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Ylzm 4d
Blessings and Curses, two Edges of the same Sword
A Swordsman is one Ordained, knowing When and How
To Unsheathe, to Cut, to Pierce, to ****, only for Good
But if used only for his Good or sheathed rather than ****
He then is a Renegade, condemned by the same Sword
Robert Ronnow Jul 16
The day after my Aunt Ro died
a doe approached within a few feet
as if confused about where she was
and what she should be doing.
I could neither comfort nor advise her.
I let her be not considering until later maybe
I had witnessed the transmigration of a soul.
But in the end I applied Ockham’s razor—

you rarely see what you believe.
A mile further along my morning stroll
I was greeted cheerfully by a flock
of cedar waxwings I always consider it a blessing
to encounter. Such social, amiable beings
I hope Aunt Ro will join, so sure are they of who they are—
Warmed up by the sun
Cooled down by the rain
Illuminated by the moon
Serenaded by the birds
Comforted by the breeze
Fed by the plants
Accompanied by the living
And reminded by the dead

Even if nothing else works
Looking at all these things
I know I'm so blessed
Savio Fonseca Jun 2023
I'm waiting for the Rain to fall from the Sky
and gracefully sway with the Breeze.
Bringing Calmness, Sanity and Peace around.
Blessing the green fields and the Trees.
I'm waiting for the Rain to fall from the Sky
and Splash on the window Panes.
So Children can hum their rainy Tune,
While it makes puddles in the traffic Lanes.
I'm waiting for the Rain to fall from the Sky,
To Wish Us Hello and Goodbye.
To each Pretty Soul, it gives a tender Hug.
Taking their Blues to the Mighty Sky.
I'm waiting for Raindrops to fall from the Sky,
So We all can have some Fun.
The Raindrops must Kiss, each one of Us.
Before the Sky, gets covered by Sun.
Coleen Mzarriz Apr 2023
It was reflecting—slowly creeping into the small, cracked part of my window. Running his cold, sweaty palm on my forehead and onto the crevasses of my already fragile soul. It is growing like small plants waiting to sprout in dry concrete, blossoming into a wild forest waiting for the blessing of the sun and being showered by the rain.

It creeps softly, masked by the greenery, sometimes vibrant and with a scent of fresh linen sheets and apple slices or newly painted canvases dried out by the cool breeze of the weather, and everyone is smiling, glorious, and incandescent.

But it was also reflecting—slowly creeping into the small crack of my window. Where my room speaks a foreign language and my pillow beats achingly; where breathing morphs into a shadow—eventually walking by your side, so quietly you couldn’t even notice.
there’s something about being known by the unknown.
You're the true instance of virtuous human.

Your mind as pure as crystal,
your heart soft and sound like waters.

everythang about you signifies peace and harmony,
love and respect. Your feeling is so true.

Your life is a blessing, and you're such a special prize from the mother Earth to my soul.

And to the whole universe. Super human.

Human, crystal mind, love, harmony, peace, respect, blessing, Earth Universe 🌌
Super human behavior
If your love was transportation, no hesitation I'm on a mission, your company heads to the rightful destination. State of elation. A thought of you equivalent to paradise, BLESSING haven. She's beautiful like heaven.

Love, transportation, destination, beautification, blessing, Heaven - C9fm
Letter to a beloved boo
My Dear Poet Aug 2022
May the flames of my heart
become the fire we start
between us and the storm

May the furnace in my soul
be the heat for the coal
that keeps our children warm

May the spark of my mind
become the flint that you find
lighting the darkest dawn

May the air in my lung
breathe the breath of the sun
and birth life into a love reborn

May the jewel in my eye
Have you searching the sky
and all the riches heaven has sworn
His right is right
And so's His left.
His burden's light
Despite its heft.

Easy's His yoke,
And, I attest,
A spirit broke
Is also blessed.
Cal Ashiq Jul 2022
With the ocean drift away
From this world led astray
With sands in your hand
As if everything is by your command

By the gentle wind that went by
Be taken far to the heavenly sky
Tis this feeling of freedom
For all sufferings you shall overcome

Let the stars lead you right
My dear lovely sight
Always here by your side
Till our worlds collide

Never shall you be alone
Nor shall be left forlorn
With my prayers unfailingly
Holding your hand till eternity

For we are bereft of separation
As this heart knows no distinction
For our mirrored souls will never part
As i held you dear from the very start

May God hold you close
Be His beloved most
Blessed with His warm embrace
For all the rest of your days

May He smile always upon you my Rainbow
Such Silver Lining i'll never let go
May thy Hereafter be filled with His Love
As angels welcome you to His kingdom above

May God hear this silent plea
May He see you as I see thee
Forever shall I be
A blessing to you by the Almighty
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