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The future foretold
is now passing before us
who is there to blame?
A Senryu written in late '21.
George Krokos Jun 28
Technology and mass production
may be the cause of man's destruction.
From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
George Krokos Jun 28
The rolling ocean of time appears so vast
that who knows how far back into the past
it extends and of our present moment only being
just a slight impression on its shores we’re seeing
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's
George Krokos Jun 28
Sit, stand up and walk straight
and don't you ever wait
or else be seen here late
for it's all now our fate
mankind's most evolved state
humanity's last gait.
Written in late '23.
George Krokos Jun 28
Winter is almost here as
the days are getting colder
and Autumn has left its mark
we need to be much bolder
if we're to get through its stark.
Written towards the end of Autumn 2023.
Apologies for the delay in posting this as it seems I've slowed right down a lot.
George Krokos May 13
What!? You say you're tired of living,
well, I think I know what you mean
as I also don't regard myself being
particularly, at all now, very keen.

The last couple of years have taken their toll on me
so much so that its become obvious for any to see.
The affairs of this world are just one thing I've considered
but what are the things I've done which haven't delivered?
Written in 2023.
A reflection on my current health condition and well being.
George Krokos May 12
Nature responds by
extreme weather conditions
to man's transgressions
A haiku written in late 2021.
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