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He is an alert child,
trapped in the predicament of
growing up,
swollen with a forceful,
armed heart,
sinking in an intensifying
neutral panic,
in the middle of innocuous paradise.
hungry for tranquility
among a ripe, fruity spring.
Luna Pan Jul 12
In the heart of the university maze,
We found each other.
Laughter echoed through lecture halls,
Jokes and secrets within those four walls.

We shared dreams, fears, and plans,
Unconditional love.
In the library's hush, in the campus green,
Your presence was the best I'd ever seen.

But last month, the world went still,
Your absence, a void nothing can fill.
Butterflies now bring a silent tear,
Sunflowers bloom, but you're not here.

Brownies we ate with bittersweet care,
Your laughter, a whisper I still hear.
Memories of you fill my days,
Memories of you warm my soul.

In every butterfly, I see your gaze.
In every sunflower, I see your smile.
Another Birthday
Without You
I've had enough
The pain of unrequited Love


Hang about
It is all in your Head  
Just keep living how you Feel
Because your Love is the Real Deal

2 July, 2024
I think this is a *** Poem! LOL Happppppppppppy Birthday!
Sof Jun 20
I want to crack you open with unconditional love, to see what’s inside your tough exterior
I want to watch the smile dawning on your face grow wider and wider until your cheeks hurt
I want to hear you talk without giving it a second thought

Lose your cool. Yell until your voice grows rough and raspy.
Bury your face in your hands and cry
Just once, give me something, anything, to see what’s inside your tough exterior
Jeremy Betts Jun 1
Since a year and nine months before my first birthday I've been unwanted
The only way for me to not feel unwanted
Is to not be around for unwanted to be an option
Watch that be the day I am finally wanted
And they'll have the nerve to say, "this is not what we wanted."

Styles May 29
A grasp upon my chest,
You're still a thief in disguise.
I never truly belonged to you,
Just a phantom in your eyes.
How does it feel like to carry half a moon and half a night.
like Standing half in sand and half in sea.
like Watching a boat on the shore, while drowning.
& Writing your name on the sand. half of it on surface & half in water.
Don't you think its perfect, may be only half of it.
Reaching the end, or celebrating it while standing in half of it.
May be its the last minute or just half of it.
May be the half that is untouched is more precious.
There must be a reason half in heart and half remains
within you.
Its better to be half a fool for half a dream.
will continue this ? or keep it half
Do I really have to completely and painfully forget about us, deeply and frenetically in love, passionately devouring each other?!
Must I abandon my sincere dream of being joyfully and profoundly yours?
How can I escape being so obsessed with all of you? I’m surprised by my own strength, acting as if none of the turmoil around us matters.
I can’t overcome this silence and emotionless moment, but I swear it’s all due to the melancholy inside me.
I’m depressed, yet you’re still the one and only who can drive me crazy.
I’m home again,
with the same tragedy
that I used to smile through.
With the same cup of coffee prepared,
yet I’ll never drink it.
I’m home,
yet lonely,
seeking solace through my silence.
I have no expectations for tonight,
except finding joy
in solitude.
In love with the silent moments
of mine.
I’m home.
Luna Pan Apr 20
you and me
we are far off on a foreign coast life
you in your black hoodie
me in my good girl clothes
entering our eternal summer
my cheeks blushing from wine
your hands locked on mine
dark nights, crashing waves
your eyes glows like champagnes
inviting me to dive
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