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Boris Cho Oct 9
An aging mentor, in fading grace,
With wisdom etched upon his face,
He speaks of life, of love, and pain,
As time slips by, like autumn rain.

A student comes, week after week,
To listen close, to hear him speak,
Of work, and loss, and growing old,
Of tender truths, both harsh and bold.

The body weakens, fails, decays,
Yet stronger still, the heart conveys,
That wealth is found in those we love,
In ties below and hopes above.

He teaches not to chase the gold,
But seek the warmth that hands can hold,
In fleeting time, find joy and grace,
For death, in life, we all must face.

Through parting words and final breath,
He shows the way to conquer death:
In giving love, we learn to live,
And find in loss, the strength to give.

— Sincerely, Boris
kel Sep 28
the clock ticks and ticks
it's 12am right now-
a time where my icks
are nonexistent as i dive
into my deep thoughts
i feel kinda alive
but also half dead with exhaustion
with my study materials sitting
on my desk.
my brows are furrowed;
my lips are pressed;
it's a never ending cycle.
one that is vicious.
In academic halls where knowledge gleams,
Dr. Jyotika, a star whose brilliance streams.
On day three's dawn, a serendipitous art,
EDM-106, where passions start.

A kindred spirit, warm and bright,
Dispelling shadows, guiding light.
With energy boundless, she does impart,
Igniting souls, with skillful art.

Her steps, a cadence, rhythmic and fleet,
A mentor's grace, supremely sweet.

Behind the lens, an entrepreneurial gleam,
A visionary, chasing a distant dream.
With every stride, a purpose clear,
Dispelling doubts, calming fear.

A mother's wisdom, sister's care,
Her guidance, a solace, beyond compare.
Though paths diverge, her influence stays,
A guiding star through my life's maze.

A commerce soul, drawn to her light,
A scientist's world, a pure delight.
Though semesters waned, her spirit grew,
A mentor's mould, a vision true.

To emulate her, a fervent desire,
A professor's role, a lofty spire.
Her office door, a welcoming sight,
A haven of wisdom, pure and bright …
                                                               ­   BY :- KANISHK
I hv composed this poem for my esteemed college professor as a heartfelt expression of my profound respect and admiration for her.
aidan Jan 2023
bored in an ethics class

What the actual f--- is ethics?
Ethical, morality, dumb-f---ing ethics.
Ethics are odd-
So confusing-
So wrong?
But what are these ethics,
I so hope to long.

Am I a good person, won’t anyone know?
I’ll jump to my feet when you tell me
“Hell NO!”
But what are these ethics,
Do I reap what I sow?
Is that the right sentence?
oh well
This class blows.
actual poem i wrote in ethics class in college last week. hope u enjoy!
Anais Vionet Jan 2023
I was diagnosed with double-pneumonia on the 15th and classes started on the 17th. I’m already getting nagmail about assignments, yea! I’ll be behind and virtual for a while. It started as a rhinovirus, honestly, I don’t even remember being around a rhinoceros, but he trampled me good. (Hmm, song title there?)

I’m feeling better today, I can read without the room spinning - heck, I even managed to write this, but a new, implacable nemesis - low-energy - is here, like Lebron James, to check me when I attempt something over ambitious, like picking up my chemistry book. At least I got to stay in my room.

My roommate Sunny’s so angry with a certain girl that she even thinks it’s hilarious. Her creative, revenge beast has been awakened and her feelings are practically colors in the air. It’s entertaining. I think if she saw her now - well, let's say Sunny takes boxing in the gym every morning. “I’m over her already,” Sunny announces, stomping around her room, trashing all reminders on contact.
Be careful out there, people - if love doesn’t get you the rhino might.
*nagmail - mail about late assignments, class papers due, surveys
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Implacable: unappeasable, unchangeable
Anais Vionet Dec 2022
I want to say something about cursive writing (this might seem random).

I’ve seen articles saying that cursive writing is a “dead art,” that computers have destined it for oblivion and questioning whether cursive writing should be taught in schools now-a-days.

But if you plan to go to college - relearn it and practice it, because you’ll need it.

Random hot fact. The first time you have to handwrite a multiple-question essay test - where each answer requires five hundred to a thousand words (a written page) - handwriting, in block letters, is unsustainable.

Your hand will literally cramp up - dog, you’ll suffer, your essays will suffer and so will your grade.

Writing in cursive is faster than block lettering and with a little practice, it’s effortless.

My sister told me this once, and this morning, as I watched other students, one third of the way into our essay test, grimacing and flexing their aching hands - I just smiled to myself.

Yeah, you can thank me later.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Oblivion: something no longer used, or even remembered.
Lalaouna Amina Dec 2022
  Do you feel life? Or do you live life?
Do you fear death? Or do you live death?
  I fear death. I do not live it.
What you fear is what you live.
She: (few hours later)
  Why he compares life to death?
   Is he dead already?

then I unbosom few days later He is actually full of life much more like Happy Endings
a simple man but not stupid
Cool Calm and Composed
(The three Cs)
Melody Mann Dec 2022
Arbitrary numbers scatter her mind's surface,
Operationally stunted she scurried,
For no deviation could solve the turmoil vested within,
It was hope vested in the cosmos,
An escape adorned in constellations,
The unwinding of a student.
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