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582 · Oct 2018
The Irony of It
Mary Frances Oct 2018
How can you help rebuild
something that's broken
when you were one of those
who broke it in the first place?
574 · Aug 2018
Like A Star
Mary Frances Aug 2018
Your love is like a Star.
It may not shine bright like the Sun
nor give light at night like the Moon
but I know it's there -
shining on its own light.
Never ending;
Never fading;
Never gone.
551 · Oct 2017
Mary Frances Oct 2017
I'm stuck.
In the memories you left behind,
In the love I thought was mine.
547 · Dec 2017
The Marshall and the Spy
Mary Frances Dec 2017
I took the seat across and breathe deeply
Trying to ignite the will to last the night to make it easy
Folios with galloping notes reflected my eyes
Ascribing them as you started rippling nice

Taking your place behind those keys
while I guard the front as it seems
You fiddled the catguts, and I learned their secrets
And as you edify, I got lost in the sequence

You exuded the decree to keep my valiance
I lodged around the shadows keeping my silence
Risking the chance that was left of me
As I chant the cadence with complexity

I ogled before you with such esteem
As my mind creeps alone towards glaucous dream
Wishing that in every thing written in the sky,
You will always be my Marshall and I am your Spy
541 · Jun 2018
Mary Frances Jun 2018
It's guilt. Maybe, it's pity.
It's a shame when you love someone like that.
Out of courtesy though out of line,
as you think you owed it to them at one time.

You can't say the words.
You can't even whisper some.
In fear you might hurt
he, whose heart is in line.
You ended up keeping it all.
Ignoring that you're already lost  the heart you own.

You think you're saving yourself but you're really not.
You know you're digging deep for yourself to rot.
525 · Nov 2017
As the rain pours
Mary Frances Nov 2017
As the rain pours and hides my tears,
I am thinking of all my fears.
My fear of losing you.
My fear of falling out of love with you.

As the rain pours and touches my skin,
I am thinking of us and what could have been.
What would happen if we took the risks?
What would happen if we knew what went amiss?

As the rain pours and drenches my heart,
I'm in pain thinking we're apart.
Hoping that as the rain goes away,
You'll come back and stay.
521 · Jan 2018
Mary Frances Jan 2018
Love is gentle. Love is quite,
Like any distant star.
Love is beauty. Love is music,
Soothing as night winds are.

Love is patient and unselfish
Divine, true, neutral, fair
Love is ageless and immortal
Lost love is just somewhere.

And the heart that love abandoned
Nurses a tender scar
Softly stabbing, and yet still sweetly soothing
Just like the night winds are.
515 · Oct 2018
I Talked to the Moon
Mary Frances Oct 2018
I talked to the Moon,
in all Her brightness and light,
about you and I.
I whispered to Her all the words
I kept in my heart with the hope
that She will whisper those to you while you sleep.
I asked Her to keep you in Her embrace
while Her Stars give light in your darkness.
And I tied my desires to Her beam
as I promised my heart to you.
501 · Sep 2018
Mary Frances Sep 2018
From the moment we met,
I knew you were special.
You became my life-changer,
someone essential, substantial.
You made every quote I created remarkable,
Every poem I've written, memorable.
500 · Jul 2019
Mary Frances Jul 2019
I haven't looked back after letting go of your hand.
It was a promise that you made me do.
I've kept that promise in every step away from you.
I've kept that promise in every tear I cried for you.
I've kept that promise in every moment I was missing you.
I've kept that promise hoping it would lead me back to you.
485 · Aug 2018
Like Sunflowers
Mary Frances Aug 2018
We are like Sunflowers.
We always look forward
for the Sun's radiance.
Even if sometimes
it's just too harsh,
still, it makes us feel alive.
480 · Aug 2018
A Bitter Bait
Mary Frances Aug 2018
I never thought sweet words would hurt.
From your lips to my heart, it created a wound.
Words so sweet, now the cause of my pain.
Words so sweet, but scars I gain.
It's too painful.
It's too late.
Your "I love you" is a bitter bait.
472 · Feb 2018
I Love You
Mary Frances Feb 2018
Will you whisper to me those words?
Sweet words protected by Knights and conquered with swords?
Words prized by Queens from the revered lips of Kings?
Words soft and fragile as butterfly's wings?

Whisper to me those words while they are still true.
Whisper to me those words while they still hold the meaning of me and you.
468 · Oct 2017
At least..
Mary Frances Oct 2017
My tears flow
as my heart breaks.
I tried not to listen
but I can't deny the ache.

You've done it before,
you're doing it again.

I've had enough.
You know I'm not that tough.

Please take pity.
If not for me, then at least, for my heart.
466 · Sep 2018
Mary Frances Sep 2018
Life is too short and unpredictable for
the simplest things not to be enjoyed
-like dancing under the rain
and play with the puddles after.
464 · Oct 2017
Fairy Tales
Mary Frances Oct 2017
They all have happy endings.
Queens and Kings
Princes and Princesses,
brave Heroes and fulfilled dreams.

I wish I have one too
Someone of pure heart and so true
who will give me my happily-ever-after,
a life with less sadness and more laughter.

That's what I wished for when I was a child
when I still had a heart so mild
Then it changed when I started loving Princes and Kings
coz my heart became part of their other broken things.
459 · Sep 2018
Mary Frances Sep 2018
The grey clouds cover
my clear blue Sky
as the Storm  threatens
the calmness of my Sea.
Still, I dared to open my eyes
to gaze upon the horizon
hoping that the grey clouds
will be soon lifted
and my heart be put at ease.
450 · Nov 2018
Lost in the World
Mary Frances Nov 2018
She grew up too fast to catch up
with the fabrications of the world.
And all that was heard was the cry
of her lost innocence.
447 · Nov 2019
Colors of Love
Mary Frances Nov 2019
I see love with all those beautiful colors,
with colors brought by Dusk and Dawn,
with colors when the Sun kisses the sky as it rises
and the horizon, as it sets.

I see love with all those beautiful colors,
like how blue the sky is in a clear, bright day,
like how fresh the flowers and leaves are in early Spring.

Though there are times that love is dull and dark,
with colors that are grey and black,
like how the clouds become heavy in gloomy days,
love still remains to be beautiful.

For to be loved is beautiful.
And being loved by him will always be beautiful.
443 · Mar 2018
In the End
Mary Frances Mar 2018
I've sailed the widest ocean
to find the answers beyond the horizon.

I've climbed the tallest mountain
to reach the farthest sky.

I kept seeking for distant falling stars
to make a wish and make it come true.

But no matter how I try, in the end, everything goes back to you.
440 · Sep 2018
Forbidden Fruit
Mary Frances Sep 2018
You are my forbidden fruit
- the sweetest sin
I repeatedly commit.
And I have no plans to stop
- because the heart that loves
will never go adrift.
429 · Oct 2018
With You, Always
Mary Frances Oct 2018
Yours is the kind of love I once wished
The feeling that favored not just what I can give
but who I am - light and dark.
For years, it didn't change.
Instead, it grew stronger with every spark.
It's ever beautiful, peaceful and mild.
It's what I can call mine.
It's what I can call ours.
We may be apart but ours is the feeling
I'm quite certain as I am sure.
For you embedded my heart with words
that bring warmth like the sun's rays,

Avec vous, toujours
With you, always.
424 · Aug 2018
Lifetime - Then and Now
Mary Frances Aug 2018
If I will exist in the next cycle,
I wish to be reborn as someone
who's meant for you.
We'll find ways for our paths to cross
and author the love story we failed to
write in this lifetime.
422 · Aug 2018
Falling in Love
Mary Frances Aug 2018
That's the funny thing about falling in love though.
It's like playing poker.
The lesser you show emotions,
the more effective your bluff will be.
And the bet?
415 · Oct 2018
Mary Frances Oct 2018
We started with sweet,
sensual exchange of words.
But instead of ending up
under the sheets,
we ended up with broken hearts.
413 · Oct 2020
Change of Heart
Mary Frances Oct 2020
They said that even demons
sometimes have a change of heart.
This made me wonder.
My demons' hearts never changed.
But mine did.
And it got even darker
as it gets broken over and over again.
409 · Mar 2018
Mary Frances Mar 2018
I feel numb.
I can't feel anything.
A poke from a needle, a cut from a knife
Even a hole from a broken glass and all the sharp things in life

It all started when I pricked my finger from a needle of a spinning wheel
Or was it when I took a bite from a poisonous apple?
Maybe from the moment I exchanged by voice for something dumb
Or was it when I chose to give up my freedom because of a rose?
Perhaps when I broke my glass slipper and did nothing
Or was it when I rubbed that fake genie lamp?
Perhaps when I laid down my hair for someone to climb
or was it when I aimed my arrow at a torn tapestry?
It could be when I kissed the wrong frog thinking it was a prince
Or was it when I tried to be someone else to hide the real me?

Alas! Indeed, I almost forgot.
That it was when I handed you my fragile heart.
408 · Oct 2018
Mary Frances Oct 2018
Understand and know me
not just by reading
the summary and the prologue.
Read all the chapters
until the last period
where I bared my heart.
We've been judged by other people but they haven't read everything. All they know are the things being passed on from one mouth to one ear. It would really help if they will take the time to read everything before they make judgments.
403 · Oct 2017
In the Silence
Mary Frances Oct 2017
There you are again passing by me
You looked but you didn't see
You didn't notice that part of the view
Is just staring and thinking of you

Your name, I wish I could call
And tell you that you're the best among all
But such words, I couldn't speak
Kept in my heart and making me weak

My spirit's strength is my love for you
My heart's content is the sight of you
But you don't know, for I couldn't reveal
Even a clue of what I truly feel

But if you'll just take a moment to realize
That in the silence you hear, my love lies
And in that same silence, you have a friend
who loves you dearly with a love that has no end
401 · Oct 2017
Mary Frances Oct 2017
Why are you like this?
You're making it difficult for me.
You're the only person I'm trying not to miss.
Now, you're doing everything not to leave me be.

You've done something I couldn't understand.
Suddenly, feelings became out of hand.
You shattered my once peaceful dreams.
Then things are not what they seem.

You made me the reason for everything.
But all I hear was an excuse.
You insisted what you did was a good thing.
Then why do I feel I'm being used?

Please don't rekindle a dying flame.
I love you, but not as passionate as before.
Don't feel guilty for you are not to blame.
This is all I can offer, please don't ask for more.

I don't want to feel the same pain.
What we had already ended.
I've moved on, please don't break me again.
My heart's healed. It has been mended.
399 · Oct 2017
Mary Frances Oct 2017
As clouds drift away,
so does my heart.
397 · Sep 2018
Mary Frances Sep 2018
What I feel for you
is uncomplicated.
I love you.
No buts.
No ifs.
No reasons.
No matter how hard I try to look for reasons why I love, I can't find any. It seems like what I feel is free flowing. And I like how it turned out.
396 · Oct 2017
Imaginary Friend
Mary Frances Oct 2017
You are just a thought
a projection of my imagination

My heart gave you life
My mind, your soul

You know my thoughts
my deepest desires
my dreams, my hopes
and where my world evolves

You become constant,
the one driving me crazy
Seeking your unreal presence
whenever I'm lonely

I started talking to you
as if you're really here
and then one day I realized
You already have my heart so dear

I fell hard
and I'm still falling..

With you, my imaginary friend.
383 · Oct 2017
Made Me, Had Me
Mary Frances Oct 2017
You made me feel everything 'til it's gone
Now I'm left alone undone.

You had my heart captured and broken
Then it turned out I was just one of your many tokens.
382 · Sep 2018
He Knows
Mary Frances Sep 2018
He knows I'm not perfect.
He knows all my flaws too well.
He knows there's a void in me no one could fill.
And yet he chose to love me still.
375 · Aug 2018
Mary Frances Aug 2018
As I'm drawn to your sweetness,
you became my fragrance,
my superficial addiction;
like a bee hungry for the flower's nectar.
374 · Oct 2017
Mary Frances Oct 2017
I long...
                      For you to hold my hands
                      while doing everything we planned.

                                For you to whisper in my ears
                                as you drive away my fears.

                      For you to be my light
                      Every time darkness covers my sight.

                                For me to listen to your heart's beat,
                                each moment we meet.

As much as I want this, reality strikes and it's hard to dismiss.
That even if I know this is all wrong, it's still you I always long.
373 · Aug 2019
Mary Frances Aug 2019
Parting is always painful.
It all ends with a goodbye.
May it be said or not,
or its reason, a truth or lie.

Parting is always painful,
for you'll never know when you'll meet again.
May it be soon or never at all,
you'll always hope, anticipate,
no matter how small.

Parting is always painful.
Especially when the last you'll see is a smile.
Hiding the hurt, the regrets, the miles,
Giving an illusive dream you'll see it again
though you know that won't happen.
365 · Aug 2018
Mary Frances Aug 2018
You ripped my heart wide open
and bled it out til dry
but you caged yours too much
and just let mine die
364 · Mar 2018
Mary Frances Mar 2018
We've been friends for ten years
and he's been loving me for nine.
I don't know what I'd call it
but I know his love is divine.

We've talked about the past and the present
to patch things up for the future
Still I wondered where we'd be
and what it is I would nurture

We've been through a lot of things,
tough times and whatever life brings
I know we're not in a hurry but there are things bothering me
If he'll leave again, where will I be?

He told me to trust him and to have faith
We still have time and he's not yet too late
Well then, I'll take the bait that we'll be just fine
After all, he's been loving me for nine.
360 · Oct 2018
Your Words
Mary Frances Oct 2018
It's amazing how your words,
simple they may seem,
make me speechless.

It's amazing how your words,
common they may seem,
make me feel very special.

It's amazing how your words,
true they may seem,
make me want to stay in a dream.

It's just amazing that even your words
make me feel so loved.
360 · Nov 2017
I will, I do. Will you?
Mary Frances Nov 2017
Will you be sad once I turn my back?
Will you shed a tear knowing we'll be apart?

Will your heart break with the thought we'll never see each other?
Will you miss the times when we're together?

Will you write me letters saying it's me you miss?
Will you buy gifts like I'm still in your Christmas list?

Of all these things I ask of you,
I know I will, I do
but, WILL YOU?
359 · Aug 2019
Every Time I Fall Asleep
Mary Frances Aug 2019
I've been asking every time I fall asleep,
that when I close my eyes, will I still be in one's heart to keep?
When tomorrow comes and I won't be awake,
will there be someone who'll cry for my sake?
If at the middle of the day, I will suddenly fall,
is there anyone who'll answer my last cry and call?
When everything is done and in time, I'll be gone,
will you remember the moment when I was your beloved one?
359 · Oct 2017
I've written..
Mary Frances Oct 2017
I've written the words for me and you
and every time I'm happy and blue.

I've written the words of how I feel
even though it's painful and real.

I've written the words my heart wants to say
and still wishing they will reach you someday.

To you, I may have been smitten,
Still, those words, I've only written.
358 · Nov 2018
Will You?
Mary Frances Nov 2018
Will you yearn for me?
Will you be there to weep and call my name?
Will you reminisce the remembrance of what we are?
Will you still wish for me in every shooting star?
Will you still pray for me during Sunrise?
And feel my warmth when you lull yourself at Sunset?
Will you still give me a part of your heart?
And revere the mark I left in your soul?

Will you? When I'm gone?
353 · Oct 2017
A Capella
Mary Frances Oct 2017
My heart forgot the melody
like what it used to sing.

The words remained
but not the tune.

And now that you're gone,
I'm trying to hum the music.

But all I can hear is silence
and an a capella that my heart is trying to sing.
348 · Oct 2017
Not Brave Enough
Mary Frances Oct 2017
I want to have you back
but I'm afraid to take the risks

I love you still, it's a fact
but it's the painful part I don't miss

I learned my lesson the hard way
and it's not the kind of spot I wanted to stay

I'm in the verge of believing your words
as if my heart has it's own accords

But then the moment you change your mind again,
where will I be next?
For sure, I won't definitely put that to the test.

I'm sorry but I'm not brave enough to take things through
but then, ARE YOU?
347 · Nov 2017
Many Times
Mary Frances Nov 2017
Many times I've been alone just reminiscing
Of kisses and hugs and what could have been
Of looks and touches and many Ifs
Of strokes and curves and things we would miss.

Many times I've been caught off guard
When forgetting seems to be so hard
When someone mentions your name
When I'm doing things we've done the same.

Those were the times we had.
The times when we're still mad.
And that's how they will remain.
Our reminder to keep us sane.
344 · Oct 2018
My Dream
Mary Frances Oct 2018
When I was a young girl, I loved to watch couples getting married and told myself that one day, I'll marry a man who can give me my dream wedding. Now that I'm all grown up, I still love to watch couples getting married but instead of wishing to marry someone who can give me my dream wedding, I'd love to get married to the man who knows my dreams and love me still no matter how simple or grand my wedding will be.
342 · Sep 2019
The Silence In Our Parting
Mary Frances Sep 2019
Our parting was silent yet the pain it brought was loud.
The tears were behind the twinkling eyes and sweet smile.
The fear of letting go went along with holding your hands.
The prayer for you to stay laid within feeling the  warmth from your embrace.
Looking at you with a smile was how I kept my silence.
Then I drown myself with  your memories as I reminisce.
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