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‎    ‎        At
some        point,
  felt           time
      ­          i
As I steal a glimpse of the clock's dance,
A yearning swells within, a fleeting chance.
Moments slip through my grasp, like sand they flow,
Tick-tock, they whisper, time won't slow.

The hands move ceaselessly, a gentle plea,
To remind me that time won't wait for me.
No pause, no respite, it marches on,
Ignoring my plea for serenity's song.
It all seemed to go by so quick
Like the second hand on a clock
It felt so surreal like a tick
All I hear is a click, like tock

The morning of seemed so bright
We said goodbye as normal
And then came the night
When everything felt so formal

There was a knock on the door
Followed by the drop of a glass
But it wasn’t the drop of wine that hit the floor
It was tears for feelings that would never surpass

In a few months she would have been a bride
How is it fair for one to be deprived
What more could I have tried
Now the clock is stuck at 4:45

Time itself knew to stand still
So, each day I take a walk
To a little spot up the hill
And each day I sit and stare at the clock
I am happy to hear you are happy

I love happily ever afters

You deserve fairytales

Like we had once upon a time before midnight struck and switched everything back to ****
Not every person gets a happy ending
neth jones Mar 8
racing           bark and froth
tok  -   toy  -   tok
beating    against the clock
the insistent derange    against time
               only    enforces    the medium
More than not spend all day in bed
Remarkable how depression works around the clock
By the time I manage to raise my head
Sheep gather to be counted in a flock
I'm only not depressed when I am asleep
Sean Achilleos Oct 2023
Everything passes
Like seasons that come and go
What you deem important today
Becomes yesterday's headlines
Soon something else will seem more important
Don't get stuck in a time capsule
From which there is no escape
Don't look back
Avoid that pillar of salt
Don't dream of what could have been
If it was meant to be
It would have happened
The hands of a clock can not be turned back
Nor can they be pushed one inch forward
Synchronise your heart and beat in time
sean achilleos
18 Oct. '23
Cameron Nov 2022



The clock keeps ticking on.

First a second, then an hour.

Then a year, then a decade.




The sun had always shone for me,

but now I stand only in the dusk.

The clock keeps ticking on.




Two decades dead and gone,

How many more have yet to come?

The clock keeps ticking on.
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