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Nat Lipstadt Jun 12
Seeds could not prosper without the love of your fingers

what I know of soil and seeds,
is less than nothing, the dirt neath
my fingernails is only evidence of a
presence on this Earth, but no rapport
with the cold, damp earthy plains of  
what feeds, colors and gives forth

and yet,
you send this concretized city fella,
pictures of the seeds on your agenda,
the chosen ones that will in time, birth
healing to the world in natural mystical
ways, for what I see, what  I know is this:  

soil and rain, by themselves can bring forth
both hardy and hardluck weeds that eke out a
living home in a quarter inch of dirt in the
in~between of sidewalk cracks, trod upon,
but yet!
survivors to the
worst kind of human indifference

but when you plant, you fingers enwrap,
send coded message hid in the essential
oils of human love, for that is what only
certain hands can do…

Your hands much practiced in this messaging,
and peculiar kind of kind massaging
for I have seen your gardens, moreover I-know,
that hands such as yours overflow with both  
the take and give, inherent in only certain
specific humans, at a cellular level
not in my

it takes a different kind of life experience, that
marries different kinds of cloth into a single weave,
that stores what is in your fingertips, nutrients of
your life, singular, homemade, that make
your botanicals
fully blossom

Jun 1 2024
in the sunroom
Malia Mar 31
I think I actually
Hate this feeling.
You’re not supposed to
Make me nervous.
You’re not supposed to
Plant seeds in my mind,
Strange seeds that grow strange fruit.
Or, at least you didn’t used to.

I don’t know why I bother at all.

I never did say
That it was a good idea
Did I?
We are all seeds
tiny grains of sand
lost on a desert wind
or so I understand,
on a hot afternoon
under a clear african sky
we blew into existence
God alone knows why
Bekah Halle Jan 31
Little girl, big brimmed hat,
alone, with suitcases,
traveling to boarding school she sat.
Wanting to be embraced by loving arms,
reassuring tones, peaceful pungent breaths, she calms,
but, the war loomed outside,
and onwards she tried.
The constant Chameleon: hairdresser, interiors, reporter and healer,
now, the season of inner healing to transform into a counsellor.
But, it’s the true counsel that she heeds,
to transform from the wounds that bleed.
May she hear from You, the One who truly heals.
May You lovingly embrace and hold all she feels.
May the little girl grow up into the woman You imagined,
And may she bloom into a lush garden with seeds You've planted.
Savio Fonseca Jul 2023
She planted, seeds in My Heart
and watered them,
With Love and Attention.
When Flowers bloomed,
they gave My Life
altogether a new Dimension.
Expanding universe
Plant some seeds
See the fruits
That our world needs

What we plant
Will surely grow
In spirit above
Or soil below

Week by week
Our visions appear
From our intents
When thought is clear

Be choiceful with
The seeds you plant
For yearly growth
Will surely grant

The endful fruit
Of seeds that grow
So sow today
The truth you know

In faith and hope
Plant tiny seeds
That surely grow
And fill our needs
You can see this poem on a background here
Zywa Sep 2022
The cows are mooing,

sheep are bleating, and the wind --

disperses the seeds.
"Koeien loeien" ("Cows moo", 1980, Jules Deelder)

Collection "No wonder"
neth jones Jun 2022
knee high sea of grass
tussled like groomed fur
  spry winds lashing
distribution of lifted seeds
life in correspondence
Tanka style
early June 2022
Ren Sturgis May 2022
I create with Earth,
my pliant hands in her soil.
Seeds of life we sow <3
Yousra Amatullah Apr 2022
People never really leave
You either meet them again in person 
Or you'll find their flowers blooming, contemplating that image in the mirror
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