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Bekah Jul 7
You are every piece
Of my broken heart
That I thought I’d never find
And every beautiful thing
I never dared to write about
It is if you drew your breath
From the heavens
And captured starlight
In your eyes
You are a velvet canvas
Of midnight blue
And a constellation
Of burning stars
And just like the moon
You are the beacon of light
In the darkness
That I used to call home
relahxe Mar 31
I look at you
A ghost without boundaries
My hands reaching out
To grasp your heart
Nothing there to stop me

I look at you
And ethereal
I wonder when you’ll see
The way I view you
An abstract concept
Far away
Never to be found
Never to be touched
Yet an object of limerence
An object of love
That is not to be realized

Object of obsession
You are nothing more than that
You are much more than that

A ghost without boundaries
Dead yet alive in my mind
Fitting in the puzzle pieces
As I fit the parts of my heart
Last time it fell for you
Creux Aug 2023
I ponder a tune,
ethereal and bright.  If it ever exists,
what would it sound like? Would it be the laughter
of a child's delight or the soothing  hush of the moonlit
night? Perhaps a melody of stars' soft embrace or a gentle
breeze's tender trace. Would it echo like ripples on tranquil
seas,  or  dance  like  leaves  in  autumnal  trees? I ponder  a
tune, ethereal and bright, but could that sound be within,
out of sight? In smiles of beloved, in gentle embrace,
in moments  of  stillness, whenever hearts pray.
Perhaps in memories, a glimpse of what's
been through. Maybe  it sounds like
home, almost like déjà vu.

M Eastman Jun 2023
Should Andromeda collapse / Hammering hydrogen entraps
Cresting waves of burnished light / Whitecaps in the endless night
Fly apart with gentle violence / Into eternity of silence
Ave Maria Mar 2023
I took a slice of the moon and brought it to my lips ever so carefully
Head heavy with thought, soul dripping with poetry
The heart’s different phases of color painted upon every wall in my home
Ever changing, raw art of emotion
For a moment as I glance out the window, the breeze combing through my hair and the fresh smell of the night meeting my nose
I begin to imagine stars dancing up in the vast sky, twirling around and breaking apart, some fading out to let the others shine
Shooting across the sky to emphasize their passion of the night
Crickets watching and singing their songs to one another, a language only they share
Humans wishing upon the stars from their homes, secrets floating around within their minds, never to be uttered
I smile and place the slice of the moon in my mouth as if it’s a sacred fruit
I close my eyes.. and lo and behold!
It’s so powerful, I am unsure if I am merely dreaming this magic
So many stars and even angels, all dancing together as if in an orchestrated play
I dance with them, twirling around graciously in sequences that were prior unbeknownst to me
I laugh in such a beautiful and unearthly manner, my voice light and airy like the angels
A large crowd of stars group together to form the constellation of a Pegasus, twinkling and sparkling ever so bright with a certain sense of mystery
I waste no time to hop on and am carried across this seemingly never ending canvass
Until I am slowly brought down to a cloud
Softer than a feather, softer than the fur of a kitten
Similar to the first embrace of a mother, invoking a deep sensation of deja vu
I sigh with comfort and from there I soon fall, as the stars abruptly yet softly alert me with kind smiles that it is time to go
The sun is rising, a single tear slips from my eye as I awaken
Already grieving and wishing to return
But maybe tonight, I’ll find another slice of the wondrous moon
And live it all again, as a true child of the sky and the heavens
Danielle Jun 2022
They used to call me  "ethereal"  but I never imagine
the way it feels like, until the time came I told you,
you were ethereal

You were heavenly yet detrimental
as it is only meant to be whispered
in the heights and distance.
birdy May 2022
blue bells for eyes
her name was a song
that made the graveyard hum
for the dead became flushed
her beauty reminding them of life
Danielle Dec 2021
This is a warfare;
                               we keep  it in photograph,
                               we keep it in pages,
                               we keep it a secret.

                              I thought I was a keeper

and then everything is heavenly
                                  You are beautiful at daytime,
                                  and shining bright at night.
                                  "You are ethereal"
                                                       ­          the distance is an animosity
                                                       ­          though, we keep on
                                                                ­ reaching
                                                    ­             It is not about the
                                                                ­Yearning; we were still
                                                                ­looking at the same sky.

I thought I could keep you (as I keep everything about you)

you wouldn't  be able to held the sky as it was meant to be ethereal
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