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Bansi Adroja Jul 14
I wonder if you think about me as much as I think about you

If you lay awake staring at the ceiling at three am
thinking about kisses in the corners of parties
we didn’t want to go to

Walking the long way home as if we don’t feel the cold
dizzy and drunk under street lights and stars
lost somewhere in the city arm in arm

The sound of your voice on the back of my neck
on lazy Sundays when we have no reason to leave the bed

I wonder if any of this would make sense to you

If you romanticise us in the same way I do
Distance between us so long,
Interactions being the Bridge.
Nothing should go wrong,
I want you on every bon voyage!
Waiting all day at a stretch,
Just for a glimpse at day end.
Things have taken a Different turn
Since you have entered my yarn!
Everything falls in place now,
I cease to feel low.
Like Dreams come true,
You adorn me with a noticeable breakthrough!

© Biswarupa Purkayastha.
AceLione May 26
Throughout my life as a hopeless romantic I’ve seen the many ways of affection

And here I realize that when I see those many cliché ways, I end up in perplexion.

Because each time I give my heart to those I care for, I think I do something in an “unique” way

Only for me to realize I’ve been doing and romanticizing the cliché
I have not posted in a while
Vivek Raj May 20
Many a time,
I've thought this long and hard,
How no woman could love me,
How no woman would want me,
And, with the passage of time,
You proved it true,
As I lie here in rue.
SANA May 15
love , how can i teach you to love me ?
love can never be taught
Vivek Raj May 3
A beauty that makes mankind fall on its knees,
A phenomenon that makes the world rise up.
Vivek Raj May 2
I asked her out on a date,
Never thought I would get any hate,
Turned around to look at the clock,
Never expected I would get blocked.
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