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337 · Aug 2019
Those Who Wait
Mary Frances Aug 2019
I've come across people who were waiting most of their lives.
Waiting for better ways on how they could live
while others just chose to wither away and die.

There were those who waited too long for love to arrive.
But when it finally came, they were already too afraid
to take the leap and dive.

There were those who waited for the meaning of their existence.
But when the opportunity came to define who they were,
they decided to let go of that chance.

There were those waiting for freedom.
But when the shackles were loosen and finally removed,
they chained themselves back.
For they missed the prison, their pain.

And then I've come across myself
waiting for the sun to rise and shine after the dark.
But when I saw the sunlight in your eyes,
I let you go and turned away with a silent goodbye.
336 · Nov 2020
Price of Happiness
Mary Frances Nov 2020
Happiness has its own hefty price you have to pay.
I paid mine with the one who held my heart.

And I still often ask if my happiness
is worth for the price I paid.
And I sometimes ask what else do I need to give up for him to have his happiness.
334 · Oct 2017
Mary Frances Oct 2017
You took the sunshine, and left me the rain
You took the gladness, and left me the pain
You took the laughter, and left me crying
You took reality and left me dreaming

But still, I love you
for I could never forget
The love we've shared from the moment we've met
Until the time you left.
331 · Oct 2018
Real Talk
Mary Frances Oct 2018
Cut the chase already.
It's not fun anymore.
You're just hurting yourself.
And honestly, I don't want to be blamed about it.
324 · Oct 2018
Mary Frances Oct 2018
You are the promise
I'm willing to be
engaged with.
This is for someone who made a promise to me years ago (together with a promise ring) and is very diligent in fulfilling it.
323 · Oct 2017
Mary Frances Oct 2017
'Drip, drip, drip, drop'
goes the Rain

'Drip, drip, drip, drop'
my tears with pain

'Drip, drip, drip, drop'
then my heart breaks

'Drip, drip, drip, drop'
Please stop the ache
323 · Oct 2017
Mary Frances Oct 2017
You are just a man in my stupid fantasy
A perfect picture of what is to be my reality
Oh! How I wish you’re real for me to hold you tight
And that it will always be you I hug at night.

You’re a very fine product of my mind’s wildest imagination
A shadow of my heart’s foolish creation
Oh! How I know you’re just a face of thin air
A handsome canvass of a man filled with so much love and care.

Am I mad? Lonely? I really don’t know!
I never imagined I had scooped this low.
Everyday longing. Every moment waiting.
Hoping that somehow, someday, it will be you I’m finally seeing.

It is very stupid of me, I admit
Making fool of myself out of the feeling I can’t omit
But can you blame me of creating a love that’s impossible?
How I wish that my reasons to you will be acceptable!

I’ve already gone this far
My mind perfected the image of what you are
Now it’s up to me to make you real
Adding the feelings I want to reveal

I hope that someday you’ll understand
That when I made you, I felt so grand
And even if you just exist in my fantasy and in my dreams, don’t worry
It’s always going to be you I’ll love ‘til eternity.
319 · Oct 2017
Mary Frances Oct 2017
Lips were sealed.
Hearts were broken.

And then I looked into your eyes,
all I can see are lies.

Then I heard my heart breaking again.
316 · Sep 2018
A Promise
Mary Frances Sep 2018
It's either you let it go
and forget about it,
or you get it back
and fulfill it.

I just wish you did the latter.
315 · Oct 2017
Mary Frances Oct 2017
You keep
crawling back
under my skin,
within my thoughts,
inside my heart.
Mary Frances Aug 2018
Tik Tok
says the Clock
with all the memories
forgotten and left behind.

Lub Dub
says my Heart
with all the affections felt
for the memories left.
309 · Jun 2018
Mary Frances Jun 2018
It's been so long since the last entree
I've been stuck, lost my scribbled sheets
my mind is empty but fully chaotic
of words unsaid, unwritten, undone.

Can someone reach out?
I'm drowning, falling deep
I'd like to be saved,
I'd like to be spared,
kept safe in the midst of crowded lies.

My soul is caged,
locked down by frozen dreams,
******* by unfinished poems,
tortured by crumpled music notes.

I want to be free;
where my pen can write the words,
where my lips can speak rhymes,
where my heart can finalize songs.
302 · Jan 2018
Loving You
Mary Frances Jan 2018
Loving you is Happiness
A once-upon-a-time bliss
Granting a short-termed longing
Of my wishful soul

Loving you is Sadness
It's cruel, too afflictive  
Pounding my heart with pain
Blinding my eyes with tears

Loving you is Insanity
Stirring feelings that are not right
Keeping me up during the day
Giving me nightmares at night

Loving you is Paradox
Common sense can't explain it
Logic seems helpless
It's contradicting as it's true

Loving you is Death
The ruin of every song
The fall of my sanity
The undoing of it all
301 · Nov 2018
His Salvation
Mary Frances Nov 2018
He got lost along the way
abandoning what's left in his sanity.
He forgot himself while chasing
the dream that was not meant to be.
All he remembered was the warmth
of her name on his lips and the
feeling that came with it.
And that's how she saved him.
301 · Oct 2017
Little Star
Mary Frances Oct 2017
Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star
Has my love really gone that far?

Little Star in the sky, you look so grand
Will you let my love hold my hand?

Little Star, I'll whisper a wish
that my love will give me a kiss

Little Star, please grant it this time
that my love will always be mine.
296 · Aug 2018
My Heart
Mary Frances Aug 2018
I know my heart.
It's been bruised and scarred and shattered.
It's already too tired but it never ceased to believe, hope and love.
And that's the pride I can give to myself.
295 · Oct 2018
The Irony of It 2
Mary Frances Oct 2018
We tend to avoid things that can cause us pain.
If we are afraid to be wounded,
then why do we break hearts?
293 · Jul 2020
Left Behind
Mary Frances Jul 2020
I have been listening to you. To all your worries and pain, your sorrows and tears, your brokenness and shame. I've witnessed everything, held you heart and loved you all the same.

But when my time came and all of me became broken, why did you throw me away?
292 · Oct 2018
Mary Frances Oct 2018
I am a collection of shattered,
broken glasses.
My sides and edges are sharp
and may cause a wound
to whoever dare to hold me in their hands.
You may think that only my large shards can hurt but the truth is,
it's the small ones that can create the most pain.

Despite these things, is your love still
willing to embrace my brokenness?
288 · Aug 2018
You and Your Loving
Mary Frances Aug 2018
You and your loving
make me feel so grand.
You tugged the strings of my heart
in ways I could not understand.
284 · Aug 2019
Mary Frances Aug 2019
We met when Spring was young and bright.
Flowers bloomed as you walked by with your morning light.
Your smile made my leaves grow,
with the care you've given and the love you've shown.

And then Summer came and you had to leave.
Who will now shield me from the scorching Sun and heavy Rain?

When Autumn came and forced me to bend and fall,
I stood my ground against her with my all.

As Winter approached and froze the entire land,
I fought the cold with the promise of hope you left in my hand.

Finally, Spring came back and I saw you walked towards me,
to my frozen self who was waiting to be set free.
You were what Spring brought with him,
the promise of hope I kept.

The warmth of your embrace made me wish for what remains,
that in between the changing of Seasons, somehow we will meet again.
281 · Oct 2017
Mary Frances Oct 2017
The eulogy of you and me,
The ode for all the love and misery,
The ballad of the promises whispered carelessly,
Will all be written in this broken Poetry.
278 · Oct 2018
Mary Frances Oct 2018
It's bittersweet how you become
the love I see in my eyes
yet the pain I feel in my heart
at the same time.
278 · Oct 2017
Mary Frances Oct 2017
The clouds are grey
covering the skies.
As fear creeps in
to this heart of mine.

Darkness falls,
I don't know who to call.

Then I think of you. . .

And I become more afraid
you'll **** my all.
264 · Aug 2018
Remember Me
Mary Frances Aug 2018
I won't mind if you'll forget
the little things I used to do
for and with you when I'm gone.

Just remember me in your heart.
That's more than enough.
263 · Aug 2018
Mary Frances Aug 2018
You captured my eyes,
my attention.
Now, you're slowly capturing
my affection, and with that,
my heart.
263 · Oct 2018
Mary Frances Oct 2018
No one can take you away from my heart,
not even Death.
I may forget the details of our sweet memories
but my heart will remember the feeling
of the most wonderful freedom of our love.
260 · Oct 2018
When the Heart Gets Tired
Mary Frances Oct 2018
Don't wait until
her heart gets tired
before you do
something for her.
You can reason out
with the mind
but not the heart.
251 · Jan 2019
Let My Tears Fall
Mary Frances Jan 2019
I reached out unto your cage to release your shackles
but you closed your doors hurting my hands.
The pain is real and I am left confused.
All I ever wanted is for you to be free.
Yet you bowed your head in defeat
and retreated back into the shadows.
I'm not sure for whom my tears will be.
Do I let them fall for you?
Do I let them fall for me?
I've wounded myself and the scars are reminders of you.
I never thought holding on to you would be this painful.
I'm ready to take the fall with you
but you are full of what ifs and maybe.
So I guess I'll just let my tears fall for me.
250 · Dec 2017
Tell Me
Mary Frances Dec 2017
I've said it so many times. Do I have to say it more?

Are your ears that deaf not to hear my cries?
Are your eyes that blind not to see my tears?
Is your heart that hard not to feel my pain?
Are your hands that tired not to reach out?

Tell me.
Make me understand.
Don't leave me hanging in the limbo of questions.
Don't make me create things in my mind.
Don't make me shut everything down.
247 · Mar 2019
Mary Frances Mar 2019
The Universe knew your love was right.
Yet, it's the same Universe that made the time wrong.
244 · Oct 2018
How You Affect Me
Mary Frances Oct 2018
I get drunk just from
the thoughts of you.
Imagine what will happen
if you'll be close.

This is how you affect me.
234 · Sep 2018
The Things I'm Not
Mary Frances Sep 2018
I'm no writer.
I'm no poet.
Yet, every time I think
of you,
words flow
with all the rhymes
of love
the world knows.

I'm not sweet.
I'm not affectionate.
Yet, every time I meet
your eyes,
all I want is to be held
close to you
and spout sweet
like what lovers do.
230 · Oct 2017
Mary Frances Oct 2017
"I love you"
Words I used to know.
"I miss you"
Words I often show.

How ironic that Time took those words away,
while I'm trying to remember them through every song I play.
219 · Aug 2020
Goodbye, My Love
Mary Frances Aug 2020
I've been dreading the time when all will end.
Like how my dreams cease when I awake.
You're walking away, bringing every bit with you.
Like how the Autumn leaves silently fall, taking away the warmth of Summer.
I may have seen it coming like the start of winter.
So I'll just welcome the cold while letting my tears fall.
With those tears comes everything I have and all that's left to say,
"Goodbye, my love."
206 · Aug 2018
Mary Frances Aug 2018
Why are people too
shallow with these things?

Why do people
play with what they bring?

Why is it so easy for people
to trample on their meaning?
I've been thinking a lot lately about these things. As well as those ironic feelings when people told me they love me but they are being too shallow in understanding and accepting who I am and what I do.

— The End —