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Love and hate
Neither pose a challenge for fate
What even is there to debate?
Prove one is the conquer, far stronger than the other competitor
Go ahead,
I'll wait...

Madeleine Mar 20
My son
I have called you to lead
You are stronger
Than you realize
Drithena Jan 17
The sweet words that once came from my mouth
Directed with someone else before everything went south
Now my heart is full of questions and reasonable doubt
I don't know which one is true or what I believe about

Now, I met someone new and he is definitely lovely
I can go everywhere and much more freely
I'm experiencing the same feeling before but much stronger
I hope this time my feelings will stay longer
ky Jul 2023
When I run,
the thought of you
makes me run faster.

I think about how
angry you made me,
and I become stronger.

You're no longer my weakness.
You're my strength.
My Dear Poet Sep 2022
When you’re pulled down
You have a better view of the sky

When you’re shut out
You have a better chance at freedom

When you’re knocked off
You gain a better sense of balance

When you’re let go
You have a better taste of release
Zack Ripley Jan 2022
You'll have more bad days than good.
You'll experience more pain
than you should have to.
At times, you'll feel broken; weak.
But you're stronger than you would think.
And when you find that strength,
that reason to stand,
you will come to understand
you have new responsibilities.
Responsibilities to yourself.
To the ones you let in.
Even responsibilities to the ones
who get under your skin.
You've come so far already,
but there's still so much to do.
I'll leave you to it.
I just want you to know I'm proud of you.
Zack Ripley Nov 2021
As my body gets weaker,
my mind grows stronger.
But I can't help but wonder how much longer my heart can hold on.
Hold on to the faith, to the dream.
But more than anything,
I wonder how much longer the love in my heart can hold on to me
Michael A Duff Aug 2021
Love is indeed art
Simple to see and embrace
A challenge erased
What is love and how do we know it, couple times found in your life, only to be lost and discovered like the rise and fall of the sun. Fooled and shamed into believing only to see clearly later it was game and Pons were topled for her pleasure. She is an island that is not reachable if it was you'd be stranded and slowly die.
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