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Cold winter's eve,
A peasant man mourns in the cold,
Tears all full, falling to his child's grave.

An angel then descended from the sky,
Remorseful for the great loss of his,
While she wrapped her wings around him,
She sighed and sung.

God made the stars,
He made them so you may see the eyes of your beloved,
When they return to his graceful arms.
If you lose somebody worry not, they are bag in the arms of love watching over you.
I went to my kitchen, and what did I see
All my ***** dishes, looking back at me
I got dishes - I got them ***** dishes
No matter what I say, no matter what I do
I got them - ***** dishes blues

My babe come to see me on a Friday night
She looked in my kitchen and said, you know that ain’t right
You got dishes - you got them ***** dishes
No matter what I say, no matter what I do
I got them - ***** dishes blues

When I get home, you know what I’ll do
I’ll get some water, make some soap suds too
And wash my dishes,  I’ll wash my ***** dishes
No matter what I say, no matter what I do
I got them - ***** dishes blues
Oh them ***** dishes!
Jaci Feb 10
I ought to know that,

We are one in the same.

We can't fix it,

And I don't feel any shame.

We don't talk much,

Nothing really will ever change.

But i don't think i like it,

And I feel so strange.

If you were to go blue,

My heart would crack in two.

I wouldn't confront you,

We’d end up like we always do

If you know me you need to show me,

Or I'll just crack in two.

And I'm not sure you’ll fix it,

Just because I'm so used to it.

If you know me then show me,

Say it right back to my face.

Cause i think we could fix it,

Become not used to it.

Cause you know that we’re the same,

I have worse things I can take.

But i can't have you flake,

Or else I won't have my escape.
A series of based off of songs.
Song: Perfect Pair
Jaci Feb 10
All the leaves have fallen off,

All the branches are small.

The sky helps me stall,

Waiting to wish upon a star.

What color is the sky painted?

The color of your emotion is faded.

The bonfire is created,

The wind has your face painted.

Close your eyes,

Maybe we're falling.

Or is the wind just stalling?

The rain was falling as if I were bawling.

Tell me the color of your emotion.

Tell me if the rain is your devotion.

Is the bonfire burning,

Or am I only yearning?

Cause maybe i'm just falling,

Listening to your calling.

You're like a bonfire,

Unmatching with a wildfire.

So let me listen to your calling,

In the rain as if I were falling.

The bonfire is slowly fading,

Allow me to test what we created.
Series of poems based on  songs.
Song: Bonfire
Jaci Feb 10
When i'm too drunk to drive,

Would you kiss me tonight?

What if the music was right?

Would you pick a fight?

When we would start to kiss,

The record would always skip.

I'd sit a little closer,

Flipping it back over.

Sharing a pack of cigarettes,

Burning through it with the brunette.

It’ll leave me with nothing.

It’ll leave you with nothing.

A foolish reason for a kiss,

Within my own selfishness.

Liking the closeness,

Pulling when the record skips.

Pulled from the abyss,

Only when I felt the warmth of your lips.

You leave me to reminisce,

About our first kiss.
Series of poems based on songs
Song: Lovers Rock
Jaci Feb 10
Up on the hill there's a plastic tree,

Are you here with me?

Is it another dream,

Or are you close to me?

Let’s set out at sea,

Spree to where you're close to me.

Cause you are my love,

My medicine that turns me into a dove.

When you're close to me,

In the submarine,

Does anyone know, love?

Or is this another dream?

If you can't get what you want,

Then come with me.

Close to me,

Like the plastic tree.

Up on the hill sits a manatee,

Drifted far from the sea.

Sitting with the plastic tree,

Are you here with me?

Just looking out for the day,

Just a dream but wont you stay?

Cause when there's a plastic tree,

You're close to me.
Series of poems based on songs.
All of this can't be for nothing
We've worked too hard
Fought too hard
For it to be over
I have lost too much
I no longer know
They can't win
I made an oath of blood
He will die tonight
but not by my hand
like I wanted

I will be your sacrifice
It's the only way
I'm sorry love, but I have to do this
I was always doomed to go

The whole world is collapsing
These shards of truth I've clung to
pierce my soul
Bloodred wings and gilded mask
Will mark my

I launch myself into the sky above
shining brighter than the sun
and all you can see is my supernova
bright and brilliant

behind the mask, my face is expressionless
but a single tear slides down my face
as I hear the love of my life

I am burning
Pain blinding

I wonder what will happen
when it's all

Was I a savior after all?
or just a foolish boy disguised as a

My painted feathers burn like candlesticks
But I can still go higher!
crying out
But as I fall
like a meteor
into the sea
A part of me remembers

I will transcend to Caelum
as a warrior
it is impossible to transform the emotions in this scene into words.

Based off the song Icarus by Gio Navas (absolutely incredible artist)
This is written by one of my paras, Necare. He's done poems before, but he has a different backstory in this one. Pretty bad poem, but seriously, check out the song!
Fireflies dance beneath the moonlit sky
Their firey tails blazing thousands of suns
Flashing in harmonious rhythm
To a song known only to spirits of the forest
Where trees root themselves to a verdelant chorus
Swaying in soft waltz as the wind caresses green boughs
Groaning under the weight of the starry firmament

<A reflection from above to what is below>

An infinity of dazzling diamonds winking in starlight
Tune themselves to the melody of distant earth
Where moon bathes the world in grey washed relief
Illuminating the new born fawn that prances in sync
To his mother's cautious attention
Her eyes reflecting love in full as Luna guards her young
Beneath the light of midnight

Behind her, a chirping symphony of raucous crickets
Reached a vibrating crescendo which echoes across the land
A ringing accompaniment to the bass dravel of the wayward toad
Whose thump, thumping excites the prowling fox
To pounce about in a furry pirouette in an attempt to seize the treble
Of the screeching barn owl that cuts through the night
Spinning in a controlled dive bomb of deadly talons
Searching for their late night victim whose screams
Provide the lyrical movement to which nature plays master
To the goings on of life, beyond the light of the day

In the distance, a lone whippoorwill cries in anguish
As the sun rises and dawn brings an end to his song

Goodie good my lordy lord
Here i am again calling you
From abroad.

Goodie good nevertheless
i was, this playing dead
Just doesnt seem to work.

Goodie good my lordy lord
Have merci now since well
you know.

Goodie good nevertheless
I was, you met me sleeping
On a bus station.
I tire this new morning,
I slept not a wink tonight.

For there is a lonely woman,
Who sings out in woesome plight.

Her voice creeps to my window,
And haunts my slumb'ring ear,
And I am shot awake in fear.

Listening for the lonesome cry,
Of the Lady of the Night.
Good Morning everyone, have a great Monday!
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