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Kayla S Feb 10
Babe, I'm tired, let me sleep!
'No, stay up it'll be worth it. I promise!'
Fine, whatever..

Sleepy time now, goodnight. I love you.
'5 more minutes my love.'

Come on, it's practically 12!
'Just waitt'

'Happy one month my sweet girl! I love you so much.'
Oh my god, you're so annoying! I love you so much more baby.
I love puppy love.
kel Feb 1
twinkling, sparkling...
the night sky is bustling
tints of silver mingling
fragments of memories dwindling
fingers tingling
walking and cobbling
a nostalgic feeling
as i stopped, idling.
i sound like a grandma ;-;
greatsloth Jan 26
This darkness is mine
This coldness is fine
They are my prize
For fearing lies

Only to the starlights
And to the midnights
My lips curls a smile
Companions till my last mile

As exciting as crumpled paper
My existence's a water vapor
A field without vivid flowers
A tree with a fragile roots

My soul shall rest
With no tears to someone's dress
Write this on my epitaph:
Here lies the heart that did not love
Maria Jan 15
Clock hands go lazily – tick-tock.
Why should they rush? It’s almost midnight.
The Night doesn’t need their help at all.
She comes into its own rights.

She’s powerful over all that’s here.
And under its cover of darkness and gloom
We are all here, all to the last man.
We’re all locked up now in full.

We’re like prisoners of this Night,
Calm, submissive and tamed.
And clock hands go straight and true,
They’re unfailing attached.

I’m a stranger in the Night.
Ask her let me come in.
Maybe she'll let me stay the night
And I’ll find the peace and meaning.
Night is a magical time...
Misstic Jan 5
i was love
in his midnight
storm in his

- an enigma
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
I am dreaming of a pitch-black Christmas night
Tonight, where the jolly stars can easily be seen
In the sky. From afar, the moon is clear and bright
And the clouds create a wonderfully divine scene.

I am dreaming of a dark black and arctic Noel night
Where all babies experience and see while asleep
The jamboree that I'm enjoying under the beam light
Of a flying sleigh. What I am saying is incredibly deep.

When the sky is pitch-black, there's always a party in Heaven
The angels wear an array of colors with their Sunday best
God sits atop, right in the middle of the feast in Eden.

I'm dreaming of a marriage between darkness and brightness
Where there is no evil, there is no Hell in man's consciousness
I‘m not sleeping but I'm dreaming like Baby Jesus in the nest.

Copyright © December 2019, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several poetry books.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
The end of the year is the dawn of a new one.
The sadness and the yesterdays are all gone.
We have in front of us: a new era, a new horizon;
We are hoping and dreaming of a better season.

The moon seems to be brighter at midnight.
The migrant birds are flying very low tonight.
They are chirping, screaming, moaning and singing;
The children are happy, jumping, running and playing.

We set new goals, short deadlines and crazy wishes.
We invite friends over to enjoy novel drinks and dishes,
And we listen to old songs, which never go out of style.

The globe will not stop turning and the wonderful sun
Will not cease shining. A new season always brings new fun.
We need to relax, be more realistic, laugh more and smile.

Hebert Logerie - Sunday, December 30, 2012
Hebert Logerie is the author of numerous poetry books.
Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2024
Closed eyes,
embracing you in the shadows,

The clock's chime igniting a flame
within me – resolutions!

No resolve in that fleeting moment
kissing into the new year; our midnight
Prendella Avant Dec 2024
I stay with the beast
Until the morn comes
When the great sun will
Lay bare his carcass
Torn by vultures
Eyes beady, glass beads in a kaleidoscope

I see its fangs
How sharp your teeth are, mister!
All the better, all the better…

Through its gaping neck
And the bullet hole in my head
I am granted a fleeting vista
Of light – its majestic stride
Wrought in dark steel

Alexander Nevsky grins
From its bottomless maw
Fire! Danger! Season!
We were destined, destined,
For – greatness!
Title taken from Laibach's Vojna Poema.
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