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Traveler May 29
Are you still the same person
as you were back then?
That demon on your chain
no longer can..
All your DNA
has fallen behind!
Do you actually possess
that same state of mind?
Have you learned to forgive
are you angry less?
What’s left to your life
if you pass the test?
Traveler 🧳 Tim
An empty hand will keep on searching,
a full hand is satisfied with what appears enough
The heart pleasantly echoes an expression of love,
but it’s a blinding siren, without putting the mind to it.

The eye is the most jealous body part,
the mouth an unkind blade of a man’s great envy
The ill of man, is quickly giving a judging
depth between their sins and others;
As according to us; the next person is the greater sinner.

Your faith wasn’t a quick given,
as you learnt how to cherish it firstly, as a beginner
How you live, comes from the ways you choose to adopt,
some do start out strong, faithful, loving caring and humble,
But throw in pieces of fortune into the combination, and
their morals are bought out and lost.

Your greatest mistake is what isn’t done yesterday,
and the longest regret isn’t doing it at all
Drunkards can drink together, laugh fight, &
drink together again; yet a sobered heart, will hold
onto unforgiveness until death.

Finally and true, a childish person,
still chases after their old youth
As a child forced to grow up quickly,
despises their own youth
As you’d find bliss in a lie of your own desire,
and would be disgusted by what is spoken in Truth.
Debra Lea Ryan Oct 2023
Night – Day
Onyx -  Pearl
Boy – Girl
Peas -  Pod
I Think Not!

Friends Know
You Learn -  You Grow
The Love State
By Giving It Straight

(c) Debra Lea Ryan
No BS!
Odd Odyssey Poet Feb 2022
Lest we wonder; who shall wonder for us, for with all
we know. We shall never know enough.

Lest we speak our mind; what more can we discuss,
speak of yourself. But also do have ears to hear.

Two unconstrained mouths; will heed nothing,
as are fools; in competition of being the most loud.

One paints a face with their spit; while making the other
a clown.

To the courters of love; pretending love is all lovely. You are
so hopelessly blind.

Behold love's beauty, she does bless your eye. Still often
a curse; to many who take her lightly.

Gain the most lessons; while still in your youth,
for what is a lesson, if you don't apply a use?

Still never pardon all mistakes because of youth;
rather live on honesty, and be well fed on truths.
EmVidar Feb 2022
Always some truth
in the words we say,
even in the lies
you've accused me
of saying

-em vidar
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