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Repentant Jan 29
The man in the digital world
May lose sight of the labour works
May lose sight of the Iman
He may not be able
To see the lawful presence of her wife
He may think oh it's just a like
Oh it's just a message
The man in the digital world
May think everything is just suppose to happen
The man in the digital world
May can't understand the why
He may lose sight in truth
He may trust all the lies
The man in the digital world
May lose everything he loves
To gain the sight of Osiris
You should first lose an eye
The man in the digital world
May lose love in his heart
Blessed whomever I have hurt
Forgive me if I have hurt you with my ineffective lies
I thought I was telling the truth
I thought there was a chance to win
I didn't know I was planned to lose
To gain the knowledge of the world we live
You may think I am a genius
Who spent his life in lies
I beg the differ and forgiveness
My pictures should be stamped as fools in your eyes
Bless every person that has been a part of my life and tried to help me understand and didn't know what was actually happening in my mind. One day, we shall all see, we all shall see Infront of the god.for that day, forgive me and bless me on my path to hell, shall I be burned a decade less or a century more, I wish you all just the heaven.
showyoulove Dec 2024
Bless my mind Lord and the thoughts that I think
Bless my lips Lord and the words that I speak
Bless my throat Lord and the songs that I sing
Bless my heart Lord and the love that I give
Bless my life Lord and the way that I live.
Jonathan Moya Dec 2024
When I was a child light shone
angels through my fingers
crowning my parents’ faces,
blessing the simple tasks of theirs:
table setting, pouring water—
how it lit the world in my upturned smile
and flowed through as I grew
and how it followed me home
and stayed, even in the dark.

Light was the water, earth,
reflecting off every animal,
every street, everything I touched—
the light always ahead,
the darkness, just softly behind
—doubts, questions, thoughts—
light, enlightening the dark words
of my mind and mouth.

And when the darkness caught up,  
and I watched my parents fall behind,
my body/smile down-turn to groan
and my thoughts and words
turn to memories— I realized how
the past was always near and how
grief turned everything to light.
showyoulove Dec 2024
May the spirit of God be with you
All the days of your life
May the spirit of life and of love
Shine bright in your heart
May the spirit of giving and charity
Help you find some clarity
May the spirit of firm believing
Also help you in receiving
May the spirit of truth and grace
Be seen by all who look upon your face
May the spirit that is ever faithful
Help you always in being grateful
May the spirit of wisdom and prudence
Guide your thoughts and sense
May the spirit of endless joy
Be yours forever to enjoy
May the spirit of glory and power
Keep you safe in darkest hour
May the spirit's Holy Essence
Be for always ever present
May the spirit of life-giving spring
Renew and refresh every thing
May the spirit lead that you would follow
Where the demons cannot go
May the spirit lift you up to the sky
Spread your wings and learn to fly
May the spirit fill you with courage
If you fall, rise again! Do not discourage
May the spirit be a companion and friend
Always by your side unto the very end
May the spirit of the Lord so bless
That He is more and we are less
May the spirit of the Lord help us be
Closer to Him and farther from me
May the spirit of silence settle down
And a blanket of peace surround
May the spirit of God take you ever higher
And grant you the soul's deepest desire
showyoulove Nov 2024
I asked the Lord that you would be blessed
That by His grace you would pass the test
I asked the Lord that you would be safe
That you would stand up and be brave
I asked the Lord to give you peace
And that your holiness would increase
I asked the Lord to give you rest
And to hold you close to His chest
I asked the Lord to grant you good health
Good finances and great spiritual wealth
I asked the Lord to open your heart
And asked for him, His wisdom to impart
I asked the Lord to hold your hand
When life comes out of nowhere "unplanned"
I asked the Lord to walk with you
On the path of righteousness and truth
I asked the Lord for His presence today
And to send the Spirit to show you the way
I asked the Lord out of loving care
That you would know He's always there
But most of all I asked the Lord for you, my friend,
To bless and keep you now and to the very end
George Krokos Sep 2024
It's cold in the morning
without you my love
as the day is dawning
with light from above.

My dreams have been of you
so now are my thoughts:
at times we all go through
our life out of sorts.

That time spent together
did not really last
because of the weather
which came like a blast.

I long to be with you
with all of my heart
and hope you will be too
like after our start.

You know how it was then
at our first greeting
for we gave ourselves ten
on that chance meeting.

It seemed our time had come
to be together
as it happens for some
who brave the weather.

Those storms of life often
are too rough to bear
and some seek to soften
the road getting there.

You had to forgive me
when I doubted you
and this I found to be
as our love was true.

The people around us
don't have much to say
they're likely to cause fuss
and then move away.

I have always been yours
since the day we met
so for us to hold scores
is not that well set.

You're my life's one true love
and I'm not guessing:
you were sent from above
with the Lord's blessing.
Written in June '24. A difficult to write love poem as it went through a few drafts right up until just before posting.
If the air that we breathe
is withheld, we will perish
The Breath of Life is a gift,
we should all greatly cherish

Breathing is essential and
This is so true It signifies Life
The air flows through you

We need air to breathe
it is how we survive
If our air is cut off
we will not be alive

The Breath of Life is a
Beautiful feeling,
If you are breathing air now,
It is Truly a Blessing!!!!

Date: 8/26/2024
Ylzm Jul 2024
Blessings and Curses, two Edges of the same Sword
A Swordsman is one Ordained, knowing When and How
To Unsheathe, to Cut, to Pierce, to ****, only for Good
But if used only for his Good or sheathed rather than ****
He then is a Renegade, condemned by the same Sword
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