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Dec 2022 · 1.3k
The villain
Alienpoet Dec 2022
I am so nasty
people stand aghast
I am so bad
you feel a draft
on a summers day
murderous glances pave the way
I am sick, I am ill
babe with every hero it’s a battle of wills

I am so abrasive
I am like invasive surgery
I am so evil I burn bibles and call it purgatory
the devil herself could learn from me
I want pounds of flesh so burn with me

I am deathly shade
stalking the sun
I am the nightmare
in the night you run
I am evil
I told you to die
but chances are you’re petrified

I am so dishevelled
I make Darth Sidious look sprightly
Sith Lords can’t fight me
With just one flick of my fingers
death lingers
I am psychologically deranged
so psychopathically strange
you wondered if I was ever sane
I just got back from Frankenstein’s lab
I killed the hulk yes I am that strong and bad
I framed Sherlock Holmes
and made him into an ****** addict
cause all my plays our that strategic
I even cheat death
in fact I own Azrael’s blade
I am villain the one you crave.
Dec 2022 · 2.5k
The devil on a cross
Alienpoet Dec 2022
The whisper of a shadow song
Morning star no glory
just a story
I am just lived backwards
hidden track words
scars like lines across paper
can I save her?
I am not what you think
drinking from a cup of agony

no God can save me
but death won’t enslave me
I am midnight verse
nails won’t surrender to my skin
the truth they told you the lies worn thin.
Jun 2022 · 1.9k
Over the surface of feeling
Alienpoet Jun 2022
Over the surface of feeling
skin healing
from cuts bruises and scars
what happened to us being made of stars?

we sit in black holes
no money for energy bills
it’s a battle of wills
to survive
we strive
Just to be alive
and yet our dreams perish
yet we should cherish
each other.
Jun 2022 · 201
Level up
Alienpoet Jun 2022
Drink from a disheveled
unlevelled cup
there’s no money
no loot it’s been stolen
siphoned away
By billionaires tax havens
and tax breaks.

Dread and decay
drove democracy away
corporations own us all
we live in a brand
and we are brandwashed
squashed underneath
advertising signs
that shine neon.

They will soon
charge us for peeing on
the ground while *******
what year is this?
next week if we are unlucky
so plucky rebels
Pray tell us
how to change this nightmare dystopian future
where the rich eat the poor
and we can’t see further than are pants draw
because we are so blind and ignorant
we think this is bliss
but we missed the part
where the handmaids tale imitates art
as America goes back 50 years in attitudes to the past
and we screen cast
Utopian visions which aren’t going to happen
as our futures end
eaten by the kraken of capitalism.
Alienpoet May 2022
Her heart and soul filled with fire
all she yearns for is desire
never caged in a wire
Her wisdom hidden
from prying eyes
The patterns she has given us
a sequence
Her love touches our lives with frequency
yet we haven’t seen her for what she is
her love hisses and fizzes
like a chemical reaction
Yet her divine spark lights the dark in an interaction.
May 2022 · 1.4k
In the nightmare
Alienpoet May 2022
In the nightmare
we lose ourselves
not wishing to look in each other’s eyes
left versus right
only millionaires and billionaires can afford to fight
male versus female
drop the hate to relate
life sold cheaply over internet wars
our nation
a nation of locked doors
and hate driven speaking drivel
I love you all but your minds locked into
Facebook culture wars
media ******
ratings soar
go viral be the virus
or inspire us
it’s your choice
war is afforded to the rich
if your poor dig your grave or ditch.
Apr 2022 · 5.6k
Alienpoet Apr 2022
If only we could be lifted
a chance to love
I threw mine away
in the cold shadowy day.

I would of gave you grace
bled my out stretched arms
given up all my magic charms
for one night with you
I am a poet I feel things deeply

And yet I can’t imagine a world where we are together
your eyes of soft radiance glowing
all seeing all knowing
your smile lights my dreams
candle lit scenes
and forever I hear your voice
entangled in my head like my dreams.
Mar 2022 · 2.5k
There is no room
Alienpoet Mar 2022
There is no room for gods
for angels and hope
for wings of flight
and depth of field
this defensive arms want to yield
and this scarred heart wants to heal

There is no room
for imagination
under the weight of these books
the text fills me up
no devils cup
no drugs or substances can free my mind
the weight of the world is unkind
and the sub titles aren’t signed
and chaos has died in my mind
or it’s been set free
I can’t escape I just don’t want to be…
Dec 2021 · 898
The Man who waited for you
Alienpoet Dec 2021
Moments of love and fear of losing you
but I have already lost you!
look love costs
a sunken stopped clock
but still I wait
worry lines or indents of a smile form
I was yours before I was born
I will be yours waiting behind white doors
when I die
answers chime
like prophetic rhymes
will you come find me
To hear the things I should of said
A revealing that will steal your heart
we should’ve never been apart
I call your name on the wind
it reverberates from within.
I waited…
Dec 2021 · 5.7k
The Emergency Poet
Alienpoet Dec 2021
The feel of the pen
on the paper
the poet grabs a verse.

the dripping of morphine
the flow of endorphins
flow of electronic lines
across the monitor
let’s hope we don’t flatline

this mere mortal
needs a portal to the stars
this mere mortal needs
defibrillation to the heart
the way the poetry forms
in the lungs and the mind
the way life needs beauty
is sometimes unkind

I am the blood transfusion
the illusion
of poems
bells chime
Electrons flow
Radioactive  X-rays know
Poetry opens doors

I am the emergency poet
I will take flight
in flames
never shall I be tamed
But I will make that heart beat
and get you out of your seat
And on the road to recovery
and discovery

Because poetry heals
and steals back our songs
what could go wrong?
Jul 2021 · 2.5k
I love you beyond
Alienpoet Jul 2021
I love you beyond the life I lead
beyond daydreams I had as a child
beyond this cage of bone
and the words I pray
I love you beyond

Beyond the earth which houses my body
Beyond the demons of desperation
Beyond belief and believing
beyond the sands of time
I love you beyond

Beyond hands which desire your touch
Beyond the music which sings out
Beyond my eyes which gaze
beyond all my doubts
I love you beyond

In the blackest hope I will find you
and I grasp your hand
Sit with you and make you understand
I love you beyond.
Jun 2021 · 991
Plying misery as our trade
Alienpoet Jun 2021
From birth until death we ply our trade
pulling anger and frustration to enslave,
save our fixation on the withering winters grave...
where we buried summer
and found our calloused hands warming on a fire
we spent hours forming in history’s funeral pyre.

If we could see above the suffering
and the internet buffering
if we could hold eternity in our hearts
and not let it get torn apart

we would see beyond the frogs well
and believe in heaven and not in hell
Mar 2021 · 2.2k
Hope for the future
Alienpoet Mar 2021
When we look to the future
let’s remind ourselves that the sun
shines all the time for everyone
and in making dreams
with possibilities
we distill hope
and our faith carries us on
even if like a candles it flickers
we will relight the flame
because we know love is the Holy Spirit’s
Alienpoet Oct 2020
I am told you are my sunset child
The one who waits on the other side
with my Nan.
Sometimes I barely feel like a man
let alone a father
But for you I would chase down every shadow
I would light a candle
to remember.

I struggled as a child
life wasn’t always good
I know you are in better place
watching my face cry
as I write this
but I will try to replace the kisses
when we meet again
we will be father and son
and I will be your friend.
Alienpoet Oct 2020
Deep in a forest of fake news
Where headline games are people’s views
where pandemics become plandemics
where anti Vaxxers avoid vaccinations
and billionaires avoid taxation.

The forest of fake news
didn’t just spring up
watered by raining lies
governed by media moguls
and Facebook spies

Google and the internet shows us what we want to see
inverted mirrors of reality
each showing trees
a forest for all
with no clarity

How do see the forest from the trees?
or the trees that are fake?
life is forest full of trees but they are increasingly on the make
or plastic
or diseased
or just tricks in our sight
digital trees born out of spite

then cut down into newspapers
there’s no one to save us
we want to see the truth
that wasn’t always hidden
but we’d rather see the fake that’s not guilt ridden.

Truth the tree of life is now overrun
No one can see it
It’s been over come
and in the dark all trees look the same
it’s you and I who are to blame
We allowed them to plant
there fake news trees
and lies and untruths are a disease.
Sep 2020 · 398
Alienpoet Sep 2020
The world goes on behind my window
I stare out into the suns glare
I wrap myself around my thoughts
and all that I have sought
do I still care?

I am broken beggar
trying to get a leg up
sometimes I want to say
words of meaning
am I still dreaming?

my hearts soft like paper
sometimes it’s hard like a diamond
fashioned with pressure and heat
sometimes I play my songs on repeat
hoping to make my way to someone’s smile on the street.

I bow to the dark
sometimes I look to the stars sparkling in the sky
sometimes I want to die
but I realise life is short
and I love my friends to much to make this life end
so my epitaph will say I loved until my world drifted away
but I left you my words and that’s more than ok.
Sep 2020 · 614
Alienpoet Sep 2020
Is romantic love a myth?
a gift
staring at me from shop windows
and shopping carts
life has given birth to art
but is art another way to lie
inside the tears I cry
they sparkle like diamond dust in the sun
poetic lies go around they sparkle for everyone...
Alienpoet Sep 2020
You can’t imagine the things I have seen
You can’t imagine my dreams
you can’t think like me in every way
I am unique, I pave the way
I maybe distant
sometimes obtuse
I sometimes let loose
my fears and anger prangs
like a car hitting a wall
but I hold as much truth as you all
See I am schizophrenic
I hear voices
But don’t despair
I see choices
they hang in the air
I have been broken
I don’t expect you to always care
I doggedly battle on
Cause I still know right from wrong
even with whispers and shouts in my mind
I fight to be human and to be kind
Though I suffer with paranoia
the darkness which destroys
I love life enough to stay here and not be destroyed
so don’t have pity
Let me speak and write and sing
because I know sadness is a painful muse
but creativity is my thing.
Sep 2020 · 668
Devil's tongue
Alienpoet Sep 2020
You spit lies
you make me cry
silvery, slithers
half truths
your golden platitudes
aren’t worth your breath
you speak words of life
but you mean death.
Alienpoet Aug 2020
There are galaxies inside of me
waiting to be explored.
There are stories to be told that leave you wanting more
there are religions in the chaos of my mind
but I am blind to all the possibilities,
fed by science’s facts
the love in my heart set on targets I will never reach
the knowledge I will never preach
the words I won’t speak
but I am the madness
the chaos the light the order the darkness
I am the shadow of a prophet
a wizard’s fairy tale...
Alienpoet Dec 2019
Sitting in your old arm chair,
With a devil may care,
Talking about the ingratitude
Of youth.
Watching TV,
Eating microwaveable meals,
I still love you,
I remember the times when I was young,
and you helped me,
when I was stung,
by a wasp,
or fell over.
Life is hard,
it makes you,
grumpy and
Please think of the things you’ve shown me,
Rather than talking about the things that make you despair
I know behind the passive aggression you still care,
I know I sometimes take the ****,
But really Grumpa,
I can see all your tricks,
There is still, to my surprise,
magic behind those eyes,
And bedtime stories waiting to be read.
Don’t lose the thread
We all need a grandfather like you,
For you have all the experience,
You will know what to do!
Alienpoet Feb 2019
Do you think they will ever care?
the rich and powerful and the big banks
own us with their guns and tanks
will they care when we are gone?

they siphon our money through a straw
Just so they can get richer through the profits of war
on everyone including the poor and disabled
the immigrants and working class able

We are slaves to the rich in this so called Christian country
full of those who would spout forth
I speak of my discourse
but wasn’t it Jesus who said
that it is as difficult as a camel to go through the eye of a needle
as a rich person to go to heaven
the hour is getting late it’s way past quarter past eleven
Or is the doomsday clock wrong
we live on knife edge don’t tell us we are strong
In being poor
heaven can wait for our souls
we need to be cared for...
Feb 2019 · 324
Be a friend to yourself
Alienpoet Feb 2019
Be a friend to yourself
When friends let themselves out the backdoor with out saying goodbye
and the things they told you were well meaning lies
Be a friend to yourself above all
and walk tall
open your eyes and be wise
learn to love the beating of your heart
turn the page on rage make a new start
respect yourself and your actions
be the change you want to see in others
Be a loving friend to people your sisters and brothers
but love yourself in the truth
of knowing that sometimes you are alone
no body to hold no body to phone
so have compassion on you
like you do on other people
may you be defined by the way you treat people and yourself
because your mental health is your wealth.
Nov 2018 · 441
Alienpoet Nov 2018
Laser light
born for flight
Sun rise keen
living in a open top dream
where’s my balloon?
light to pierce the gloom
flowers in full bloom
cover your babies cheek in the womb
the room inside your stomach
flummoxed by the madness
glistening gladness
the tide of times
everything that holds me rhymes
I am a poet life is a poet tree
I bleed ink in the heart of me.
Oct 2018 · 493
Your voice you left
Alienpoet Oct 2018
Broken hearts
fresh leather
you break my heart
like an stiletto on an egg shell
and yet the hell you give
is to leave your voice live in my head
and I still love you
it’s blood red
like my heart
and I still know I love you cause
I have butterflies in my heart and stomach
whenever I see you I am flummoxed.
Oct 2018 · 838
Ghost Stories
Alienpoet Oct 2018
Rain falling on the decomposing leaves
cold autumn air breathed in warm lungs
the wind blows muttering ghost stories
into our ears.

Pumpkins carved into wickedly twisted smiles
as we dress up for Halloween discos and parties with style
gathering sweets as we go
while the full moon glows.

Bonfires built as we wait for the 5th of November
when fireworks will explode and sparkle in the night sky
we remember the gun powder plot
as we toast marshmallows on the bonfire.
Sep 2018 · 505
For a night
Alienpoet Sep 2018
I’d pay the price for one night with you
an arm, a leg, I love you through and through
like tissue paper my tears soak through and through
I would steal the sun
and hide it away.
Your eyes are diamonds
They hide a glow that only I know
your words wrap me in silk
your touch a thrill
can’t sit still
for butterflies
in you a flame that cannot die.
Sep 2018 · 846
The Poet
Alienpoet Sep 2018
An artist with eyes wide open
sees art spoken
the silence between words and phrases
Illuminates the ideas

They live out thousands of lives
in the confines of one
a commentator, a spectator
yet living and being
and seeing all
no matter how small.

breathing in the darkness and light
meditating on intricacies
Like that of a flower
held by a *****
eternity shivers
Possessed by their grasp
caught between pain and rapture
the pen stains the page with ink
Blessed be the imagination in which they sink
and swim
these poets that are skin
and soul
eyes that travel and unravel
mysteries that we shall never see
places and faces between you and me

The depth of field
and focus of which
can never be seen
the poet is dreamer.
Jul 2018 · 1.0k
Always been weird
Alienpoet Jul 2018
Always been weird
always been feared
Difference is a reference
For hating what you don’t understand
I don’t wish to be understood 
I am lone tree standing against the wind 
I don’t wish to be uprooted

or muted by the silence .
Unlike ink I cannot be diluted

in water tears shed

I am better off being alive not dead

but I have died many times in my own head

Always been a freak, a geek, unsaid untamed 

but I won’t be shamed

into being a sheep

Better to be a creep for my muse

this is life a choose
Wisdom given a voice

a choice to be that different

a reference for being special

a creature feature

a king of his alien nation
but I won’t be bored

I am a man of a sword

and I will strike you with many words
which hang in your stale air

despair all who hear

my words.
Alienpoet Jun 2018
You never see my pain
behind the cold rain
I hide them all the same
A so called ******
I don’t choose to schizophrenic
it’s God’s epidemic
when the cave man called to the divine
when he spoke to the trees
as gods when he believed
did you think the ones who didn’t believe
tormented him yes they probably did
but without looking outside our shell
we can’t see heaven or hell
and if you don’t look science as well.
Mar 2018 · 490
what use is poetry?
Alienpoet Mar 2018
You can throw us poets down the stairs
catch us behind your steely glare
teach us that poetry is antiquated
and act all sophisticated
but lyrics will enter your head
dance in circles and hover over your bed
when you sleep you will dream
and your rhymes will come clean
and they will carry a theme.

You can toast a wine glass
to your victory over rhythmic words
but time and time love poetry will fill a class
teachers know it’s not absurd
teenagers will be rebels and they will rap
to music talking over a beat
and their poetry is not crap

poetry is all around us and we come up with it everyday
whether written or spoken
it always will be used in advertising slogans today
and when the silence is broken
remember that poetry was used to convey stories years ago
and the poetry of those stories we know
will stick in your head
like a needle sewing a thread.
Dec 2017 · 763
Alien Words
Alienpoet Dec 2017
I am a white Labrador
I don’t like other types
I bark and I bark and I bite
I am a white human
I don’t like people of other shades
I load my gun and sharpen my blades
I am a husky I like to play
I tussle I hustle and bustle with other dogs all day
I am a human being
I see that we are all different but the same
blaming other people is a playground game
I am an alien we been through all these struggles
On our planet we recognise that variation is fun and not trouble
and variation is also causes beauty in strange ways
we don’t come to fight we come to observe your planets creatures
But we are light years away but we’d like to teach you.
An anti racism poem variation is the spice of life
Dec 2017 · 1.2k
Geisha vampire
Alienpoet Dec 2017
Red lips
White paint
hides death
her grace a butterflies wing
life caught in her cold stare of her sting.
All dressed in colours which catch the moons glare
she kisses you like death kisses away the life that fades from sleep
an angel with a bushido blade
cuts away the bamboo which grows with haste
the light fades into a full moon
A butterfly hiding in a tomb
with carnivorous teeth
hiding a song of red bloodied despair
her cold touch ice on skin
catches your heart within sin
The black tea ceremony
of vampiric death or matrimony
if she chooses you for her thrall.
Nov 2017 · 328
Alexandria defender of man
Alienpoet Nov 2017
Where did you go defender of man?
Did I really understand?
your pain, which is plain on your face
you spoke about the women I would love after 16
this is a messed up dream
if I can’t love princess 6
but maybe i was a bit of *****
and I took it for granted
that love is a seed planted
and doesn’t get strangled by weeds
or by its unfulfilled needs
love is rare
It’s a jewel we stare at
in life’s shop window
too often we put the people who love us in the bin though..
Alienpoet Oct 2017
I feel a completeness in staring into your eyes
That I don't feel when I am alone
I grasp for meaning in a daydreaming world
My mind opens like an oyster
and you are my pearl
a beautiful agony unfurls
in missing you and your words
and touch.
I miss you so much
but I want wholeness
in my own skin
but it rings thin
because is it narcissism?
To look beyond the chasm
the void of our own soul
and yet romantic love is being in love
with what someone is that we haven't got
and yet we don't care a jot
for love is creation I care deeply and a lot
for what you have and what I haven't got.
Sep 2017 · 539
Television Romance
Alienpoet Sep 2017
Television romance

In scripted dialogue
and camera click bait
is this our love story
or can heaven wait?
in the dreams of writers
will love be fore filled
if we become fighters
Will fate yield?
and will the type writer give us that happy ending
as the stage is set and then completed
Will we kiss and get married and die together or will we pretend
That love is merely written in our stars or will we have retreated
from that notion
that can be grown only come from a story we tell ourselves about each other
and that love and devotion
Is merely a set of complex conditions that come from one emotion.
Alienpoet Sep 2017
Desperation for your touch
your kiss
I can never truly deserve this
in midnight moonlit bliss
we collide together in bedroom hysteria.

In fever pitched heat
tangled legs and arms in devotion
you sing like songstresses wailing
causing a commotion
love is song sung better with two
but longing is my heart for you...
I have been reading   Pablo Neruda 's twenty love poems and song of despair.
Sep 2017 · 996
Who is Daniel Hooks?
Alienpoet Sep 2017
Existential views
Church bell blues
Christian old news
Messiah complex
Respectful specs
Saviour syndrome old tech
Love in the heart of the wild
A sky cannot be outsourced or out styled
It has millions of vistas and views
I will never be old news
We are the sky
We will never die
Or sink into religious why's
Who is Daniel Hooks?
Neither a robber or a crook
Just a man who looks
Into the depths
like the mind who crept into a unfinished novel
I keep your secrets in my hovel.
Sep 2017 · 386
The lecturer
Alienpoet Sep 2017
Was it because I was in the wrong
That you chastised me with words so strong?
Told me what to do in no uncertain terms
Your words are worms
which crawl around my head
You are slippery
Like them
They invade
and they won't be dug up with a *****
but they can eat up **** and die
because I won't cry
or water those words with my tears.
Aug 2017 · 682
A disappointment
Alienpoet Aug 2017
Surrounded by opportunities
Which have been given
Laid at my feet but I need to be forgiven
Because I burn them as offerings
To my self for filling prophecy of pain
insane, I wonder whether I will receive them again
the world draws out the worst in me
If I am surrounded by arseholes cursing me
then won't I can't just give in.

Or is my life just a sin?
A tall tale of talent for sale
I move like a snail
when I should hunt like a bear
I stare at advertisers glare
at posters the only person who can change my life is me
I alone hold the key
But in the mirror the reflection I see
Is taunting the shy retiring me
and he keep my status quo
By keep taking the punches low
If I was boxer I be rocky
On the ropes
An eloquent man but also a joke...
Aug 2017 · 723
Utopia where are you?
Alienpoet Aug 2017
The tyranny of indecision
all heart but no vision.
Utopia dies in dystopian eyes
the songbird cries.

Climate change not just a fable
Racism the successful execution of labels
Capitalism we can't eat from that table
Knives and forks hunger for meat
The poor die and retreat
Meat accounts for green house gasses
While **** distracts us with prosthetic *****
and **** hysteria hits
Drug taking and fits.

Work made us worker drones
Paying off our credit cards and homes
back to basics or what
Studying for didaleey squat
To be given student debt
Our qualification makes us regret
Not the learning
But the money we owe
Utopia where are you? I don't know!
Jul 2017 · 905
Average man
Alienpoet Jul 2017
Don't look into his eyes, look down
He's bigger than you and he wears a frown
You can't rely on your fists
Fighting is not your gift
you are not action man or a superhero
Violence won't win the day
your too proud to cry
and tears hide behind your eyes
stiff upper lip has you caught behind it.

You have no rights as a father
You hope to God she won't take your children away
Being a Saturday Dad is not ok
Your insecurity is she find someone better than you
Is love enough will it do?
Jul 2017 · 412
A new chapter
Alienpoet Jul 2017
is this the end? or a new chapter
caught between despair and rapture
I want to seize what I have been given
let go of the past and be forgiven
if karma is a bird I never meant to harm her
it spurs me on
the chances I make
my foundations shake
but i know I am made of tougher stuff still
I know I have strength of will.
Jul 2017 · 456
Jesus says
Alienpoet Jul 2017
I came back
you wouldn't believe me
Receive me as gods messenger
I saw crucifixes
You left me there on that cross
Not listening to a word I said
Left me for dead
Like the wisdom of ages
Shut in a books musty old pages.

You thought I said the kingdom of heaven was within you
It was mistranslated you are the kingdom
and this could have been heaven
If you'd worked together
But instead you sever
the ties and die
reincarnated as yourself
In a different body.

To all who have ears
and a mind which isn't blind
We are the rainbow and white light
All colours every shade
arrayed in splendour
a flame is still a flame away from the fire
It still burns and the light yearns
to burn in burning desire
We all burn for love.
Jul 2017 · 831
Who fired the first bullet?
Alienpoet Jul 2017
Who fired the first bullet?
Who drew the first knife?
Who took the first life?
Who verbally assaulted the first person
Who's fear did worsen
into fight rather than flight
in the dark night
Of the human soul
How do we address the bloodshed and killing
What if we were willing
To let go of the bloodshed show
We know what is like to know
What is like to live in tribes
But if worked together love, unity and hope would arrive.
Alienpoet Jul 2017
The ghost who walks
In this lie
I look for an answer
An answer to why
Chained and changing
In this skin
Its weakness gives birth to pain within
The voice that haunts me it claims to be you
You start your conversation with "you hate me so much"
But I know if you did you
wouldn't talk to me you'd be out of touch
You want my attention to claw at my skin
Love is hunger it aches within
I love you but that answer is thin
Hollow, the truth swallows all I say
I pray that you find me in a better day
Somewhere in the sun
For all the grey days
Pave the way
For eternity
and I couldn't be without you this world.
Jul 2017 · 600
Alienpoet Jul 2017
Woman, your beauty hides your brilliance
You have to be resilient
To survive in a world stolen by men
Even when you are the closest thing to god.
Woman, you are maligned
Hidden by religions veil
They tell the tale of Eve throughout time
The sinners tale
Original sin another story to enslave
Don't they know a mother's wisdom can save?
A man from falling fruitless from a tree
Hanging desperately.
Alienpoet Jun 2017
They will bow to your beauty
But they will miss your brilliance
They will worship your curves
But they will curse others
to see only that which they say is skin deep.
You will weep for your wisdom
The fire in your heart
In your veins
It pains me to see you hidden or vilified
Within his story
You are doomed to be perceived as second fiddle
But you gave birth to this universe and you are the riddle
Sophia wisdom is knowledge and power
it is sour milk to men
and when they drink it they cry
For women make this universe
and men who hurt you die
But you hold my cards
and power
and the watcher I have become sits and waits
Watching you hour by hour
Love and wisdom flow
from streams which flow underground
But women who are powerful
Must know that they can change the flow
and sound out
for what is more powerful than a mothers love?
May 2017 · 393
Out pouring
Alienpoet May 2017
Tears well up in my eyes
I dream of being a bird to fly away
To transform with angels wings
But I have no song to sing
The voice, your voice
Weighs me down
Every day wearing a painful frown
The tears of a clown
Is how my father felt
I knelt and prayed
For it all to go away
But in the cold light of day
Cold reality is that I don't know
whether any of this is real
Delusions, confusions
Flowing, constant uncertainty
Knowing what you would say
You always say I hate you so much
Pessimism has always been my crutch
I loved you like a songwriter loves his piano
The answer is you don't give a **** though
You were my muse and I have lost all but your voice
Which torments me in every choice I make
Mighty oaks break, their branches tear and shatter
Do I really matter or are my words just noise that clatter
I thought I once met Jesus on my 16th birthday it was my wish
Can I fish my own soul out of sea
Still I yearn for you girl with many faces
Many expressions but I have spoken to you and you have words so few
I cannot escape all the torment you have put me through
and yet I would move my aching soul and bones
Just to sit and talk to you on your throne.
May 2017 · 1.1k
The monster in my toy box
Alienpoet May 2017
There is a monster in my toy box and he’s covered in purple fur.
His eyes are like slot machines and they whizz around and whir.
He makes me say silly things and he plays with our cat.
He hides the TV remote under the bathroom mat.
He comes out every night to read through all my books.
He tears the corners, he writes in them in crayon and just look...
When I try to catch him, he scurries far away.
Mummy and Daddy, I’m not naughty, I just have to say:
“It was the monster in my toy box, he’s naughty all the time.
You just never see him ‘cos he’s so clever with all his crimes!”
A children's poem
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