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Shakytrumpet Jun 30
Autumn leaves adrift
Carried, gently, by the breeze.
Covering the Earth
In an auburn sea.
Set ablaze by nightfall
As days end draws near
Leaving just as swift
As the leaves that were left here
Shakytrumpet Jun 30
I built a wife of leaves,
So I wouldn't be alone.
I revel in the beauty
Of her brazen copper tone.

She would listen to me ramble,
For hours on end,
Till every little bit of her
Was whisked away by the wind.

She must've found me boring,
Most women do,
I wish I could understand
Why she had to leave me too.
Pt. 1
petite elm leaves
fell upon the school playground
like wedding confetti
Man Apr 18
Roses fall, silent;
In moonlight, like pouring rain.
On the leaves, dew hangs
Be as the leaves
of one tree dappled
by shades of light
that are never
in the same
pattern, floating
as stardust or
leaves, dream
as a poet
and hear the
words of
small things
in existence,
they are ways
of home for
the lost one,
an elusive
dancer of
the infinite.
B Nov 2023
The harvest is done,
a blue moon hangs from a string of silver
North wind found summer,
and has stalked and killed her.
I'm sending out puffs of ice cold breath
tender stream gathering in the frost
watching bejeweled leaves reach their final death and fall amongst the lost.
hyun Nov 2023
whatever i touch
turns into tragedy—
Midas wishes his hands
were made of mine.

i dare not touch
trees and their leaves—
their old age
will not matter
once i graze their skin.

i do wonder
if everything good
that comes are worthy
of my ruin—
they quickly turn
sour and ugly
once they,
rest their heads
on my lap
and i am left here,
once again,
picking up the scraps,
telling myself
nothing incredibly,
or inherently, bad
has happened yet.

but what if it comes?

what if the world
decides to put
the blame on me
and punish me
for simply being alive?

should i keep
crawling back
to life?

or should i
accept the fate
i have been given?
Savio Fonseca Sep 2023
Our Lives are not always Pretty,
rarely it's coated in Colours of Gold.
A few bask in Rays of Sunshine.
While others, shiver in the bitter Cold.
At times, Life pictures joyful Faces
and at times, it has a empty Past.
Someone One Day, will fill your Spaces.
But see to it, your memories Last.
Tears like Leaves, will fall to the Ground
and your Memories, will turn Cold.
It's Love, that makes Life worth Living.
See to it that, it's never Sold.
Heidi Franke Sep 2023
One more before I go.
Into the wilderness of parts and dreams. A happy send off in the cool morning.

I will be back in a new form perhaps, a more rounded crown of a tree, after years of pruning.
A "wild and precious life" with untold horrors, spoken dreams, and wandering caravans of thought.

In yellow abodes loving kindness which is yours. Maybe it will seep in like a root gives to it's leaves. Traveling through twisted currents. It's fragile rose petals. Short lived. But remembered.
It's almost mid September and the Julia Child rose bush pushes out it's last rose for this year. A year of waiting, trauma, wandering untethered.
Savio Fonseca Aug 2023
Count the Raindrops,
falling in a Rainstorm.
Count the Leaves,
that are there on a Tree.
Count the Stars,
Up there in Heaven.
Count the Fishes,
Swimming out at Sea.
Take the Happiness,
of the Universe.
and Add them all,
to a Love that never Ends.
Her Heart,
will taste only Laughter
and Her Eyes,
will hold U until the End.
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