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There’s something so sinister about being lost inside of yourself;-
I apply Lip Ice before I fall asleep, just in case I have to experience
That cold kiss with Death. But that’s one being, being less than
generous to oneself, and giving out a lot of degenerate excuses
Of not doing so well. Rambling picaresque; engulfed by a hardened
sense; feeding well into my own insecurities, made from haphazard
ingredients- as a soul that tastes like concluded gumbo

Still, I ate a full plate; possessing a ruthless taste; an illegitimate
descendant of experience- that ******* is tapping, watered down
By the chit and chatter of rain; a totem of pain, spoken in haste,
As my lips are a cigarette ember, kissing while heat reveals itself,
As a tiny echoed spark, in a pool full of fresh gasoline

I only hear the sound of peace, in a snoring dream, ha, I hardly
do try to breathe out of my nose. From not being altogether; are we
Really all together- who really knows? But only the dead, who truly
Get to see the entire world, as souls that rise, or of course those who fall
As its truly so sinister living as beings, in this world’s being.
BasedLyon Jun 18
Empty coffers, No château;
Her love I'll never know.
Is my youth, loyalty, humo-
-never enough.
I'm back. Going to publish the backlog I've written on the sides of syllabuses and official documents. One day I'll self-publish and choke people with soul.
Arlo Disarray Mar 31
i have
often tried
to be

a subconscious
need to compete
with those
around me

constantly being told
i was
not desired
for what i was
or what
i ever could be

i always
felt like
the sore thumb
amongst my friends

the dumb one
who said
and did things
that didn’t make sense
to anyone
and just made them
want to turn
and run

i have always tried to blend in
but in tiny bits
with little chuckles
false grins
forever living
in confusion
and unsure
of what could
and should

i’m just
a dumb bunny
hoping to be
and trying
to quit dying
and maybe one day

Arlo Disarray ©
happy zombie christ day
Ander Stone Jan 24
thousands of wasps
swirl around me
in a painful display.

I sting myself with insecurities.

hundreds of rats
drop from above
in a torrent of decay.

I plague myself with insecurities.

packs of wolves
dance around the stars
gnawing rabid at my flesh.

I rend myself with insecurities.

gargantuan paws dig
away at the dirt that
I was made of.

I bury myself in insecurities.

ursine hunger rips
and tears into
a still beating heart.

I starve myself with insecurities.

frost wrecked skies
crack above me
and fall sharp into
a dancing mind.

I wish for honey,
but I sting myself

I don't deserve anything else.
Zelda Nov 2023
Best not to ask why...
Silly, silly people say silly, silly things
Like how they're glad you appeared in their life, beautiful

If they only knew... right?

Best not to ask why...
Funny, funny people say funny, funny things
Like how they want to keep you in their life, somehow

If they only knew...right?

It's just another day
of showing you weren't a waste of time
It's just another day
of struggling to catch a good vibe
but all you are is black and blue... inside...
It's just another day
of nothing's gonna stand in your way
It's just another day
of trying to fix all that's not right
so close, but it's not enough
It's just another day
of pushing all your limits trying to
It's just another day
of failure and "I'm sorry"
and struggling to get out of bed

If they only knew... right?

Take it from a silly, silly person
Best not to ask why
Silly, silly people say silly, silly things

If they only knew... right?

Take it from a funny, funny person
Best not to ask why
Funny, funny people say funny, funny things

Do me a favor?
Don't ask me why...
I wouldn't know what to say

Don't ask me why
I'm just glad you appeared in my life
Don't ask me why
I just want to keep you in my life
locked up in my head
where can I find the keys ?
they're right there in my hands
why can't I set myself free
its funny how uncomfortable you can be
in your own skin but you aren't able to breathe
they tell you to come out
but laugh the way you do
short skirts
modest is what must be
covered up
"why are you wearing that, it's hundred degrees"

in fear i'm never good enough
diseased to people please
but when the trip comes I know you'll be with her
I'll be in the corner as your photographer
final results done differently. anxiously?
honestly what is the difference always drowning in the ocean of doubt.
anxiety attack, waking me
will I make it in this light?
built my walls, carved them the moment of epiphany
I wish I'm you while wearing heels
head held high, voice steady
look closely, voice steady with trembling hands
I'll be her another day
for now I'll be the anxious lily with that dream
the more it remains a fantasy the easier it seems
step by step I'll get there someday wearing my flats

By Zoulaikha
Dhaval Naik Sep 2023
I am here,
With all my ears,
To hear,
about all your fears
So dear,
Call me and I will be near..
Whether it be tears
Or stories full of cheers..
Wondering whether Earth is a sphere?
Or your obsession with that "Disney Deer."
Insecurities about how you appear
Or what's gonna happen this year?
All your doubts, I will clear,
I will be here,
With all my ears,
To hear,
about all your fears...
Lexi Snow Jun 2023
You watch time pass by
Seeing your friends getting married, having kids, and owning homes
While you sit in your childhood room cheering them on
As you envy them because you want to be there.

You look around at your childhood room trying to make it feel more you
All you are doing is avoiding the issue at
But you're scared
Scared of stepping out into the world.

You try changing your style from the emo phase to the boho kings/queens
Spending all your money to see what calls your name the most
Questioning everything you wear
You cry looking at the little white dress you're wearing
Wishing it was the dress that was saying the words 'I Do.'

Hoping that the feeling of insecurities leave your body
It doesn't
Not until you are ready to step out into the world
Until then you cry while you wear a little white dress.
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