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I would be this gentle mist that lingers
On autumn’s flowered field—
Yet I wish I could be a golden sunbeam,
Painting my lover's lashes in a gilded haze.
But that is not me. With gentle kisses,
I **** the summer’s flowers;
I am the coldness they fear.
I wrap the earth within my arms, but blind its sight—
My love summons winter’s night to arrive,
Stilling the pulse of all that once breathed life.
I swear my love brings death to every chamber,
But maybe that is the price we’re meant to pay.
For love and pain have always been entwined,
And when we bleed, as everyone must one day,
We will bleed as one.

-Sonja Kettunen (ig: @sojafoxpoetry)
Got inspired? :)
natasha Oct 15
I sit at my desk
The window’s open,
Or it's shut. I don't remember
But I feel cold
My hands wrapped around a pole at a skating rink,
trying to keep myself from slipping
On the cool, smooth surface.

I am walking on the freshly fallen snow,
I am thinking

I stare out the window,
Partially obscured by dark curtains.
They are caught on my plants;
Never fully closed,
Never open wide.
This is what makes me think
The inbetweeness that is what makes

nothing good or bad,
But I used to think there was.
I twisted the sheets of my perception until
The bed was unmakable and I gave up the fight
I sunk into the mattress
And closed my eyes

But this monotony is getting old;
A cut spoiling behind a worn bandaid.
I hated myself for caring
But I now I don’t.
That’s the point. I don’t care about anything anymore
I am trying to hold on to the things that once mattered
But the merry-go round is only going faster
Soon enough I’ll have to get off.

I am looking out the window
Because I can’t focus on anything anymore
I let my eyes glaze over
Because it's easy
They don’t focus on anything.
Everything is white, white, white
Kas Oct 14

In your frozen clutch
Existence can lay restful
Awaiting rebirth.


Life from the Aether
Quarreling over the warmth
Of our nearest star.


Blazing heat arrives
Boiling me inside and out
Autumn, I need you.


You keep me centered.
Your crisp embrace surrounds me.
Filling me with peace.
Wintertime is cold
Chilly, cold, might even snow
Wear your winter gear

Springtime is anew
Flowers bloom and warmer days
Blue skies with Sunrays

Summer is Humid
Hot, Exhausting, and Draining,

Autumn resembles
Cooler temps and shorter days
A time for Harvest

Date: 10/12/2024
A winter's night
And there's a bitter chill tonight
And the heavy snow is
Falling all through the night and the
Trees bare their branches stark
Silent beauty in the park and
Children's footprints in the
Freshly fallen snow and
Nature's beauty is on show
So we'll embrace the cold
And the frost and the snow and
A winter's wonderland like
Never before with quiet
Moment's and cozy nights and
Wrapped in the magic
Of snow's gentle lights.
Winter 🥶🥶❄️❄️
Erwinism Oct 4
I speak not of the sun neither speak to her for the winter it has left in my care. My conversations with the cold snap and the polar vortex had gone stale.

The sun and I had our falling out and if these words should find their way to her doorstep, let her know I don’t miss her warmth. I don’t leap out of the bed to tug the curtain and let her silver light fill my room and let the motes dance in her rays like I used to.

I shudder at her supple shadow swirling, flowing and flitting about, and the halo she wears petrifies me. Her pestilential disposition burns through my walls fortified with years of heartaches. For these, we must part ways.
MetaVerse Oct 3
O Autumn! thou hast splendidly array'd
     Nature, whose robes are treasure-rich with colour.
A patchy quilt of dying leaves decay'd,
     Thou blanketest the world with deathly dolour.
I hear a voice inside my head.  I list.
     "Come buy, come buy," I hear in my mind's ear.
My pulse doth quicken suddenly in my wrist:
     The netherworld hath never been so near.
I harken to the rattling of the leaves
     That hang like vampyre bats from skeletal trees.
The songful birds that nested 'neath the eaves
     Have long since flown away with high degrees.
I'm cold and getting colder, and my breath
Is telling me I'm close to coming Death.
Erwinism Oct 2
There is a constellation that knows you well, a piece of heaven that saw you take your first steps,
a clusters of stars that watched you fall asleep and hushed you when you dreaded the burst of darkness overhead.
They knew your story.
They sang your lullabies.
They fished out the moon out of the lake and washed off its impurities so you can hold soft light in your hands.
They braved the rabid bites of winter so they can fill your pockets with the sun.
They’ve always wanted you to sail North, away from the wasteland polluted with emptiness, upstream in a kayak, where the lakes sing your name.
Until like most stars, you dipped your toes in the pond and burnt out.
The stars they call you—reignite once again.
Emery Feine Sep 30
It was a hot summer day
And I asked what your favorite season was
You said it was winter, you loved the snow
And that if there was a blizzard, we'd both go

So we came up with a plan
When the winter solstice took place
We'd go out into the snow
And we'd talk in the flurries and so

I waited for the winter solstice
And when it came, a blizzard did too
And I ran into a snow-covered field alone
The cold wind chilling me to the bone

I waited for you to come
And I waited for hours on end
And while my teeth chattered, and my hands turned blue
My heart warmed just thinking about you

And I waited until the disappearance of the sun
When I finally realized you weren't gonna come
But it was too late, the cold had touched my heart
And it stopped and would never again start
this is my 71st poem, written on 12/21/23.
So Far
So Near
Hearts Waiting Out The Years

Soul Sense
Reminds too
Long  Winters Will Continue

Countless  Dreams
No Sign of Breakthroughs

No Joke
The Pain
Soon Settles To Stay

Tears Roll
Then You Know
Love Has Not Forgotten

Hope Arrives
With A Smile
Sets Hearts On Fire

Tears Roll
Then You Know
Love Has Not Forgotten

Hope Arrives
With A Smile
Sets Your Heart On Fire

Feel The Fire - Feel The Fire

© Debra Lea Ryan
In Song @
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