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"One firm step," she said. As shallow as she must be, one could think she radiates midnight, and while no one is looking, her lips are similar to Burgundy—soaked in wine and in her drunken state; resting her body as she sat mellowly where no one would choose those seats made for her—deluding herself that there's just too much space in between, and they danced around each other's thick skin while their gazes were fixed on her. "One firm step," she says, straightening her back.
Every day, she'd meet her own grim reaper in the shade of the earth's brown mist, kissed by her long, thick lashes as she closed her eyes, surrounded by the people she considered dead. As strange as it was, they didn't know her. There's one string of luck hanging side by side in hopes that she'll live another day.
At dusk, she'll attempt to accompany the earth's body at her expense. She'll whisper nice things, and they'll blush at the thought of her noticing them. She'll offer her hand and kiss the molds, and her lips, the tint of burgundy, will now be the same pigment as the earth's body, and they'll chuckle at the sight of her.
When the world is laughing at her, death stands still in front of her, waiting for her presence, but she remains still. When the sky cries for her, she gives him rainbows and butterflies, even though he hates them. And when she's alone at night, she kisses the flies roaming around her bed while he thinks of her—but then again, the expression of death is inevitable. It seems like he doesn't want her to be happy. She lets Earth do what he wants with her, even if her skin glows like ivory. She lets him soak her in his dark mists and long-tailed veins, and death starts to interfere again.
He shows up in a crowded room with his thousands of soldiers, pretty faces, and partygoers. In his simple armor and at the grocery store, in his childlike appearance and beggar state. She must have been so exhausted from showing up minutes later or arriving at his usual business hour—midnight. Even with the screen, she usually spends the rest of her day. He shows up. Death was persistent. He signifies everything she could've had, even the voices implanted inside her. They named him Death. Sometimes he's a song, a lyric, or an instrument she could not quite understand; the ring before the call was answered; the tap before the keyboard; the lump before it washes down by the water; the movement before she lays her eyes on.
He was once a person she grew tired of—but now a metaphor she'll always keep in the back of her notebook. And sometimes, he is an anecdote every old person mentions in their hospital bed. She was shallow, but he was a willow tree.
A swamp.
A locust.
A lover once.
Hi, it has been a while. It’s been months since I wrote something that I’d like to read. Now, I’m just rereading every piece that I scratched from the back of my notebook. I don’t feel like writing anymore. I don’t think it’s coming back, and I don’t think I’ll give it a chance again. There's not a day that I don’t think about it. At the back of my heart, I know it calls on me—in total solitude, in the noise of the world. I haven’t forgotten about it, but I’m tired of pretending that I still love writing. I’m often a wanderer, and a wanderer gets tired too—we get lost in the woods, in an empty grave, or on a blank page.

A wanderer sometimes loathes herself. I’m exhausted.

On the other hand, here’s a piece that I wrote back in 2022. 
I won't leave this page. I know I'll be able to bleed ink again. Maybe I'd write my next piece on my skin—or on an old tree, or maybe in a dream where my words are limitless and in total sonder.
Orange Jun 29
Your ship,
Is not mine to sail,
I am only damaged goods,
And you're not.
I am unworthy,
To aboard your journey.
So sail without me,
Following traces to your star.
Guided by the wind in your heart.
On forth and find her sea,
Away from me.
Serendipity May 30
Dashing, charming,
full of foolery,
She unwinds with legs of poison
sitting still on top the table,
seeping deep into my mind.

The image stains the flesh
and how I wish I could undress
the bottle of her sickly cyanide.

But taste testing pills and potions
made to drowse and **** the roses
are not nearly as sweet as implied.

So I admire from afar
oohing and awing at the bar
staring at the glass
and not taking a bite.
Virginia is for lovers says
A sign below the freeway
On our way to the beach

My friends and I all
Think it over and
We agree
There is no love here

See boys and girls can
Stand around like
Princes and queens

But no prince charming’s ever
Gonna live up
To her expectations
He can’t do it right

So she tells him
Don’t you dare boy
Hold my hand boy
He’d do anything he could to
Make her happy

It seems she’s getting *****
From the coal dust
On his fingertips
It’s all on her dress

Her daddy never said
A prince could look like this
So I guess he won’t approve

They may be the blessed ones
Or they may be the cursed
I can’t imagine which way’d be
Worse for them to be

‘Cause we keep trying to decide
Between what’s right and what is good
For me to do what’s right by you
And you to do right
By me too

Until we’re shouting
I just want the truth
Give it to me baby

Tell me, do you love me
Or is that too much
To ask of you
To let go of
The things they say

That I don’t love you
When I love you
And I’ll love you til
The day I die

I swear it’s true girl

Pretending that you’re better
Doesn’t seem to be much better than
Just being yourself

‘Cause how’s a guy
Supposed to know
If he’s in love with you
If you were always
Being someone else

Virginia’s not for lovers
Least not how I see
It was the things you said
Misleading me to think
You loved me

That’s what you said
But what you really meant to say
Is that you

Really didn’t care
One way or another
It’s not like you and I have
Feelings for each other

Still I guess I’d like to know
Where in Virginia did
All of the lovers go
song written 2011
Thomas Harvey May 16
In the peaceful hours of the morning
The sun helps provide clarity to myself
Almost as if I'm missing the warnings
Little signs that reflect my health

I think my mind lacks the inspiration to write
More often than not I try too hard
To turn on that create light
It still fails to shine staying on guard

Though the writing is the easy part
conveying what's really important is not
I thought the trick was to speak from the heart
Yet doing so makes my bran rot

Doing so turns into a million different ways
Different ways of saying I love you
I write as if you never went away
Perhaps one day my heart will have a clue
Thomas Harvey May 16
She gives me a look likes it’s all okay
As to her it is just another day
She says we can still keep on being friends
As if these feelings would just end

Is it selfish to think I could not
My heart feels as if it’s been tired into a knot
Yet she smiles like she still cares
But to me it just doesn't feel fair

For I love her, but she must love another
And so, she looks at me as just a brother
Now I have no choice but to accept
Accept learning to live with reject

When she does find the one she wants
I hope that I can be a little more nonchalant
In my head it’s hard to compile
That at one point I was the one that made her smile
Thomas Harvey May 16
How hard is it to wait
I say this in my head
While avoiding feelings that I dread
For I am an anchor that has begun to sink

If I only knew I was falling
Or that I would be blinded
Perhaps we were misguided
Yet here I am, on the phone still calling

If only you fell for me as I, did you
Then the next verse would be an easier write
And the world would still be bright
What more is there to really do?

Though not spoken, my eyes confess my love
There's not a prettier sight to me
There's no other place I long to be
But with you in the morning watching the doves
Thomas Harvey May 16
If I can't love as I should
I'll choose to love you as a friend
That's what I tell myself, as if I could
But that's as foolish as the wind

To stand so close to the flames
The match was struck long ago
I knew I would never be the same
Maybe that's something you didn't know

Or perhaps you expected a change
A moment may arise that sparks new wonder
One that needs no guidance and has no range
Could it just be a fool’s blunder?

The day will come when you are ready
I hope that you'll still remember me
And that it’s me that causes your heat to beat unsteady
So, we can discover what true love should be
Thomas Harvey May 16
Do you think of what could be
And in those dreams, do you miss me
I thought I was ok with how it was
Getting high off your buzz

But now I have come to find
You cannot leave my mind
In the darkest rooms
My desire for you still looms

But I must act as a stranger
To protect myself from the danger
I hope that you may understand
Perhaps someday I can still be your man

Until the day of then
I'll sit and remember when
When two hearts burned for each other
With a love like no other
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