts
Take them from me permanently
Or ready my pine box

All life's cheap shots
I've never found a remedy
All pleasantry coagulates or clots

Vast planes of sparse lots
Riddle my memory so little to no memory
Only empty, inflammatory subpar plots

My past leaches off my future as it rots
Leaving mostly nothing left for me
Subsequently having less than the have nots

Thomas Harvey May 16
He wakes in the morning
Sore from all the years before
But he's still strong at his core
As life always proceeds without warning

This morning's no different
He gets his coffee and sits at the table
Looking out the window, admiring the horses in the stable
Though he's at the age where he feels indifferent

Later on in the day he gets moving
For a dead man is a lazy man
He knows long ago he would have ran
But these days he’s bound to keep improving

A man that should be full of sorrow
He finds a way to enjoy the moment
Grief to him is a worthy opponent
As he looks forward to each tomorrow

The trick is locked away in his mind
He figured it out long ago
Back when he let go of his ego
The trick is to start with what you want to find
George Krokos May 13
What!? You say you're tired of living,
well, I think I know what you mean
as I also don't regard myself being
particularly, at all now, very keen.

The last couple of years have taken their toll on me
so much so that its become obvious for any to see.
The affairs of this world are just one thing I've considered
but what are the things I've done which haven't delivered?
Written in 2023.
A reflection on my current health condition and well being.
Thomas Harvey May 12
How pretty, how pretty
You are to me
Bright as the lights in the city
With you I long to be

I would, I would
Buy you flowers to hold
Say the word and I could
Let my love me a mold

For I, For I
May never feel this again
Assure me it’s not a lie
Take us to where love begins

Goodbye, Goodbye
Maybe it was just a dream
Perhaps the flames have died
What else could it mean
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