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Man 5d
If you harbor spite
For the perception of it in others
But lack the strength to investigate,
It's better to refrain from assumptions.
Perhaps you're picking up
On something that isn't real,
But a fiction of your imagination.
Perhaps they weren't serious.
Unless you have concrete evidence,
Something that confirms your suspicions.
But then, without cross-examination,
That's just another assumption.
I told him when I left for space
That no matter what I saw there,
My love was firm, time's frantic pace
Wouldn’t change how much I care.
But as I slept by starlight, he came to me,
Grey haired, and haggard, and old,
Barely a tooth in his wrinkled mouth,
And long hair like white gold.

I said it’s good to see you here,
As you will be when I return.
Time moves at a different speed in space
Which makes every second burn.
You look as beautiful now as then;
Your eyes are just the same.
The character of your gentle face
Remains as constant as your name!

He vanished with a grateful smile,
And I awoke by the light of a star,
Which from the window, appeared so large
Though it was really very far.
A billion years hadn’t dimmed its light;
It shone brighter every day,
Burning denial of the axiom that
Time can’t pass without decay.
First appeared in Utopia Science Fiction Magazine
Isaace Feb 4
My companions left Remus Primoid— disapperaing like vultures into a Sub-Saharan vista of the night— and travelled back to Earth, missing the the life they had once lived. I, however, had no friends or family to sustain my sentimentality and decided to stay upon Remus Primoid, within the village of Tok-Tuu, hoping to create a life for myself, in possession of the desire to become a true Tok-Tuuian.

In my fifth year as a villager of Tok-Tuu I was permitted to learn oblong mutterings: sacred chants created by the pre-eminent founder, Oblong Jenkins-Kennedy, who uttered these chants under his breath as he carved the ancient structures of Tok-Tuu, as well as the hidden statue of Tei Romuloid, the mother of all life on Remus Primoid, a statue hidden within the depths of the ancient tombs, situated deep within the catacombs of Tok-Tuu.

The mutterings were as follows:

"Oblongboidoid, Tok-Tuu, Tok-Tuu. Boid, boid. Bashin-gore— I sustain my left foot. Boid, boid. Tok-Tuu, Tok-Tuu. Helmonstap-hablefoot, caress carefully."

Upon my learning of the sacred mutterings, I was initiated into The Society of Sculptors. Such joy I felt, in this, my fifth year, to finally be accepted, truly, among the people of Tok-Tuu!
Isaace Feb 4
Now we travel to Remus Primoid where we shall study the flora, the fauna and the geological structures, becoming ingrained in the culture of its denizen people, a journey that will alter our perception of the cosmos.

Upon this strange land we beheld organic structures of oblong intonation and mosaic, bio-organic design. The trees grew in irregular shapes, reminiscent of cones and gelatinous globules.

The honourable Nipslip Cockhantuu now aligns with us!

Nipslip Cockhantuu would offer to be our guide— our emissary!— upon entering the sacred village of Tok-Tuu— a conduit, as it were, between us and the strange customs of the Tok-Tuu peoples.

Nipslip Cockhantuu granted us the honour of rubbing his dark ******* before the statue of the village's founder, Oblong Jenkins-Kennedy. His ******* were soft and delicate with a gentle, bumpy texture, very much like our own human *******. What wonderous celebrations ensued! And we knew our arrival upon this strange orb was a success, and that there would be many discoveries to be made!
Randy Johnson Jan 31
When it happened, I was very angry and I was also stunned.
My wife filed for a divorce just because Donald Trump won.
My wife is smart, sophisticated and she's also very pretty.
But I learned that she's also superficial, shallow and petty.
My mother always told me to appreciate what I've got.
But if you're wondering if I still appreciate my wife, I sure as hell do not.
When she broke my heart, she didn't even feel remorse.
After seventeen years of marriage, she filed for a divorce.
I begged her not to leave but she packed her bags and walked out the door.
I was hurt at first but I've learned that I'm lucky not to have my wife anymore.
For a while I couldn't stop crying because what she did cut me deep.
But I'm a fortunate man to no longer have her because she's a creep.
Jacob Jan 28
Crouched I above the lake
A breath still to stay the collecting beads
The flash of fish scattered for one to drop
Statue I stay, glistening of my own dew
I see their shimmer
Cautionary to the scrap of bait enclosed to my shade
Their sheen fades past the borders boundary
Seeking nibbles set on the morsel
No more than a splashed stone I am
The row of scales unblur to individuality
A path led by jaw, I close around the hunt
Breaching the surface now set above
Washed away is my patience of irreverent iridescence
What's the probability of probably?
Is the square root of attraction,
You and is the variable me?
You're wicking me out,
All my facts start to feel like fiction,
And 2+2 is starting to look more like you.
Haven't written anything new in a hot minute. Been focusing on her.
Willow Dec 2024
The moon, joined first,
With her long flowing hair,
Looks fondly upon her friend.
She strokes her hand, once, with care,
Reassures her with gentle words;
"To defy you? No one would dare."

The girl whom she comforts,
The heart which she tends,
Soul strengthened with courage and fight.
Across stars, universes, reaches to all ends,
Calls on her family, her comrades,
Her allies and friends.

They answer at once,
Some come quick, some come not,
But the she can gather enough.
Some tensions runs high, relationships taught,
Heartbreak, betrayal, loving and trust,
Scars won from the battles they've fought.

An army of stars, led in by their mother,
A figure so gentle but chiding.
She's clumsy, she stumbles,
But steps up and brings good tidings.
Smile shines, so bright,
That it's blinding.
The rhyming scheme is very off but I'm having fun
As I was walking out if my place if employment
I saw what looked
Like a coyote
Shape shift
To a wolf
and then from wolf to
Human to crow
In the dead of night
As I see this
My breathe is taken away
As if the wind was knocked out if
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