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9.4k · Nov 2019
Sun & Moon lovers
André Morrison Nov 2019
When the sun is down
The moon comes around to try & hug her
Night & day are lovers
Forever chasing each other
An endless endeavour like no other
They are meant for one another
Hiding their feelings behind the Earth's cover
During dusk & dawn, they blend their colours
It's their love they utter
The moon adores the sun more during summer
In awe of her in her element
Surrounded by stars, he stays celibate
Astounded by her being above par
Far above, yet still with benevolence
No one comes close, they're irrelevant
Shines so bright, she must be heaven sent
8.5k · Aug 2014
Lost & Found
André Morrison Aug 2014





My goodbye
Bye World
5.3k · Aug 2014
André Morrison Aug 2014
Your Style Can Not Dominate
Not Being Crude, Not Spreading Hate
I'm Just Spreading The Word, Going To Radiate
Even Without It, You'd Probably Meet Your Fate

Taking You Down Has Become My Mission
Going To Split Your Mind, Sanity Fission
And Your World In Two, Territorial Division
I'm Coming At You With Insane Precision

Not Going To Rush, Going To Be Tactical
Make Sure My Plans Are 100% Practical
Attacking Aimlessly Would Be Impractical
Give My People A Show, Theatrical

I'm Flawless, You're Flawed
When People Hear My Words, They Applaud
When They Hear yours? They Call The Firing Squad
I Don't Think Inside The Box, I Think Abroad

I'm Guessing By Now You Must Be Hurting
You Coming To Me, Asking For Some Kind Of Converting
The Topic Kills You, You're Diverting
To You. I'm Quite Alerting
Just Realised the 4th verse will rhyme depending on your accent, oh well...
3.4k · Nov 2014
André Morrison Nov 2014
Animals that have one soul, but two faces
Animals that hide themselves in lies and insecurities
Animals that like to overcomplicate life
Animals that will assault each other with words
Animals that have prides, but act alone
Animals that discriminate on each others individualities
Animals that will **** each other of a matter of ideals

This specie is suicidal
They do not deserve to share the Earth with the other creatures
They build and build only for it to be destroyed
One step forward and two steps back
We repeat history, never learning
We may as well call ourselves Chaos and Insanity
3.4k · Aug 2014
André Morrison Aug 2014
Your Hands Are Blunt
And Your Eyes, Sharp
Your Hurt Is Convert
No Blissful Harp
Sweet Sound Is Mute
And Pain Is Loud
My Desire Is Blind
What Have I Found
Because I'm Going In Circles
Like A *Merry-go-round
André Morrison Sep 2014
Don't leave precious things in the past
You'll never see them

Don't set things too far in the future
Because you'll never reach it

Leave bad memories in the past
Not in the future
They will eventually reach you again
2.8k · May 2015
André Morrison May 2015
Let me undress your sanity
Make your mind bare, one petal at a time
Holding the pieces of your broken judgement
One more move and its checkmate
Washing the rights off your being
I am your God, I write your fate
Read your thoughts through your eyes
Put you in a sense of illusion
Make you define delusion
Im back! Bit Rusty though:3
2.3k · Aug 2014
André Morrison Aug 2014
You're My Foundation
My Soul does not Quiver
You, You Entice Me
Your Love Will Always Deliver
It Will Not Break
It Will Not Crumble
And Shall Never Wither

Trapped By The Chains Of Your Protection
I Do Not Dream To Flee
Now I Can't Believe
It's Just You And Me
You Have Chosen Thy
I'm Honoured
I'm Flattered
But I Am The One
That's What Mattered

Or So I Thought
You Quickly Gave Up
To Save Us, I Fought
Hate: One, Love: *Nought
2.1k · Feb 2018
André Morrison Feb 2018
The only person that listens to me is my external dialogue
You call it schizophrenia, I call it a duologue
But in reality it's just, it's just that in a group of two
I am my own leader, subject, enemy and compeer
Born out of a fear of being alone, my mind began to sere
And unintentionally planted a voice into each cerebral hemisphere
2.0k · Jul 2018
André Morrison Jul 2018
His best friend was his subconscious
To request an audience with his accomplice
Loneliness he had to accept, alone he was,
I digress. Nevertheless, he kept his pain in silence
Feeling trapped in his own head, like a mental asylum
Instead of unconcealing the sorrow
He kept things unsaid, so his state of mind would remain unread
And would embed the notion that life has stopped dead
And would endlessly pray for a better tomorrow
If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?
If not, is a lonesome man who is crying in pain not exist because no one is around?
The thought of waking up to another day of isolation
Drowning in his misery, he needs help to breathe
Rehabilitation would be as simple as love and attention
To help give this man a life where he can believe
2.0k · Sep 2014
Walk Towards Hope
André Morrison Sep 2014
Debate your fate
Dont subdue to the hate
Give back a fight
With all your might
Free yourself
From the ever imprisoning gate
And walk towards hope
The shining light
1.9k · Sep 2014
André Morrison Sep 2014
Birth is the initiation
Life Is the test
Death is an Evaluation
What Was your score?
Were there some things you wish you studied more?
1.5k · Feb 2019
André Morrison Feb 2019
You may not be a model fashion wise
But I model myself in your fashion
1.5k · Aug 2014
André Morrison Aug 2014
My Life Is An Apple Tree
And You’re The Sole Fruit
You Bear The Seeds To Me
For A Bigger And Better Life

You Are So Sweet
You Are So Gentle
You Do Not Sin
When You Blush, It’s Like *Apple Skin
1.3k · Sep 2018
Are you the one?
André Morrison Sep 2018
Searching through the fog
Looking for someone... don't know who though
Calling out, but I'm just talking to myself
Like a teenager's Tumblr blog
A girl appears in front of me and I mumble to her
"Are you the one?"
But she grins eerily and begins to walk away
So I chase her, hoping she'll stay
I promise her things; empty words to try and sway
She stops as I run by her side
Glides her finger against the corner of my eye
Brushes her lips against mine
As she says bye and disappears in the blink of an eye
1.2k · Jan 2019
André Morrison Jan 2019
Eyes ajar, still can't gaze far
No one dies, still feel subpar
Time flies & the days say their goodbyes
& you won't know my struggles, there's no memoir
Don't like to parade my weakness
I lust for people to see the value of my uniqueness
So bye trust, I can't reclaim you
Heart's inflamed & my mind hurts too,
I blamed & despised myself, so curse you
Find it hard to love, because it brings pain too
Yet I still seek validation regardless
I'm aware of my low valuation,
But please take me irregardless
This desire to be held needs to be quelled
Numerous attempts have been withheld
Inner contretemps between fear & paranoia
Has been ruinous. Don't feel contempt; I'm in ruins
1.1k · Oct 2014
André Morrison Oct 2014
I'm slowing losing everything
What seems to be my loss, is your gain
As I push through the hunger pain
I can feel it effects
Feel the decaying in my brain
Not sure how long I can last
Before I go insane
Nothing could prepare me for this
Not matter how much I train

I simply can not wash myself of you
I don't know how you do...this
Forever trapped in an abyss
Forever dreaming of bliss
Times of joy I truly miss
You're killing me slowly
Feels like eternity
Please just end thee
You're the leech of my life
Cause no love, just Strife
1.1k · Nov 2018
André Morrison Nov 2018
If I spoke underwater about the things that I hated
I'd run out of gas and the water would be carbonated
It's belated, but I realise that everyone I've dated
Faded away because they found someone 'better'
I just guess that means I'm fated to be rated second
So this girl wants to get down with me
But doesn't want anything higher
Yet I'll keep running back & stand by her
Feelings of objectification
I guess my body is like a slum & I need some gentrification
1.1k · Jan 2017
André Morrison Jan 2017
There're Two Kinds Of People
Those Who Prefer Blue Skies
Those Who Prefer Grey Skies
969 · Aug 2014
Believe It
André Morrison Aug 2014
Feel It
Breathe It
This Can't Be Real
Can You Believe It?

See It
Dream It
There's No Stopping You
No One Can  Tell You What To Do

Experiencing It
Become It
This Is Your Life
Don't Cause Any Strife

Progress Yourself
Commit Yourself
Try Your Best
Don't Talk About Failure
Dont Even Jest
958 · Jul 2015
Given up on giving up
André Morrison Jul 2015
I've given up on giving up
Whats the point of stopping halfway down the mile stretch
I've broken down a million times
Reconstruct me into something stronger
I've cried on a daily basis
Let this be the fuel for my future confrontations
I've wanted to end my life on so many occasions
I should stop playing God and allow myself to die naturally
I've always thought my life was full of negatives
When in reality,  every negative has a opposite
A positive. And that is worth waiting for
910 · Jan 2017
André Morrison Jan 2017
Dropping bombs on your homes, make them catacombs
But maybe to some, that would make them feel right at home
But baby you ache, for a dose of that catamol
So I know you're awake, but I know you haven't got a soul
Craving that shake to your system
You say you don't miss him, but the world saw you kiss him
Got a ghastly way of thinking, a broken ism
The look in your eyes is eternally dim
896 · Dec 2018
André Morrison Dec 2018
Starved of care & love
Head's underwater & I struggle to stay above
Because I'm empty inside, so I cannot float
The taste of metal on my tongue
& Lead passes through my throat
Waking up from up from those inner desires
Life's a cruel mistress & she never tires
848 · May 2017
André Morrison May 2017
Mind like a night sky
Far-off stars dying, make me want to die too
Forever gazing at the day sky
Sky blue like the denim above my shoe
The sky looks stained through my window
As I stare, self-contained in thy limbo
843 · Jun 2015
I'm Better Off
André Morrison Jun 2015
If I'm wrong about God
I've wasted my own life

If you're wrong about God
You've wasted your whole eternity

Amen, Bless you, I love thee
You are the one who guides me
Whether you're fiction or non-fiction
You have given thy a direction
833 · Sep 2018
André Morrison Sep 2018
You're supposed to learn from your mistakes right?
Then explain why I opened my eyes
And didn't just stay asleep like it was one long night
Everyone says my future is bright,
But the bulb has gone out
And there's no replacement in sight
Guess I just gotta hold tight
And wander through these dark times
Maybe one day, I can go up in Life: a new height
To see the sun shine over the horizon
To flicker light into my eye which is oh so white
819 · Nov 2014
André Morrison Nov 2014
Patterns of insanity
Echoing the same skewed concept in your twisted perception
Becoming more plausible with every succession
Infinitely decaying your common sense
Until there is a speck left of you
Rendering you unstable and inefficient
The gravity of your grief; your inner disarray
Crushes those around and close to you
Leaving thee, secluded, fragile and vulnerable
All that's left is for someone to light the tinderbox
And the blaze shall come erupting out
Truly creating agony for those you desire
Infinitely scorching and traumatising them psychologically
Even worse, resulting you, to exhaust the last of your philosophy
The darkness has, beyond steadily seeped in
The conclusive ray of light, has undoubtedly vanished
For all eternity
811 · Dec 2018
André Morrison Dec 2018
I've got to concede, I'm in a ton of sorrow
Pray for a better tomorrow, I'm on borrowed time
I say I'm fine, but I'm dying inside
Pain in silence is a dire crime
Reaching the end of the line
That's not just because I have no one to call
Looks like the ground is going to catch me,
I have no one to lean on & I'm about to fall
Getting by is a tall order,
I'm mentally at the edge, I'm at the border
My anxieties try to govern me, but I try to ignore her
In a quarter-life crisis with a gaze of strife in my iris
Please end this, what I seek is at the end of the abyss
I promise myself that things will look up
But I'm always looking down
Because there's nothing to look forward to
André Morrison Jan 2017
Dropping bombs on your homes, make them catacombs
But maybe to some, that would make them feel right at home
But baby you ache, for a dose of that catamol
So I know you're awake, but I know you haven't got a soul
Craving that shake to your system
You say you don't miss him, but the world saw you kiss him
Got a ghastly way of thinking, a broken ism
The look in your eyes is eternally dim
As he cries, the tears seem to be sempiternal additionally
May it be, forever so to see, however it has to be
Straight from the catamol that you adore, all the way down to ecstasy
An ex to me, clocking the hours you came and left me
Whenever it was convenient, equal to a convenience store
Port & Starboard, in & out, I ought to deplore
790 · May 2015
André Morrison May 2015
You see nothing
But, you see everything
You see what is right
Yet, you see what is wrong
You're seeing everything around you
But, everything around you is irrelevant
Bringing it to a state of nothingness
You see what is right to society
Yet, what is happening is no more right than it is wrong
788 · Aug 2014
In & Out
André Morrison Aug 2014
The Pain Is Seeping In
The Tears Are Pouring Out

I'm Slowly Giving In
Without Giving A Fight Out

Feeling Lonely, Staying In
Losing Friends, Ruling Them Out

Im Trapped In My Own Hate, Deep Within
Trapped...With No Way out
775 · Sep 2019
André Morrison Sep 2019
Light crawls in through the curtains
Stains the floor in shades of yellow & white
Sets pools of obscurity bright
As the sun retires from our sight
Twilight cometh, like one's mind at night
768 · Oct 2017
André Morrison Oct 2017
Why am I in this state of limbo where:
I'm not happy enough to be grateful that i'm alive
But also not sad enough to wish death upon myself
746 · Nov 2016
André Morrison Nov 2016
A mind so full of thought;
Yet so far from emotion
A understanding of lust embedded in his mind;
Yet so far from a notion

A symbol of endearment;
Yet to be discovered
An ethereal touch;
To his soul; to be recovered
729 · Aug 2014
André Morrison Aug 2014
Let The Sun Be My Guide
Please Come Along For The Ride

Let The Moon Be Where I Hide
Forever Altering Fates Tide

Let The Earth Become My Soul
Progressively Growing Like My Role

Let The Stars Be My Goal
The Milky Way Being My Dream As A Whole
700 · Aug 2024
André Morrison Aug 2024
Breezes flute & waltz
Your timbre harmonises
My lullaby; born
The person whose very voice reverberates your soul
688 · Feb 2015
André Morrison Feb 2015
You're in my daydreams, I question my sanity
Can't get my head around you, cause me to use profanity
All it takes is one simple kind gesture to rekindle my fire
And instantly you will be my absolute upmost desire
Infecting my thoughts, can not stop thinking of you
You're in my dreams and nightmares, to name a few
You're my deepest wish, what I want the most
And my largest regret, something I won't obtain
Those deep valentines blues, for those of you who couldn't get that certain someone
650 · Jan 2019
André Morrison Jan 2019
Feeling mundane on a Monday
Feeling like a Sunday every single day
Need some kind of healing,
But instead I'm concealing
Don't want to be revealing of my inner disarray
608 · Oct 2017
André Morrison Oct 2017
Which do I choose?
When given the choice of either:
A bullet to the head
Or a knife to the heart
How do I choose?
When I know the result from either:
Will be the end of me,
As well as impossible to recover from
Why do I choose?
How did I get myself into this. either:
From being in a state of limerence
Or finally finding someone who appreciates me
What do I choose?
I need to make the choose and either:
Use my brain, take the knife and perish
Or follow my heart, take the bullet and be in forever pain
I don't know what to do
597 · May 2017
André Morrison May 2017
Pass me the letter, let me sign
Ballpoint pen, smooth like sine
Ink runs out, must be a sign
Only got to finish one line
563 · Dec 2018
André Morrison Dec 2018
Infinite universes spoken of in a finite verse
It's an injustice of the one's life's lack of justice; one's curse
There's a means of escape with no desire to pursue
When torment keeps dawning, you let it seek you
It's not beneficial to erase the weight on your ankles
When you're free falling into despair regardless
494 · Mar 2019
André Morrison Mar 2019
Wrap my own hands round my own throat
To promote less dark thoughts I don't condone
Pause the oxygen to pause the mind
Don't want to think, but want my thoughts to be heard
Excuse the oxymoron, heart & head aren't intertwined
477 · Oct 2018
André Morrison Oct 2018
Quick thought, fate deems me to be forsaken
Faith has been shaken, your love was just a ruse
You love to decide when you feel for me, you pick and choose
You make me feel blue, ironically that's my favourite colour
I have no clue what to do about you, because there will be no other
I understand that loves a mountain and you have to trek to the top
But the peak is below sea level and I don't want to drown, so I think we should stop
455 · Jan 2019
André Morrison Jan 2019
It's sad to say that I know I'm not on anyone's mind
Being my friend is just a fad, nothing consistently kind
In just a tad, I know you're going to leave me behind
Wish I was stronger, I wish I had tough skin like rind
434 · Mar 2019
André Morrison Mar 2019
To lust for the impossible
Is to grant your own demise
A love that isn't returned
A future only seen in your own eyes
In another reality, your souls are intertwined
Just in this one, such connection you won't find
Peace of mind is a foreign concept
Undefined feelings are realised
Defined feelings are misaligned
& by staying, it's my fate I've signed
429 · Mar 2019
Mind Space
André Morrison Mar 2019
Pain in my arm from reaching out
Third time's supposed to be the charm
But I've lost count & don't know when I'll max out
Mentally taxed & received an emotional drought
Heavily deceived despite knowing the pattern
Opening & showing your heart & now it's shattered
With each day I feel more battered; it's hard
Wishing for a future that's bright
Whilst relishing in the empty mind space of night
418 · Feb 2018
André Morrison Feb 2018
I stay awake; long into the night
I do not wish to end the day alone
I stay in bed; long into the day
I do not wish to start the day alone
413 · Sep 2020
André Morrison Sep 2020
I want to be out with my woes from the get-go
Mental foes bring back past memories
Sentimental tows that make it hard to let go of these jeopardies
Rental on feelings, conscious numb alike to leprosy
Spirit claims heresy, conscious won't succumb to its beliefs
I'm in disbelief & empty, like a sword unloyal to its sheath
My joy is brief, not plenty as there's sorrow beneath
I beseech I see tomorrow
406 · Sep 2017
Love Is Fear
André Morrison Sep 2017
Heartbreak...Why use such a term when it's the mind that is on the verge of collapse? Mindbreak is the term I've coined

I was Drowning in the fear of abandonment,
Feelings of paranoia pinned to your conscious,
Heart shaken by the very thought of being alone once more
My love for her being pure white, but marked with stains of doubt
I was in awe of you, yet so afraid of you
Moved by how you would make me feel content with life
But terrified at how you could take all that away from me
...And then it left me
401 · Feb 2020
Sun's Light
André Morrison Feb 2020
I always have to face away from the sun
Her light; I betray
Can't face the shadow of what I've become
Out of sight, out of disarray
The number of days I spare to pray
Is only rivalled by the days I don't fare well; like today
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