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Zywa May 20
Why aren't there angels

keeping watch, not even here --

in Los Angeles?
Novel "Shalimar the Clown" (2005, Salman Rushdie), chapter Kashmira, § 1

Collection "Low gear"
Aidan Mar 4
It’s something that you smell
It’s something that makes you feel at home
It’s something that brings comfort
What is that for you?

What brings you the feeling of a tight hug?
What brings you the feeling of protection?
Is it a thing or a who?
Do you have a someone to lean on?
Do you have someone to make everything fade?

That’s the goal isn’t it?
It find a solace in life
A place of absolute comfort and trust
To find somewhere you feel at home
Is it your home or a different place?
Is it a person, place, or thing?
What makes you feel like you’re safe?
Where is your safety blanket?
Who is your safety blanket?

It’s a feeling of warmth wrapped all around
It’s a feeling of strength and assurance
It’s a feeling that cannot be mimicked
You’ll know what this feeling is when you have it
In that moment
You’ll feel at peace
The weight of a thousand sand bags will lift
The weight of all your worries
Gone with the wind
Turned into a feather to be blown away

Have you felt this?
Recent thoughts floating about
Mrs Timetable Feb 21
A thick dust
On the horizon
Let's hurry before
They get here
The judges
Of our risky behaviors
Driving too fast
Because we are
Alone in a car
Tracing our veins
Like a road map
With the metal wire
I used to remove your
Prison bond
Smokin' tequila
Marinating our
Organs with some agave
In our new
Beautiful shiny home
While I shower off the dust
I feel your dark protective image
Standing so close like a
You say let's go now
Do things we've never done
Because once they show
We'll be gone
Edgier than usual. Might not make sense to you. But it does to me. Part of a dream I cannot explain. Only a feel. This is how it translated. Sounds like a movie preview.
Jamesb Nov 2023
Your verse speaks of
Constraints from beyond
The grave as if love
And life and joy are
Forever taken from you,

Yet your life is far
From wrecked by that man,
And you so much greater
And more amazing than
You it seems perceive,

Your soul is great
And good and pure,
Your beauty burns from
Deep beneath your
Alabaster skin,

And even if you
Cannot see the worth of you
Or hurl aside that vile constraint,
You have a counter at your side,
One to protect your from the storm

A counter that costs you
Not a penny nor a dime,
A counter to carry you
That's always there and free,
And lest you wonder where or what

That counter,


Is me!
Been burbling a while this. Recent events finally brought it to birth
Zywa Nov 2023
Safety: high walls all

around, and a large bell jar --

with firing angels.
Israel's air defense system "Kipat barzel" ("Iron Dome"), operational since 2011

Collection "From Sacred Scriptures [1]"
George Krokos Oct 2023
Do not ever forsake us dear Lord
even though it does appear at times
that we all do forsake Thee
but please, be with us always,
to guide, protect and heal,
wherever we are
for we all have a need to be.
Originally written and recited in the first person many years ago and still even these days due to it being etched in my mind. I've posted it here for anyone who might find comfort and solace with in these troubled times.
Zywa Jul 2023
Walls can both protect

and confine you, lock you in --

until they collapse.

Novel "Oranges are not the only fruit" (1985, Jeanette Winterson), chapter "Joshua"

Collection "No wonder"
caught off guard
by yet another downpour
unprepared again
he could shelter
from the torrent
and tempestuous
beneath the hung branches
of this laden tree
beyond its means
but he knows
it cannot keep him dry
for as long as
he might need
from bough to branch
to leaf and bud
down the back of his neck
through layer upon layer
soon sodden and soiled
those discomforting drips
will expose that
which he didn't want
Bianca Petersen Jul 2023
You tell me you love me
I say I love you more
We know the truth
Your love runs deep
fearfully and forcefully
You give me your all
Your love and trust and power
You hold a blanket of protection
Wherever I go
A blessing of security
Protected under your spell
You love me more
But I love you more each day
I am drawn to you
Frozen in your gaze
Of what perfection really is
You piece me back together
Like a scattered puzzle
each piece slowly finds its place
A brilliant picture of who I am
What we’ve become
And the fortifying future we hold
One day
I will love you more
To my partner who I love more each day
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