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May 2017 · 528
First world problems
Alienpoet May 2017
My tea is lukewarm
My tone of voice forlorn
I would have a girl friend but I have sworn
I will be free
and I am too childish to bear any responsibility
My tv is five years old and doesn't have ultra HD
It also pains me it doesn't do 3D
My clothes have holes but they are not designer fashion
I have been told to spend so I do not save
I grow depraved
not being thankful
But that is what I have been taught
by advertising
So why is it surprising I am depressed and unhappy?
I definitely not a happy chappy
When my wifi doesn't work
When my cds are scratched
When my socks don't match
When it rains I am disgusted
The weather man is someone I trusted
and yet I live a life that others would **** for
Still I don't see further than my pants draw
I need more boxers
But come on who's eaten my chocolate stash
I am due a sugar rush and then I will crash.
Apr 2017 · 884
Your canvas is us
Alienpoet Apr 2017
Carve your name on a tree
A tree tattoo.
Graffiti your thoughts to a wall
Your canvas is us
looking to go viral
To spiral into your thoughts
Do we want to be caught
In your otherworldly dreams?
you are the artist, the poet,
Creating poetry
and song
in your dreams we are the canvas
you stand apart from us
Dreaming of the worlds that could be
If we let our hearts fly
and soar into the sky.
Apr 2017 · 1.2k
All we have is time
Alienpoet Apr 2017
All we have is time
No reason just rhyme
Set in stone in time in time itself
Time to write a best seller to sit on a bookworms shelf
Time to walk in amongst the trees which is good for your mental health
Time to jump, sing and dance
Time to play games of chance
Time to breathe and believe in meditation
Live life without agitation
The clock is ticking ticking away
What will you do with your day?
Alienpoet Apr 2017
The Black ice in my heart forms a blade
Obsidian coloured like a black hole
My soul is cut
To ribbons
Will I ever be forgiven?
Girl with many faces
Who were you at the start?
The girl in fire,
with my splintered heart
In your hands
Did I break it for you
As a lover would do
Because I love you
I am enslaved by our story
Our story
Which I have hidden
To protect us both.
My story, my delusion.
Mar 2017 · 517
The cycle
Alienpoet Mar 2017
This cell becomes division
an idea a split a incision
a night and a day
Black and white
But in this division
We can see, we can envision
Identity pouring forth
The tiny flame
Of a name...

This tree becomes a seed
It moves it bleeds and breaks
a part of itself to move forward
and yet it is not how it started out
however it doesn't lose it self to doubt
We branch out wards like this family tree

This fire becomes a spark
It lights another flame
Who could tell it from the fire
and yet it has its own desires

The human becomes a egg
Hatching catching its mothers eyes
One day it will be fully grown
Will it still feel the sting of being alone?

This ocean becomes a drop
A drop that drips from a leaf
A raindrop that settles on the ground
In the cycle of Gaia
Repeating on and on
We are not separate
We move on and on..
Mar 2017 · 647
Alienpoet Mar 2017
Open the door to your heart
A world without war
A new start
Where love and oneness are accepted more
Turn the page on your rage
Free us from the cage
Of the minds programming
Which is a failed system
****** utopia from the ashes
Of heart shaped gashes
Cuts that bleed
Feed love instead
Grow peace in your head
and like a Phoenix fly
From death
Take that one new breath
and think like you've had an epiphany
A realisation reborn into rebirth
Utopia on this earth.
Mar 2017 · 587
In your own words
Alienpoet Mar 2017
You are a universe contained in a body
You are a theory
A thought
All you taught yourself
All you've written and said
That day you conquered your fear
The tear trickling off your chin
The skin and bone that held together
and yet the words that stayed with a friend
That picked them up off the floor in the end
You are a star in galaxy orbiting
A place inside my heart
The key to memories hidden from view
A hundred thousand moving pictures
The inspiration around a story
Your story begins
In a twinkle of smile that caught your fathers glance
The closeness of bodies that danced
wild and free
You are everything to me and more
and yet you think you are small
Stand tall my friend...
Mar 2017 · 700
The human vampire
Alienpoet Mar 2017
They call me human but all I see is the vampire
The taste of blood in my mouth makes me no liar
The fire in my soul burns flames which none can control
The dreadful burning and torture of my soul
Once I had a soul of an angel now doomed to eternal unrest
The demon inside is more than a pest
He comes with ravenous hunger for gods meat
What is holy must now retreat
I drink in christ's blood wine and devour salty bread flesh
See what is holy wasn't living on the death of a doomed god
Who's sacrifice I use to get into a heaven
What was good and holy was following his actions and words;
and yet
I regret all I have done
Love that should unite us and makes us one
It's the thing that keeps me here
But let's be clear everything is wrong
Backwards in this world of grief so strong.
Children are the only ones who truly understand
What it means to be inside heavens gates
This could have been heaven but maybe it's too late...
Christ would be afraid of the cross if ever he came back
Maybe christians are vampires living on his death
After all in holy communion they drink his blood and eat his flesh as bread
Religion the great see saw
One day you are up tomorrow you realise you are in free fall.
Feb 2017 · 1.2k
The sea of time
Alienpoet Feb 2017
The tides of time flow beneath my feet
Rippling and flowing uncertainty
I am fish in the waters of constant change
Unpredictable ain't it strange

Will I be eaten by my disability?
Devoured by the shark like features of my own mind?
The stormy waves inside my heart
Will not just depart

The sea the tides of time
Hide my lost treasure sinking in the deep forever
Atlantis a lost city in a watery graveyard
Rusting away
rotten ships
Drowning wreckage of lost sailors

the waves hold a watery vigil
a siren like fate waits
For me with a lover who could save me
or cast me into the murky depths
Maybe the seas of time are all our tears combined
throughout time inside are all our aspirations we cast our nets for
and still we cry more than we catch
So the seas are maintained
For us to sail on...
Feb 2017 · 1.3k
Sophia the girl in the fire
Alienpoet Feb 2017
In the midst of midnight air,
stood a man who didn't care.
For he was a man who made world's collide
and every bit of earth bore his stride.
He was the key, the door to realities thick, slick and uncertain
beyond realities curtains
however there was one thing he didn't have and that was a wife
to free him from his darkness his strife.
He searched in coffee shops and in bars,
he looked for answers in the stars,
until he found his equal a woman beyond others,
Sophia the woman in the fire the object of his desire
her wisdom burned bright forged in fiery Stars of eternal unrest
with a beauty that cant be bested
but his love for her was yet untested.
She told him to win her heart he'd have to become mortal
and so would she for in mortality
you see there are lessons that can be learned.
Her heart burned for him so much in the transition
that it became a birth mark above her chest,
he would have to find her to pass the test.
However when they met for the first time
she had met him in a timeline before,
she warned him of tragedies of a life if he stood alone,
a king with a crown but an empty throne.
Although he hadn't put it together
what she was meaning that without her he'd be dead
but his mind had a needle but not a thread
and although he had a good heart he was easily led
so at 16 he lost his mind.
Believing in heavenly things rather than science
which all people believed to be true.
Sectioned under the mental health act 1983
Seeing into the distant reality,
he saw a girl lost her mascara ran down her face,
she was a girl who had lost her place in the scheme of life's dream,
her silence was a scream.
She told him things about his future but as he reached out for her she was taken away
for she was his Sophia and they both were going to pay,
for in making themselves mortal their only way out was to marry or love without doubt.
He had many doubts, that had found their way out and into his life.
While she was trying to save him through many lives lost,he was struggling with his own.
Returning home from the mental hospital he was told his life was a lie
he felt that the only way to heal was to cry
and cry he did amid his friends who lost patience with him in the end.
He could not pretend to be happy, everyday he looked for an answer to his unhappiness,
in fear there is no hope and he became broken.
One day though he was walking down the town he saw a girl she smiled it lit up his day.
So he asked her if it was ok to know her name?
She said it was Grace.
After chatting for awhile she said "you should have a coffee round my place"?
So he said "yes" and popped round there.
Soon after a few weeks he fell in love he felt like it was a answer from the gods of above
but soon doubts crept into his head whether he should settle down or find a career instead or first. He had made his life into a headache a curse
and much more complicated than it should be.
So he broke up with her, it felt like his spur to create the life he dreamed before it was too late.
So he had a car a house but no wife, no spouse.
Meanwhile he missed Grace missed her soft touch her face
after years of working hard, he found a woman crying in a builders yard,
he remembered who she was because of the birthmark above chest
and the smile to which she was blessed.
Grace now old and heartbroken she told him she had many lovers since him but none who could match.
He still loved her so they went to hers.
But that night electrics in the house caught fire there was a fault.
So they both awoke to the smell of burning with a jolt.
He tried to get her out but the place was full of smoke thick and dense.
Now a voice spoke "I am the fire your heart lies with me.
Do you choose to be with Grace and love her avidly or do you choose the path of fear,
to run away and leave her here with me".
Realising that Grace had passed out,
he lifted her over shoulder as the fire began to get worse he got her out.
But he collapsed a heart attack ripped through his chest,
he died they laid his body to rest.
But as he walked through the white door of heaven .
There stood Grace as Sophia his wife.
Every time you doubted,I lost you,
you see, every time you ran I loved thee,
for you have passed the test.
Feb 2017 · 1.2k
My muse's secret poem
Alienpoet Feb 2017
The burning poem it's words burn like flame
I hold it my heart but it burns all the same
I tried ridding myself of the fire
But the flames spoke to me of my muse
Aspiring me to choose
To love and lose the game
Loves painful consequence
My hidden shame
In desperate longing the poem was a light
Showing me a door and a key
Life is nothing with responsibility
In darkness of fragility
I hear a voice beckoning me
To hide my muse's secret
and yet it flows through me like the fiery flames
I try to retain the pain and burning
My heart is alight with yearning
So with the key I lock the secret poem in a room
It stills burns shining with the truth
Yet I feel I have hidden a fragment of my soul
That still burns to this day out of control.
Feb 2017 · 749
The chessman
Alienpoet Feb 2017
To the man who says he can't
When he just won't
You play chess with the best of us
because we are your chess pieces
I know you know how to play checkers
But your life is a game of chess with us
It's the poor you game
and we run after you doing your ***** work
You act like you are not intelligent
But the fools do your bidding
Pawns in your game
Just you look like you are not playing
Doesn't mean your not...
Jan 2017 · 885
Love is our truth
Alienpoet Jan 2017
Wounded warrior put away your guns and blades
Don't you know that truth cannot be enslaved?
Even if we fight it'll shine through
In the actions that we do

Put away your violence
In the silence of room
No matter the darkness
The light will always pierce through the gloom

Love is the connection between us
Fight fear with love make it go away
Love is constant it is the energy in atoms
That binds reality together
Love of mother universe who's image we are created in
Fear is missing the target of our purpose to love each other

Forgiveness rises like a Phoenix making our hearts begin again
Though our tears fall like rain
Make them tears of joy and not pain.
Alienpoet Jan 2017
Intravenous agnostic
religious blood pumped into our veins
staining our blood with shame
love beats in our hearts
the same love that beats in other peoples
from housing estate to church steeple
we were born to love as one people
we are the universe
made conscious
our conscience is our conscious love
may look to the stars above
but we are as much born of the stars
as we are of the earth or Gaia
and anyone who says that you only go to heaven if you believe in jesus
is a liar no one can put out the star shine in our hearts
we are one just like the white light from the sun
just refracted into many like the rainbow
individuals feeling pain although
the pain is not knowing or feeling that oneness
with the universe our mother
our father yin and yang the clues are all around us
we may curse and cut
but we must trust in one another...
Jan 2017 · 3.4k
The dark side of love
Alienpoet Jan 2017
The dark side of love
Claws and teeth
I am hungry for you
Short skirt aimed in my direction
I need correction
Some might say
To iron out the kinks
But I think sensuality for the soul
Is sometimes being out of control.
Jan 2017 · 630
The Black
Alienpoet Jan 2017
The black

The hole in my soul aches
Waking from nightmares
hoping god will take them away
Madness the veil of midnight across all I see
Wanting to see actual reality
In amongst it all
The physical and mental wall
Has ring fenced me in
The pale emperor is king
He is the ghost of all my sin
Taken from me is my soul within?
His gnarled and twisted skin
religions faith is wretched
Stretched out of shape
I look to love but all I get is hate
But maybe if I get to write my own book
Fate will abandon its cruel story for me
If it's not too late...
I wrote this because madness and depression have become a veil in which I can see through darkly and yet I want the power to change my fate.
Alienpoet Jan 2017
Behind the door of studio flat
Lies a man fighting.
Everyday a battle goes on in his head
But instead of giving up or giving in
He seeks adventure instead
He thinks life is seeking our truth
or the story behind the fact or fiction
He says life is not always what goes on in your own head
Life is a needle making a rich tapestry with a thread
Maybe it's affected by your heart more than your head
We all make it up in some way
From the sun to the light of day
From the moon to the shadows
From animals to insects
From rock to beach
Life is a movement a dance to teach
But in that dance we all play a part
Whispering thoughts across our words from our hearts
Born of lofty brains and souls
We all have roles
In the dance of life
Our heart beat is like a drum
Beating in a rhythm more complicated than drum and bass
Smiles are put across our face
When we realise we are as important as anyone
In the movement of the earth
The star dust made conscious
We walk around the place
We are faces lighting up
Drinking from the waters of realisation our cup
The universe made real
Each day this man feels the rhythm
The movement of life
Each day is a wondrous sight
Just to be alive
and it is gift
To be born and arrive into this existence or expanse
Life like he says is a dance...
Jan 2017 · 824
Alienpoet Jan 2017
I begin where you end
I end where you begin

Mitosis of hearts
Joined from the start
God is a rainbow
and the white light
We are him and her
Every shade
together white and pure
in dreams and memories
In happy thoughts we pray for
Love and light is in us all.
Alienpoet Jan 2017
When Christmas and New Year's Day are finished
and you are tired and all your energy has diminished
When all you can do is creep into dreams
Of being in a new year
Yet having one toe dipped in the past
Sleep and dream of happiness that will last
Tomorrow's not going anywhere
The present is all we have
Yet we can make more memories of good times had
and they can live on with us
Good times to discuss
With our friends who we trust
So start new trends in the new year
Make new friends and lets be clear
But get some rest for now
Because you have worn yourself out
and yet the future is ours
For the taking
whether in dreams or reality we are making.
Dec 2016 · 803
She's trouble so they say
Alienpoet Dec 2016
She's trouble so they say
She'll slay your heart
Tear it apart
Never mind her history
She's a mystery
Neglected as a child
Emotional abuse
she hates men
Does she have a reason?

behind her eyes lesions and cuts to her soul
Though they call her **** and say she's out of control
She yearns and burns for a man who will calm her inner being
See the hurting girl inside who's trapped in her own head
Instead of taking her to bed for a one night stand
A love that hold her through the lonely hours
A love that will never sour
Or grow cold
Or scold her for being her
A love that inspires fire
That comforts her
and talks her through agonising visions of the past
A love that lasts.
Dec 2016 · 670
Almost is my ghost
Alienpoet Dec 2016
I almost loved you with all my heart
love enters then it starts
In the daydream of souls
In the pages of a diary
In the thoughts of a madman
A sad man from all his almosts
Love never surrenders
It is our ghost.
Dec 2016 · 849
Stay with me
Alienpoet Dec 2016
You're late for your funeral
Good cause I don't want you to be just a numeral
another number on a statistic
Time is a killer and it's sadistic
Let's be realistic
although you have wisdom
of sages
I don't want time to take you although it rages
You mean to me the world and more
I am sure you will not need to go through heavens door
Right now for sure
Hold on a little longer
Linger in this life
For our separation would cause me much strife
Don't let time take you into its void
Where I cannot follow.
Alienpoet Dec 2016
You're late for the party
Late for the ball
Late in your red dress
Late for it all
Late for summer
latest update is your late
but we are still waiting
For you to blow us away
Your high fashion sense
Has left us in suspense
and your beauty is so immense
That I want you as my present in present tense
But you drive us mad
round the bend but the thought of you makes us pretend
that it would be great
but you are always
Alienpoet Dec 2016
In the land of books and make believe
A story unwritten with the power to make you cry
The modern day Orpheus looks to the sky
For the answer
The answer to why.

See everywhere there are answers
But love doesn't follow through
With Reflected mirrors it doesn't respond to you
See the path may be long and prince must be strong
But endurance was never his strong point
Disjointed he always disappoints
The princess whom he favours

A thousand years to savour in the eye of the storm
Nothing can touch him
But if that's true why was he born?
In feeling pain of loves sweet kiss withdrawn
Hand that held her hand now is worn
Getting older and older each day
He prays to time to make it ok
But time is a trickster and it will take itself away

He is the night to her day
But somewhere a dead man is calling for his crown
Was their love only a noun
A name for something that lies underground
The prince's heart still beats
And while it beats he will not retreat
But he must give up all he has gained
Or be maimed
By the wisdom that all despise
The temple of a thousand eyes
The tangled web
That tethers us all together

See he must fight himself and die
Or be caught up in his own lies
For if love be eternal
Can it stop the fires of hell that be infernal
And maybe all can be saved
Through union

But royalty must break
And be severed
One must yield
For the madman must be revealed
Or he must return his hostage
The other mind
To break the curse to finally be free
His love must bear responsibility

The white rabbit prince goes to war

Monsters gather underneath my bed
Like fallen angels
My beaten heart

The white rabbit prince goes to war part2

The door stands unlocked
A war for salvation
Must be fought
With the broad sword
That comes out of his mouth
You may think what you like
His is the heaven age,  begetting a new age
People may think they can get to him
They never will
**** his words

The princess dies

She is overwhelmed by the dark
He cannot save her
Demons grow out of her heart
Terrible to behold
A heart made cold
Her bloodline ends with her son with him
Now her heart flickers dim
She devours tragedy
Her eyes rage against him
Her words cut through his mind
They run him through
Like the madness that grew and grew
Carnivorous eyes
Stare from the palace
That used to be holy
She is a woman scorned
Sets him up for a fall
As their love hits the wall
She can never forgive him
Only her soul remains
With raging fire
Against him
All he has is nightmares about her now.
Dec 2016 · 1.1k
In the dragons cave
Alienpoet Dec 2016
In the dragons cave filled with treasure.  
with a warning you did not heed
eyes of blue become green eyes with slits
as the curse of the dragon hits.  
Your heartbeat racing faster than ever before
sweat drips from every pore
skin becoming scaly and green.
Blackened claws burst through fingernails
legs and arms flail about
sickening crunches as bones grow and reform
the storm the rage of fiery dragons breath
forms in your lungs
burning all things in your path
as you exhale with a roar
horns pierce through skin and scales
break through your forehead
It hurts even more
as your jaw breaks and moves forward
into a reptile form
teeth lengthen and grow sharp
muscles expand and strengthen
tendons stretch and lengthen
nostrils flare
caught within the glare
of the mirror the witch put there
in the dragons cave
you won't be a slave
anymore as you seek vengeance
from her and the other humans
Alienpoet Dec 2016
In the whisperer of the nights breeze
in the murmur of words she softly said 
I knew she wasn’t really dead
in the movement of the trees outside, with their leaves
the way the photo album opened with ease
the noise of your footsteps chased me to bed 
dreams of you linger in my head
I am left longing for you to tease
things I swear move on their own
sometimes i can hear the rattling of plates
I am never ever left alone
I am the man who sits and waits
hearing the noise of the television drone 
I hear your voice it communicates.
Alienpoet Dec 2016
When the only snow you see in December is in your snow globe
When the only Christmas spirit is alcohol
When you've filled up on too much on Christmas food
and the super market cashier is being rude
When your turkey won't cook
and kids and toys are making too much noise
and the adult boys are out for the count after eating
and your so tired you feel like you've taken a beating
when Christmas telly is all repeats
and you are the only person in the street without decorations
and you are left alone to make preparations for the big day.
When you've got a stinking man flue cold that won't go away
and the smell of cold Brussel sprouts is like mould
and you've been told that this Christmas hasn't met expectations
and the box of chocolate sensations has all gone
Remember it's one day and it'll all too soon be over.
Dec 2016 · 1.2k
Alienpoet Dec 2016

In the lost words of language
In the gaping hordes of time
There stands a hero
He fights with rhyme
For the pen is mightier than the sword
His words we lean upon
In the maelstrom in the eye of the storm of silence
His words cascade like a fountain
A tranquil place in a sea of violent words
Great big man monsters attack him with verbs
Birds peck at his eyes with profanities
and troll him on Facebook.
But he doesn't care, he barely looks
For his heart is strong as is his soul
and he breathes in air
and exhales poetry.
Dec 2016 · 267
Laid in a graveyard
Alienpoet Dec 2016
You laid in the graveyard
Wanting all the ghosts of children, men and women to return to bodies anew
Like you were the Christ and all your burning blood was like his holy love
You laid in the graveyard and your suffering grew.
You pretended that you'd stabbed yourself a wound true
With a blade as Dark as obsidian
Like your pain
Like you were ending your life the way you came
Drenched in blood but not screaming or a birthing cry just wanting to die
Your mind wanted some affirmation
of power, of saving grace
misguided by your tortured young face
The covenant of god to man
Seems to misunderstand
Why we are here?
to grow?
to nurture or to disappear?
Hopefully wiser than we began
Covered in hope and withstanding our own fear.
Alienpoet Nov 2016
Dopamine dreams
Scream escape.

Is it too late to confront and accept
The fears that have crept
Into this weeping mind?

I don't remember much of my childhood
Ignorance is blind
The adult doesn't mind
But my child self dreams of trauma
It's thorns burrowing in.
But where there are thorns
Roses can bloom
If I fight I can give happiness room to grow
For through knowing the lowest heartache
In the spectrum of pain
can the sunshine and rain
Nurture the roses of happiness and joy
Because the contrast will buoy the soul
and love dwells in the heart that has seen both joy and tears
and empathises both with people who know despair and joy
for there is truth in both sides
and their worlds sometimes collide.
Nov 2016 · 3.0k
Generation lost
Alienpoet Nov 2016
I wasn’t born in generation X
I got lost well before we got to that letter
I wasn’t born a jet setter
I just make use of air travel
I find myself trying to find a reason
For my life somewhere between God and evolution
I think I will find the solution
In between trying not to get drunk with my mates
and getting a job that I can enjoy with better pay rates
I find my generation is lost in comfort driven fashion craving
It is my generation that I think needs saving
From ourselves.

A generation lost its head to computer games
A generation lost its morals for 5minutes of fame
A generation lost its battle with drug addiction
A generation has lost its sanity
Oh calamity
A generation has lost its faith in modern life
God and evolution and theories
make this generation groan and feel weary with despair
This generation counts the cost of being branded lost
and believing that it is so
but help them to know
that they need to follow their own way
and not to stray from that path
because the aftermath of following your own path can be success.
Nov 2016 · 495
Lost girl
Alienpoet Nov 2016
In amongst life's mysteries
Lost in the pages of unwritten histories
Eyes that have seen
the divine
Sparks light her eyes
Sparks of stars, of starry skies
Your were my other half
Lost in a daydream
My lost lady.
Nov 2016 · 1.4k
The key to heaven
Alienpoet Nov 2016
The secret door to heaven
In an artists way
Was her house
But she never gave it away
He came with a key to steal her heart
Thieves come in the night
But he came in a sunny summers afternoon
Buy all too soon it was over
The key with his name thrown away...
Alienpoet Nov 2016
You're gold?
Yeah gold plated
What's underneath your skin?
Silence longing
Life sold cheap
You reap what you know
Selling yourself
Where is it getting your mental health?
To be a make up covered scar
Instead of a star
Chain smoking to fill your time
Life is lived through the eyes of grime
We are in your little band
Miserable we still don't understand
Life in conflict makes a good story
You tell yourself I don't want to be ordinary
Debt ridden though and poor
You're fighting your invisible war
and yet the people and the politicians don't care anymore
You tell yourself it'll get better
The glass half full to aspire
Lights your fire
are you burning bright
Or burning away
Nov 2016 · 525
Alienpoet Nov 2016
My sexuality has become a scar
My heart is cut to ribbons
Somethings cannot be forgiven

Some friendships of mine have become a joke
Isolation is the straw that has broken my back
The letterbox is a crack
I dare not look through
With a door I scarcely open
Give me back my time
Which is like a watch they've broken

My mental health is like a bird that has flown
Now all I am is alone
My tears form rivers down my face
Tributaries to the sea in which I drown.
If only people saw
What potential I have
But they only see what they can grab.
Alienpoet Nov 2016
Through history are we distinguishable
What is the principle difference
Do we need a reference?
Human beings two legs
Wait what about paraplegics
Two eyes
What if they don't work?
You tell me to stop being a ****!
What about arms and hands
Don't monkeys have them too
What is human about you?
A humans conscious thoughts legendary
But what is scary is that we form packs
Smoke crack
get high
and die
Follow our leaders like sheep
Morality isn't that deep
The Majorities rules ok
They say that atoms are interchangeable
But are they unique
Is there are creaking reality
Under the microscope
As we **** on our spliffs
And forget we ever thought of this
Try to forget as we spin out
On an ever changing axis
Like the earth we live on
Like the merry go round
I want to get off
My heart is beating uncontrollably
I try not to cough
For fear of being sick
Atoms between me and you
And I don't want to be a ****
I change the tv channel
On to something less learned
As my mind fashions more questions
To things I know more about
Or do I?
Atoms getting high sick sheep microscope spliffs heart beating uncontrollably consciousness human legs eyes
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
Vampires invitation
Alienpoet Oct 2016
Your eyes are dark
They hide your darkness within
Waiting to be ousted
Your lips are red like a rose
Full and bee stung
Your pose inviting me to take a bite
Come to me and be a creature of the night

I’d like to kiss your neck with butterfly bites
Hold you tight
In a death grip
Lead you to the undeath with breathless sighs of love
Deep within your soul as you stare into my ageless eyes

I’ll hold you tight as I bite
Caress you as you fall
As the death calls
I’ll let you feed on me

Finally when you are sleeping
I'll take you to my tomb
I’ll be your groom you my bride

We will hide from the sun that you need no more
Then when the pale moon rises we will hand in hand
Under its light
I’ll be your eyes your sight
The most important light in your eternity

Nothing will touch you my eternal red rose
As this is the life you chose
When you invited me to take a bite.
Alienpoet Oct 2016
It's a full moon tonight

your clothes begin to feel tight

your heart beats faster

you feel like your headache's becoming a disaster

bones start to stretch and lengthen

muscles expand and strengthen

hairs stand on end

and begin to grow

then you begin to know something’s amiss

as you start on the first stages of metamorphosis

avarice and animal passions begin to take hold

your body begins to mould

into animal form and you begin to growl

a lustful howl

and roar a beastly roar

your clothes tear and rip

you drip with sweat

and forget your human ways

and become a beastly silhouette or shadow of your former self

your hands become paws

you fall onto all fours

your nose becomes a snout

a tail bursts from your lower back and begins to waggle

teeth become sharp

and canine as your clothes tear at the seams

animal body exposed

composed of human and wolf and well disposed

To hunt and prey on all who get in your way!
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
Princess 6
Alienpoet Oct 2016
Princess 6

In the aching heart of tormented years
he holds a picture
Like scarification of a her face tattooed in his mind
Autumn leaves turn to summer rain
If he could draw her he would with sunshine
and a rainbow halo but all he has are charcoal
Black like his soul without her
If he could turn the page on his story
He'd move on
But sometimes love is desolation
and there is no consolation.
Oct 2016 · 739
A man who cares...
Alienpoet Oct 2016
I am not the answer
To your prayers
But a man who cares
Is worth more than any acquaintance's blank stare
It's worth more than the fakery of an acquired smile
Than any piece of clothing diamond studded
Than all the tea in China cup you can drink
I am worth more than an expensive meal
A steal compared to people who rip you to shreds behind your back
A anti depressant without taking a pill
A person who will care for you when you are ill
and yet I am judged like a book with a cover that doesn't stand out
You won't even pick me up off the shelf
My life has high mountain highs
and precipice lows
and still you won't ask how's my day been
Cause your caught up in your own life
We've got two ears to listen to one mouth
That's an equation worth remembering
As my tears go south down my face
As I get lost in life's rat race
and lose my heart
like so many have before
So please knock on my door
Give me a bell
We all exist in our fragile shells.
Oct 2016 · 1.5k
Hyper normalisation
Alienpoet Oct 2016
It starts with a sensation of feeling it can't be real
This pain, this reality it all seems so fake
Living in turmoil yet being awake
We've created a fictional story for what we see
Lies have become "real" the virtual stains reality
Yet we are living in the creative dump
Hilary Clinton and Donald trump
Opportunists in this world of lies
The poet cries
But truth is hated more than the lies we perceive
and believe cause their sugar makes the medicine go down
No need to frown, because life is just for individuals like you
We all different but not one of us has a clue
Of what's going on
Corporations rule the media so what's wrong?
Censorship breaks even the strongest of minds
Leaves us cold but does anyone mind?
They feed us primal fears
While we our fed TV box sets of lives we want to lead
While soldiers bleed in wars we keep fighting
Just because of oil sightings
It's all bit pointless as the golden age of austerity kicks in
And the rich become fat eating the poor
and misery is a acquaintance who is in your house though you didn't answer the door
It's all normal check your email and censor your political correctness
It's all ******* tell yourself it won't mean a thing
Your King or queen of nothing
and there is no God heaven was a bluff
It's not real it's tough
Because we could have made it heaven on earth
But fantasy was more beguiling
As we watch game of thrones we are smiling.
Inspired by the documentary of the same name
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
Profit for doom
Alienpoet Oct 2016
As your soul gently drains into your iPhone.
Cold and alone in a sterile home
They call it progress
However we can't go back...
Advertisements sell products on the net quicker than crack.
Hungry for all we lack
Wanting our childhoods back.
The future doesn't fit us
There is no pity for us
We curse our poverty
As the planet dies
An emoticon fills our eyes
It's a smiley to gloss over the truth.
Oct 2016 · 599
The King of nothing
Alienpoet Oct 2016
The shadow that never leaves
That breathes beneath my skin
Like I am paying penance for an unknown sin
The voice of the girl who I loved tears me down
Leaving me with histories frown
I come from the sixteen year old who suffered from psychosis
I didn't choose this
Does it mean that I am cursed?
Though the reaction is immersed in a painful ache
When I lay in bed awake
When I think of all I could have been
If not weighed down by all my regrets
I live in corner of nowheres ville
The words left unsaid still hurt
Sometimes I blurt them out when I am alone
To the voice that talks inside my head
Does she know how much it stings
To be king of nothing.
Alienpoet Oct 2016
Have I captured your soul?
Your tone sepia as if nostalgic
A memory a place held in my heart
Can I hold your words a little closer
They feed me in the dark dreary night
Sometimes your words are as colourful as a child's painting
There's no faking sincerity
Your words cast a rainbow over me.
Oct 2016 · 560
False hope
Alienpoet Oct 2016
Give a bird hope
and she will sing
Even if she lives in hell
with the devil as her king.
Sep 2016 · 1.0k
I buried my shadow
Alienpoet Sep 2016
I buried my shadow in a concrete grave
He came back to haunt me
I could not deal with the dark of night
But all of my light hid in the gloom
so my shadow re-entered the room
All the things I buried with him began to show
The blackest of times
So with him I entered a truce
That I would acknowledge him
But I said to him I'd never let him wholly loose...
Sep 2016 · 816
Behind your eyes
Alienpoet Sep 2016
There is longing behind your eyes
A choir of whys spoken, yet the silence isn't broken
My saviour syndrome sits on white horse
A knight or nightmare?
I blame myself in the garden of blank stares
I stand alone, does anybody care?
Alone in the crowd
My only shroud or veil
Is the madness on which I sail
The forlorn hope
A ship without sails
It's mast clenched by the winds fingernails
Every moment either contradicts
Or affirms
I am having one of my turns
Reason the truth burns.
Alienpoet Sep 2016
God in a devils suit
Top hat man trap
Corporation God.
A Rod for your back
You are offering me your taxes
You owe big
He says as he smokes his cigarette
and looks at your bill
"Worship me in your nightmares
and daydreams
Scream my name in your games and magazines
I see your shame the pain behind your sin
I made you, you can't even win
When you die your soul belongs to me"
What are we but slaves
To a god who wants us to worship
In this imperfect world of scripture
Should we all worship him with rapturous applause
Or throw down the gauntlet and ******* come from our jaws
If love is our god then let us love without favouritism
Love can heal any hurt and stop cataclysm
and it'll stretch further than capitalism...
Sep 2016 · 651
Apocalypse redux
Alienpoet Sep 2016
Apocalypse redux
Interacting with our tear ducts.
We fly our flags
Until they are draped on our coffins
While weapons are tested by boffins
Sold to our enemies
Who fire them at us
While pop stars can only sing
Insipid love songs
What happened to protesting?
That's right we have give notice to the powers that be
The government which seems to control the BBC
So protests don't get reported
We are more interested in who gets deported
Than helping mankind
We bombed their countries to the brink of annihilation
Is there no room in our nihilism?
That is in our souls
We are more short sighted than moles
Love is only favouritism when we don't extend it to all of the human race
Compassion has died God cradles their face.
Sep 2016 · 314
Destroyed futures
Alienpoet Sep 2016
They drop bombs
Destroy countries infrastructure
For oil and gas we are prepared to ****
If it is the will of people the people are ill
But the rich live long and prosper
While the poor and refugees die in the droves
Stoking the fires of hell
If we are human why are some people are just shells
Selling their souls just to get rich
Sold an dream that we all can
Social mobility just a scam
Toxic waste from computers phones and plastic
We now need them to survive
Waiting for a future end
While carelessly we die.
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