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Shley Jun 21
There's been a death, and I can feel it.
The death of the love you promised me.

You promised to love in sickness and health,
But I can tell in your eyes you despise me.

What did I do, where did I go wrong?
When did I become not enough for you?

You chose pretend women and imaginary worlds
You chose literally anything but me.

My tears mean nothing when I plead with you.
And now like an enemy you attack me.

You once promised to always protect,
But now you're the greatest danger to me.

So don't you see that's why I must leave.
The man you were is dead.

I am a widow, and I'm mourning the death
Of the man who used to love me.
For a friend
Styles Feb 2022
We touch each others souls
With each kiss
Our bodies emit
Something so deep,
Only flesh can feel it
Locked into the moment of tension
Legs spreading wider with intention
our minds in another deminsion
The warmth of our closeness feels like Devine intervention
Bekah Halle Jan 17
Man and men everywhere;
Silver-fox, gay, several-times divorced,
But not one without baggage to be seen.
Pimped up with ****,
Waged weary by work or
Isolated through layered losses,
The modern man: a peculiar specimen.
It seduces the obvious why we turn to women to fill the void;
Upside-down desires? Or love that truly inspires?
Johnson Oyeniran Aug 2021
-Eye Candy

While black leather leggings enchance the appearence of womens legs and accentuate their figure,

They without fail, always provoke impure thoughts that lure me down the path of a backsliding sinner.
Styles Feb 2022
Rubbing her *****,
through her tight yoga pants,
Her slit, split perfectly by the seam,
at first my glance.

Finger tips,
methodically over her ****.
I can feel the bump,
as my finger humps,
over the fabric,
her wetness,
is lavish.
Styles Feb 2022
Rubbing her *****,
Through her tight yoga pants
At first glance, the slit, split by the seam
My finger tips, slips, perfectly over her ****
She’s getting wetter with each stroke, it seems
Stroking her bump, as my finger humps,
Her warm, ***** *****, jumps.
Pulsating to my touch.
Ylzm Apr 2021
I've walked and savoured
Seen the magic and ate the food
Sight and hearing may deceive
But taste, fragrance and touch
Directly speaks and to you alone
And by same measure I know
The liars, the blind, and the fools
For their fruits are without taste
Even as plastic fruits are for eyes only
Thomas W Case Jan 2021
Strangely enough, I
almost missed the
birth of my three year
old daughter.
I have never written much for
popularity or trends; this one
is no exception.
My girlfriend and I
had been separated most
of her pregnancy.
I stabilized the last three months and
was able to
travel the 50 miles
as often as needed to
be there for the birth.

The night before she went
into labor, that morning, she acted
crazier than usual--passive aggressive,
and cruel biting remarks.
Finally, she just came out with it,
"I looked at your phone while you were sleeping,
and you have been watching ****.  I'm taking you
back to Mason City and you can just miss
the birth of your daughter.

Luckily, we only made it a few blocks before
she went in to labor.
But, she hasn't let me
live it down.
And I hoped like hell,
as I looked down at my
little angel,
I sure the **** hope
that she never becomes
a **** star.
Pockets Aug 2020
Onlyfans has made me realize something about myself
If any of my friends come up to me and say
“hey for 5 bucks you can see me naked”
Hell why not
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