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Mar 2019 · 1.1k
Stupefying View
Jenna Mar 2019
Colors have meanings
yet, I cannot understand this one
This color gives of a hint of freshness,
new beginnings in one's life
A warmth spread so thin
it reflects upon us during the day

Everyone is surrounded by it
Yet, this color is most peculiar
Why does it exist to humans?
Nothing is felt from it
It is only described
to the nature that provides it

If anything it makes me feel disturbed
it glares at you, like it's judging
Most food that rots or molds,
turns this color first
Yet, this color is defined as
vibrant, relaxing, and summer
Can anyone guess this color?
Mar 2019 · 160
Weak Legs
Jenna Mar 2019
Sometimes I wonder
when I'll stop being a table
tired of people weighing me down;
beginning to croak with strain
no matter how strong my legs are
I find it harder to support myself

Continuously, every day
I feel just a bit flatter
Mar 2019 · 419
Wheel of Life
Jenna Mar 2019
Life may have dealt a bad hand
Don't forget you can make a stand
Mar 2019 · 469
Inferior Interior
Jenna Mar 2019
Is surrounded
by the
on the walls
Mar 2019 · 231
Too Big Heart
Jenna Mar 2019
To Her too big heart,
For Her, she is no spare part

Always taking care of others
Adopting those before her own need
She is the most gentle of all mothers
This mother has never shown any greed

To Her too big heart,
Within Her, her soul defines art

Like a light ray hitting a mirror
washing everyone with color
making their thoughts more clearer;
perhaps our darkness a bit smaller

To Her too big heart,
Love Her, she wanted a restart

Worry for her well-being
that is all she may ask for
time is beating and aging
she quickly becomes sore

To Her too big heart,
Help Her, before she comes apart

Acting happy for anyone's sake
Though as days pass by,
her body begins to ache
she knew not why, she began to cry

To Her too big heart,
Praise Her, when she is hurt

She may count on God
though she is already giving up
somewhere in her life, it became flawed
and began filling herself up with a coffee cup

From Me, your second daughter,
your sister's daughter, neighborhood child,
and your family's family.
A family friend tried committing suicide today. I'm not a big fan of 2019 so far.
Mar 2019 · 368
Starry Sky
Jenna Mar 2019
Hello, stars in the sky
for you are my own lantern

Your gaze upon us beings intensify
sparkling like a little ballerina dancer
Mar 2019 · 366
Cold Peck
Jenna Mar 2019
Flakes peck my lips;
becoming more numb
with every brush and flutter
Mar 2019 · 1.1k
Dirty Window
Jenna Mar 2019
Crosses on the windows
Why must you divide the view?
The outside world is not divided into sections
It is instead, one giant pane

Being objectified by humanity
It's future ***** and unclear
People may be hired to clean you,
but the major issues are stained

Beyond recognition, so filthy
I wonder if we will ever
gaze upon a clean and open
window ever again
I hope we cure Earth in the near future.
Mar 2019 · 323
Flame of Love
Jenna Mar 2019
I wish this candle burned
like our passionate love
the flame and the scent
a combination of us

Flickering in the darkness
to remind us of our
ups and downs in life
the flowers in front
of our house, the everlasting
presence imprinted

No other candle could be
a better representation
Mar 2019 · 341
Toned Shoes
Jenna Mar 2019
Everyone wears white shoes
What's wrong with black?
With black, nothing stains
Strong in color, fierce in stride

While white is too easily
Stained by whatever touches it
Treading, becoming ***** who
swore they were pure to heart

Some people do care
to step into the dark
puddle, the puddle that
ripples in concealed rage
Mar 2019 · 559
Inky Strokes
Jenna Mar 2019
Nothing dries faster,
then black ink filled
with regretful words
Mar 2019 · 524
A Person;
Jenna Mar 2019
Faces painted all around
but they made no sound
Seeking glass eyes found;
Open book kept bound
Mar 2019 · 348
Dark Theme
Jenna Mar 2019
Mysterious person in my dream
your appearance is quite extreme

You feel like a dark, wretched theme
its enough to make me wanna scream
Mar 2019 · 226
Jenna Mar 2019
I could have stopped him,
but I knew he would die
So I left,
Leaving behind the ashes
of flaking memories and
emotions of my friend
Never truly understanding,
why the will to die was so strong
Mar 2019 · 295
Scattered Dreams
Jenna Mar 2019
My dreams scatter
like the seeds of a dandelion
Drifting here and there
wanting to settle down
somewhere I belong
A family wouldn't be so bad after-all
Mar 2019 · 255
Winter's Crack
Jenna Mar 2019
River by the bend
Winter seems to have no end

The sweeping sunset begins to transcend
ice became my best friend

It did not mean to offend
but, it did try to amend

Though the more it tried to defend
it spider-webbed and began to distend
Tired of all the snow here.
Mar 2019 · 758
Imaginary Friend
Jenna Mar 2019
Sometimes I pretend
to be what I am not

that I have an imaginary friend
who's trust doesn't need to be bought

this pointless bond has a bitter end
And everything I did will be for naught
Mar 2019 · 1.2k
Mirror on the Wall
Jenna Mar 2019
Reflection of one's self
relies on the person
staring back at themselves
for the mirror only shows,
what it sees in you
not what you want to look like

Why do you think it hangs face first?
Mar 2019 · 399
Little Lost
Jenna Mar 2019
A little lost person
felt so small in a world
that oh, so big
but nothing could compare
to their thoughts and dreams

They liked what it thought;
their dreams were unbelievable
yet when someone asks them
What do you like?
They draw a blankness reply

For what they liked,
felt impossible to do
the future seems to clog
the wheels stop spinning
they question themselves endlessly
I really am struggling with a major for college right now. Right now I'm open-major. I thought about going for Creative Writing, but I ask myself if I will really get anywhere with that degree.
Mar 2019 · 576
A Dream; Well Fought
Jenna Mar 2019
Nothing can stop me now
not even this brick wall
that was filled with selfish emotions
of everyone that told me
that I couldn't do it
no one can break something this tall
however solidified it is
not even heaven and earth
can stop me now
as I trudge through
with heavy stomps toward
my goal that will keep me alive
in this uninspiring world
filled with vexatious people

I will do what I want
to achieve the highest standing
of emotional wellness
and pursuit of a thing called
Don't let others stop you from achieving your happiness and tell them to stop comparing it with theirs
Mar 2019 · 450
Safe Side
Jenna Mar 2019
Safe from all harm
embraced in one arm

You will always be by my side
wiping away your tears you have cried

That man cannot hurt you now
you snatched my heart somehow

Oh, baby do not fret
you should not regret
he may be upset
I will warn him with a threat
Mar 2019 · 261
Jenna Mar 2019
All everyone hears outside
as the loud whistle intensified;
the creeping fate magnified
making us constantly reside

Here I sat next to my bedside
this wouldn't be the first time I cried
helplessly stuck inside
this was happening worldwide

All I did was hug my teddy bear and hide
waiting for my dad to arrive
wondering if he did survive
we never did get to say goodbye

My eyes felt dried
and couldn't help feeling terrified
with a thought that amplified
that he may have already died

An increasing want to lay aside
with my teddy bear to randomly confide
no matter how much I begged, it never replied
angrily launching it across the room, dissatisfied

This place wasn't fortified
but it was supplied
that was all they could provide
as everyone ran countrywide

If only our country allied
though it seemed nullified
it was now my time to decide
whether or not to commit suicide

It would be better than committing homicide
though no matter how I tried
there wasn't any emotion identified
Besides hoping that no will be satisfied

Because this is one thing that couldn't be,
Mar 2019 · 353
Little Love Song
Jenna Mar 2019
Only sounds of complicated feelings
come from the tone of our voice
in complex patterns of uncertainty
it may sound beautiful, but all it does
is vocalize our practiced perfectionism

There are lovelier sounds
in sync with a beat so strong
sometimes it can be heard
all it depends on is the person
and heart's tethered bond
then they shall get along

Here lies what they call,
A Little Love Song.
Mar 2019 · 726
Warm Light
Jenna Mar 2019
Nothing has made me more happy
then the color of your face
at the moment when
our warm lips brushed against
each other, trying to embrace
the fact that we have found
love for another
the sun starts to shed more light
the longer we stand here
in a loop of beautiful bliss
Mar 2019 · 731
Dainty Daisy
Jenna Mar 2019
I rather be a single, petite daisy,
compared to a bouquet of thorny,
seductive dripped red roses
who get all the bees attention
while I get a beautiful, delicate butterfly
Feb 2019 · 556
Sweet Dreams
Jenna Feb 2019
Undaunted life of mine,
Please understand
I cannot go on
To my fabricated land

As if I could escape
A parallel to Neverland
For I wish to never grow,
But I cannot resist the glittering sand
Feb 2019 · 621
An Emotional Test
Jenna Feb 2019
The stress of tests
for which I confess
that I am depressed
but will still suppress
that feeling of stress
with a tightening in my chest

I should have guessed
instead of creating this mess
the teacher is impressed
to bad I'm too obsessed,
to even protest
I cannot help but inquest
when I will receive my eternal rest
Should be studying, I keep telling myself
Feb 2019 · 603
Lip Sealed
Jenna Feb 2019
These words will not
go past these parted lips
but my heart speaks
to my mind very clearly
Singing in a tone of
understanding ,
and gut-wrenching
Feb 2019 · 217
Life Lesson
Jenna Feb 2019
Wisping, wallowing, Heart,
he might have said
the most important words
in life's complex language
but his actions speak more,
as he walks away once again.
Feb 2019 · 247
On Manual
Jenna Feb 2019
Some people,
are considered not
human, but a machine
that consists of no emotions
no matter how much,
they smile at you,
laugh with you,
talk to you
Care for You
Feb 2019 · 229
Silver Sight
Jenna Feb 2019
All I could see,
was a fine silver
it was so quick,
but my heart was
even faster,
for this silver
it could not outrun
me in this race
But, sadly I could
not replace me for you
as my regret
falls with your
leftover tears, reflecting
back at me
Feb 2019 · 224
Always Here
Jenna Feb 2019
For the first time
I wanted to live
not for me but for her
Oh Dear, may I?
I promise to hold you,
when you cry

Dear, you are mine
and I am yours
even if you do not
see it now, but
I will be there
when you need me
The Most
Feb 2019 · 236
Comfort Food
Jenna Feb 2019
Who needs love,
when I have food
nothing can compare
to this full feeling
love cannot make me
feel whole repeatedly
compared to a substance
that only replenishes
it does not judge you nor
have feelings about it being
used in such a way.
I am a bit famished
Feb 2019 · 261
Little Inquires 1
Jenna Feb 2019
You call me a Monster,
or Are you inflicting
your own thoughts?
Feb 2019 · 441
Red Walk
Jenna Feb 2019
The color of death,
is conceived as red
blinking consistently,
threateningly, and

Time slows to seconds
for there is a timer
to mark my death
white, rectangle strips
draw me to,
My last resting place
Feb 2019 · 1.4k
Poisonous Lies
Jenna Feb 2019
When can I stop denying
This self righteous path,
of truthful lying
For I can not live,
without dying
These words,
are quite terrifying
So I'll say this once,
without crying
What may come out,
may sound like endless prying
Feb 2019 · 447
For Us
Jenna Feb 2019
Men can have anyone but Her,
pink scattered petals fly
My dear, your eyes flutter
at a complete standby
she starts to splutter
when I kneel below the blue sky
and began to mutter
she lets out a faint cry
and hearing that, it made
My heart melt like butter
Who's getting married soon?
Feb 2019 · 241
Jenna Feb 2019
Are you human?
then why do you not care?
for another
Who now?
Feb 2019 · 767
Love Sculptures
Jenna Feb 2019
Silence filled the icy storm
that brewed within me
thrashing with persistence
memories drip like melting
icicles that hang off
my bleak, chattering heart

Pale-blue doesn't
compliment you
I prefer the pink
blush that stains your cheeks
whenever I muttered,
'I love you'

In this moment,
you are still so beautiful
a replica of Snow White
lying still in her glass casket,
but it seems true love's kiss
really was a portentous tale
I never really liked the story of Snow White... <3
Feb 2019 · 288
A Soulful Home
Jenna Feb 2019
My home is older than me
but my love for it still stands
filling its gapes with memories
though its starting to wear
along with my body
to die in this home
would be a kiss of happiness
and a brush of regret
for leaving it so
we belong with each other
it holds my love,
my memories,
and most important
my soul

And to depart with such a thing,
would not be horrible
for my home is older than me
Feb 2019 · 535
Small and Precious
Jenna Feb 2019
From now on,
hopes and desires
will reluctantly withdraw
hence there is newfound joy
not in his life, but mine
small and precious
soft and fragile
do not fret, little one
for your life is only beginning
listen to my calming tone as you lull;
nothing will hurt you as long as I am here
so rest assured that my love will keep you safe
I may not be proud of myself,
but you, you should be
because their is nothing
in this world that can
judge you innocent
little angel of mine
so hush now;
will be
Trust me I'm not a mother. But this piece is for those who are struggling single mothers or perhaps just a mother in general. I tried to make a baby shape to go along.
Feb 2019 · 628
Perfect Season
Jenna Feb 2019
Blades scrape across calves
Itching, irritating,
Children shout and laugh
Imitating, inviting,

Warmth burns and bakes
Igniting, inflicting,
Rippling shadow cast South
Imprinting, imposing,

Yellow dandelions stand tall
Intermixing, inclining,
Brief, cool wind tickles
Invading, inducing
I miss the warm weather. Hate the cold.
Feb 2019 · 283
To Whomever,
Jenna Feb 2019
Dear, to whomever,
last parting gift of gratitude
lips press against seal
to whomever,
this piece of wretched heart
is easily teared apart
to whomever,
it may not be your concern
but hold me close

As this is my last piece of comfort
Feb 2019 · 427
Ray of Death
Jenna Feb 2019
Miss you, you
are my sunlight
the rays of unlimited warmth
now gone cold
as my long hair grays
becoming vast storm clouds
waiting for the coldness,
to take over
So we are reunited,
once again
Feb 2019 · 129
Til' Love
Jenna Feb 2019
Nothing simple about this,
'Love at first sight'
Yet foolish and wanted
People will shake heads
But I cannot help,
to yearn for it
In hopeful secretiveness, waiting
for a warm embrace
in reassurance that,
it will come
Who else wants love?
Feb 2019 · 218
Whittled Lie
Jenna Feb 2019
Acceptance is a lie
No one or object will fully accept you,
for nothing fully trusts
with out lying to themselves first
Hard to trust those who trust you...
Feb 2019 · 190
Jenna Feb 2019
And I'm here, here
Lost in self conflicting thoughts
Like you wanted me to be
Though your fears have gone
They became a part of me too

You forgot them
but you left them with me
in my quivering heart
I will keep them out of love
but they grasp me painfully

Here, here with me.
This one kind of made me cry...
Feb 2019 · 175
For Fulfillment
Jenna Feb 2019
Somewhere and someday,
Freedom will come
and so will my love
For you, is all
my embodiment needs,
to feel whole once again.
Feb 2019 · 300
Wake Up
Jenna Feb 2019
My phone never keeps quiet, always buzzing
Its another repetitious reminder of reality,
of my endless, unsatisfying want
Envy soaked and drowned,
Seeping into cracks
of longing
Feb 2019 · 210
Refilling Cup
Jenna Feb 2019
Tea bubbles piping hot
Musty scent of cologne
Gaze has been caught
Every thought lay prone

Piercing brown upon recognition
Around morning you came
A cycle of repetition
Never knowing your name
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