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Beyond the Cave
Toward the Sun
Washed by Rain
Clothed with Love.

(c) DLR
Beyond the *** to I AM Grateful to see another Birthday with those I love and @ home & online!  All Good! I am Human!
In this drafty bedside cavern
I lay with my feet up against the wall
tap tap tap
Held up over my hard head
Resting against the hard ground
Back here, where my pillow is my headstone
This palace is a burden,
Utterly insufferably forgiving.

Fantasy hits the ceiling
A dream shot from my mind
Moonlight shines through the cave's newborn fissures
Useless to me
Uselessly groveling under shadowy sheets of sky  
I need this sterile fluorescent light.

It dances across my face
pitter patter pitter patter
It drops into my eyes,
Falls into the chasm between my lips
Cold and reeking of rot
Cold and tasting of an invasive species of mildew
I swallow, choking back tears
I eat it
It eats back.
Francis Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Bishop, CA
Mark Wanless Oct 2023
the time of his death was
   unknown of course

Garl walked the perimeter sticks
   wooden spear at the ready

Garl saw more than he thought
   therein the world of the cave walls

His dreams were to amazing
   images of other worlds so
   beautiful so strange

all were there dreams at night
   but the amens put them
   on the walls

an act of great courage due respect

in his dreams Garl saw himself
   on the wall at first with
   fear later with desire

the amans were also hunters

the hunt was a strong image to have

Garl was out with the hunters
   he saw the hunt he saw his
   image on the cave wall
   He went forward to the mammoth

He is now seen on a cave wall
   by thousand peoples

the time of his death
   is unknown of course
I S A A C Dec 2022
i love being in a pitch-black room
the void, the lack thereof
cannot see my fingers or
the things i could never love
it's the peace i crave, my hidden cave
no one to tend to
no one to pretend to
i love being in a pitch-black room
no peeking, just sleeping
dreaming of things anew
unfolding the possibilities, new brew
LC Apr 2022
the jagged cave summons me
with its stark shadow.
crystals bearing sharp knives
greet me at the entrance.
my hands stay at my sides,
but I keep an eye on the knives.
as the cave envelops me,
the crystals harness sunlight.
their guidance sees me through,
and the cave is now behind me.
Escapril Day 24! Prompt: crystals. I am learning that nature is one of my main sources of inspiration. What are you inspired by when you write?
Nickolas J McKee Dec 2021
I see out a cave of wonders,
A wishing pain wanting away.
No matter the fool loved on stage,
He will suffer to earn a day.
What lost of the past a talent,
Forced a man a monkey to dance.
Seeking simple a life to live,
For children of his own to prance.
O’, can a God raise a lost soul,
To come again a life to find?
Must we let one to suffer so,
Depressed and alone of his time?
For when can we come out the cave,
Wished and wanted a soul to save?
Bowedbranches Dec 2021
The craving had been
More of a need
As of late

Energy taken
Energy generated
Or one could also say
One cultivated
One gave away
Every little thought
That you think

from the rest of you
With steel walls
And the tallest gates
Barricade myself
In a little
Me sized

Wouldn't be surprised
If I never
                Came Out!
Nigdaw Nov 2021
I take comfort
from the greasy food
on my plate
hunter gatherer instincts
sated, my eyes search
for campfire flickering flames
and settle on the fish tank
I am zoned
in the cavern
of my own space
my day over
I wait for the miracle
of sunrise
Bongani G-kay Aug 2021
paint on paint...
dark melanin the skin

deeper the cave....

caskets they bury the truth

be careful
of those you eat with....

don't taste the fruit....

they say....
knowledge is pain....

they locked us in  cage

media paint me insane

for sharing the good news
like Jesus

they nail me....
Judas my friend...

look they cross me

Caves secrets...

the Scripture please....
my verse teach's....

listen... listen...
fill the missing....

like its comprehension

before their History....

we are the one...
who android it
Cave secrets
Karijinbba Aug 2021
I love our time
together virtal mode..
Amame jaanam.
I love your diamond keys.
You love my golden ark
I love your typing index,
Your lovez written ink.
I treasure your voice.
In cave and treasure voult.
No other voice matters.
Your ink in poem cherished is.
You aren't free busy bee
nor power of attorney can be.
You must grow trust to be
ever wiser
and true to thee
and then me.
Revised 8-3-21
Amame jaanam.
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