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When I smell Old Spice it takes nose back
Think of being close to your skin
Was it your sweat as our pulses raced?
We were producing promises to win
Homemade pizza promptly devoured
Flour handprints on ****
Bedazzled jeans
Holes in both knees
Blond hair perfectly cut
I remember admiring freckles
Couldn't take your eyes off my smile
Inebriated night after night
Dreamed of walking the aisle
When tasting Smirnoff *****
Always think of our start
Hearing laughter in my mind
No matter how long we have been apart
It's crazy how little things can take you back in time

Written 3-3-21
George Krokos Apr 10
Sugar and spice
and some things nice;
are not too good
to have as food.
1. Refined carbohydrates: in the form of
    a. white sugar
    b. white flour
    c. white rice
(avoid the above or anything made with them as much as you possibly can)
2. Cigarette Smoke
3. Soft Drinks
4. Alcoholic Drinks
5. Junk Food
6. Common Table Salt
7. Bad Company
8. Sedentary Lifestyle
9. Food Additives: in the form of
    a. artificial colors and flavors
    b. preservatives
10. Overindulgence in ***
11. Not enough sleep
12. Drugs
My little take on certain things to avoid as or in food and even beyond. The proof is in the pudding; though some things are said to be OK taken in moderation, but their continual consumption / participation in can be a cause for addiction leading to chronic health conditions - both physical and mental.
Anais Vionet Oct 2021
Happy pumpkin spice latte season!

Someone said the leaves had turned
to butterscotch, banana, and lemon
but they don’t taste right.
I love everything pumpkin spice
Svetoslav May 2021
An Arctic breath of north moves
across the snowy dirt
like a fridge
across a chocolate
ice cream with vanilla

Winter sun lights
over the white shadow of ice
like a microwave heating frozen meals
grief and joy are the two sides
choose favourite
Lucky melanson Jan 2021
We are
Moving too fast
And I like it
My liza
Would you like the
Please of kissing me
Deeply and sweetly
Lucky melanson Jan 2021
She is has a secret
That I didn't know
About her
That she likes tantra
Though we are both women
Kissing eachothers curves
I want to taste your sweet
Necture as you had mine
From my flower
Summer gets darker,
Sun begins to fade,
Our lives get more wise, through the dances of autumns haze.
Leaves fall off and a charmed aroma of sweet cider symphonies come down the trees unto hearts that bleed.
Enjoy the rich colors autumn brings, deep burgundy red, grape purple, golden bronze and chocolate sweetness floats into the air of a summoned season that we call Fall.
Delicious treats on our tongue touched pallets,
soft, warm, chewy cinnamon buns, red stains covering our lips from that glass bitten candy apple we bought at the fair. Smells of apple cider and maple syrup and our lovers kiss that is smooth like a pumpkin spice dream when my chap stick smothers your face in such delightful ways.
I love the fall, it is my favorite season. What is yours?
Fleur Mar 2020
Like a cauldron of spice that’s been left to simmer,
The shifting dunes; of sand and all it’s golden glimmer.

It’s a taste of home and I’ve got a ticket to ride,
Flames lick the lucid leaves you’ve drained and dried.
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