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Justice denied
for another mind of my kind.

It hurts so much to see
the abuse over time.

It's a burden we carry
against our will.

Our hurt is an expectation
we can never fulfill.

But overcoming our "shortcomings"
is what strengthens us.

Our obstacles
are our only path.

Our unique efforts,
the only way to success.

Effort is success.
And success is being free.
And freedom is just being
the kind we were born to be.
I'm struggling with seeing a younger Autistic person receive so much abuse and negativity from her family and her peers. She is constantly struck down and never built up. She is beautiful. She is determined. She is wise beyond her years. She is passionate. She is a warrior.
He deserves a dead beating
For justice sake
Everything I hear about him
Makes me want to punch his face
Not just once,
Not twice,
But as many times as it takes
To put that guy in his place
Some dudes act so rudely
Because they've never been beaten
I have been,
I know pain,
I've been defeated,
AND above all, I have learned RESPECT
So let me tell ya,
If I ever see that boy
He will become my punching bag
My fist his wakeup toy
Man May 28
Here I had thought
Generally, each of our governments
Loved to issue & execute warrants-
Or is that merely applicable
To the poor, those with no status
Who carry no political weight
Besides their life of work?

Verdicts down on from
Supposedly the highest body
In the arbitration for justice

It's seeds of gunpowder,
To produce a foul fruit
Which kills the vine.
Bunch of psychos,
And the thoughts are dark
Because it's an empty mind.
Of mortall sinnes quhairof thou art not guilty
Slanderous tongues do falsely thee accuse:
Their accusations lyke their tongues are filthy:
They doe their tongues by lying so abuse:
Their tonges they vse the foolish to confuse:
Their forked tongues cannot sincerely pray:
Forgive, forgett and hope they one day chuse
With honest tonges righte honest wordes to say.
For verie sooth thogh damnable are they
So aren't we all, and were it not for grace
We all to Tartarus woulde wend our way
Nor euer any sinner sie Gods face.
The truth hath thee exonerated ere
The uglie lie coulde ****, for truth is faire.
Anais Vionet Apr 19
Donald Trump’s on trial - the first of many.
It’s a cold feeling, being judged
- with your future held in the balance
(Ok, that sounded SO much like college life).

We all hope for greatness, I believe.
As kids, we see ourselves winning Wimbledon,
or standing on the gold medal podium at the olympics.

Donald Trump was a controversial president
I think that’s fair to say - some saw greatness,
others - not so much - but I think Mr. Trump
has what it takes to be a great prisoner.

First, he’ll eat practically anything
and he’s used to both paying for ***
and working with criminals.
I think he’ll have greatness ****** upon him.
songs for this:
Secrets (Your Fire) by Magdalena Bay
Hi-Fidelity by Lava La Rue
Leave it on the Dance Floor by Hope Tala
K E Cummins Mar 19
I see a lot of paper on your desk.
Books full of laws.
The goal of a law is to provide
safety and justice for those for whom it was written.
Those are good laws on that paper.

But if you are just going to sit there,
doing nothing,
if you are not going to take action and
make those laws and goals a reality,
then they’re nothing but a waste of paper.

Paper is a resource – it can be used as kindling.
The goal of a fire is to provide
safety, justice, shelter, food, warmth.
Dead paper is more useful as kindling.
If you care about safety –
if you care about justice at all –
you will either act on these laws, or burn them.
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Reme Feb 12
You are hanging on by a thread
I see you burning
I hear you crying
I try to reach out to you, touch you, comfort you
But my wrists are slapped by those who keep you in hell
Keep you wailing, in pain and suffering
Keep you in tears, sorrow and destiny buffering
Taking you out one by one
Fathers wiping the eyes of lifeless you,
Mothers, lifeless, birthing in to you the life for which will be taken in the makeshift space soon to be rained on with heavy artillery hell fire, leaving dust behind.
Dust is the way you were covered when I saw you last,
Barely recognizable, barely breathing. Just dust, your clothes, nostrils, eyelids, just dust
but you are not just dust, you are my river, my sea,
You are the soil and the fruit of the land that must be preserved
Min alma' 'iilaa alma' we call out to you to stay,
We reach out to you, please stay

I wonder how silent it must sound, the silence that comes after the storm, the silence of lifeless yous, taken away too soon, occupied and displaced in your own land. I wonder if it is quiet. I wonder if the cry’s of children afraid and alone holding tightly to the hands of their own who won’t let go, who can’t let go, who didn’t want to let go but have let go because their souls too have been displaced.

We are fighting for you, we are fighting for you, this fight, this painful fight that we must fight, the whole world should fight yet it seems like this fight is a fight against the whole world but why should it be you ask, we are only asking to be free you say.

And I reach out, I see you, we hear you we will never forget you, I can never forgot you, no one should ever forget you, ya Allah
It feels like the world is giving up on Palestine and its feeling harder and harder to breathe. But we will never stop fighting until Palestine is free from the river to the sea.
Man Jan 30
Fight the fight, and
Rage into the silent night.
Bid goodbye only to
Hubris. Trust in instinct,
Trust in insight.
What you know and can prove,
Not what you hope inside.
Love, guard, and take the word of
Those who are allies;
Act only in turn, when you are more wise.
Barter acting in plain sight with guise;
It is not the sacrifice of advantage,
Nor the trade of surprise.
Keep to your bonds, keep to promise;
Protect the people, protect the country.
Protect the planet; nature, everything.
Uplift virtue, promote democracy,
Prioritize education, ensure & expand rights

Love your neighbor like a brother,
Cherish your community;
Across collective nations,
We can have paradise
Man Jan 30
I have no fear of anyone who opposes me,
Shall I live? Forever, I am
****** to die, regardless
Of the life I lead. So,
To nihilism and cynicism; should I cling?
Or fight for my ideals and beliefs?
What is it, to fight? To be violent, to the pacifist;
To resist violence, with pacifism.

I fear no man that would oppress me,
Shall you live? Never, would I
Bend the knee before being
Brought to kneel. Rightly,
You can **** me
But what I die for lives on;
Drown in the wake
Of those that love,
Those that bleed

What peace allows;
Time to think, of
What freedom means
Man Dec 2023
Peace & love
And safety, security.

The art of war,
Is the portrait of justice-
The picture of peace.
The liberty to live free,
As we choose and want to be:
But the duty to defend what we believe.
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