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Not noticed from beginning
Parallel parked car
Windshield tinted
Stickered bumper
Wiping tears to collect in a jar
Nails chewed at the ends
Watching through small panes of glass
Fence of fear put between us
Fighting demons that harass
About whether to halt or flee
Butterflies telling lies
Distance will take away secrets
Conscious is cut down to size
Said you couldn't believe luck
Being with a girl like me
Something darkening your pupils
Smelled hint of sour finally
Cheeks flushed crimson with blood and shame
Plans cancelled out of the blue
Sorry said like it was not a big deal
Worked before a time or two
Did you suspect me to be that gullible?
That I would not check your alibi?
You think I'd be easy to forget
With **** of your head said goodbye
Still going through worst every day
Loneliness deeper than the sea
Sensing lost connection dwindling fast
Increasing intake
Caffeine and vitamin c
Maybe were chained to my skeleton
Hanging on because you had no choice
You weren't playing me the whole time
Rendezvous and secrets shared your voice
As I drink insecurities
You in a hurry go out the front door
Follow and find out where you drive
Heart was needing to understand more
It may be too late presently for us
I still hold hope for you and I
If I cross your mind at all please can we just try?
Written 3-3-31
Jeremy Betts Jan 19
{revised edition}

Can two people be too broken to know what they have goes further than what's spoken?
Can two people be too broken to hold it together despite every knee **** reaction?
Can two people be too broken to pick the right fights amidst the amateur crimes of passion?
Can two people be too broken?
And I think that we might
I know the answer whilst holding no solution
Can two people be too broken to know what they have?
Can two people be too broken to hold it together?
Can two people be too broken to pick the right fights?
Can two people be too broken?

...I think that we might...

George Krokos Nov 2023
Money can be like water as it flows through our hands
and the more we have to do with it the more it demands.
Money seems like water as it passes between our fingers
and the longer we have to deal with it the more it lingers.
Money is like water as it's grasped with our hands
and the firmer we hold it the more it withstands.
Written in 2020
A comparison of money to water in 3 couplets.
the pain in my heart
is growing promptly
i've built up these walls
so no-one would see

  pain - i know you
you **** me deep inside
make me feel insubstantial
you are a stride......

  i cry myself to sleep
hugging my pillow tight
i wish you to hold me warm tonight
i need you to cheer me up
stop me to drink and be numb enough  not to feel anything
your eclipse May 2023
if too much is
what you deem me to be
then go,
go find someone less
you deserve someone
you can fully hold
and i deserve someone
that could hold all of me
My Dear Poet May 2023
Things that fall apart
often fall out of place

Things that you lose
are often lost without a trace

Things that are stolen
are often taken before your face

Things that are returned
are often found without a case
I S A A C Apr 2023
water sheds from my eyes
floating on the river instead of panicking
i never felt so helpless in my life
trying to hold on but i am vanishing
slipping into the starry night
tripping into my violent mind
trying to hold on but i am vanishing
Heidi Franke Apr 2023
Held like this
A cupped hand of water
held still
that not a drop
enters gravity's pull.

Held like this
The hens egg.
Rounded palms together
without allowance of pressure
that would crush the shell.
Frail possessions.

These are days she remembers beyond all vicissitudes she faced.
Not jagged. Not stewing or careless.

This untainted moment
of protection
for something that will give back.

A drop of water
becomes a cup that was
dry as a bone.
The egg becomes
a breakfast feast
weary of starvation.

Hold life like this. Prudent,
tender and earnest.
These times she keeps
for consideration.
My Dear Poet Feb 2023
I can hold on
when you hold me right

I can hold long
when it’s all your might

I can hold strong
when I’m all you hold tight
leeaaun Feb 2023
can you hold my hand
when they all
want to
else's hand?
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