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Keara Marie Jun 19
How is the weather inside of you?
Malia Jan 18
Got a
Weak mind
Weak heart
Weak fingers,
So I let it all
Slip right by
But still, sometimes
It lingers.
Mrs Timetable Jan 10
I wish you could see
The depth in me
The strength in me
For you...
I think you see the
Weakness in me
Because the weakness
In me
Is for you...

I want you
To know
Jeremy Betts Dec 2023
If flesh and bone battle scares alone make you uncomfortable
You could not handle a sneak peek into my soul
How do I manage the impossible?
Your guess is as good as mine, that's all I know
Never as easy as saying no though

I also know what I don't know but sometimes too afraid of the weakness I know it will show
So I can't let you or anyone else know
I don't know how I let myself stoop so low
I hate it here, basking in the dumpster fires glow
I had time, it's a flash fire but the build up is slow
Never as easy as letting go through

I S A A C Aug 2023
grandfather clocks and long talks about home
boring thoughts clogging the dome
under the bell jar everything is magnified
my emotions become personified
you are my anger, you are my sadness
i scream from behind the glass
you are my danger, you are my weakness
i wish it was that simple of a reason
ky Jul 2023
When I run,
the thought of you
makes me run faster.

I think about how
angry you made me,
and I become stronger.

You're no longer my weakness.
You're my strength.
Malia Jul 2023
W̳ell I guess my
E̳xistence is just a collection of pride
A̳nd failures that I cannot
K̳eep tolerating
“I’m weak, and what’s wrong with that?”

-“Weak” by AJR
never going out with it
the hole that's leaving my soul bare
im guilty
i wish i could tell you things
instead i can only stare
and pray you understand
Johnny Jan 2023
Cold are the leaves of the tree
I climb to the top
I need that yellow fruit
But not for me.

Wind cutting through my skin
Rain falling down my face
They must not see my pain
Keep the tears within.

I hope I don't fall
No time to stretch
Unless I have the fruit
They will not catch.
Life of men
wading through
the shallows
a dip
in this sea
does not
at first
particularly appealing
the surface is
a microcosmic tempest
of shingle
and sand
upon toes
upon ankles
upon shins

a tickle
of seaweed
leaves paranoia
where sense
and logic
should reside
i'm wondering
where sea snakes
are usually found

against each swell
to keep shoulders
above water
somebody calls out
and laughs
they are not
by these
alien forms
ever closer
leaving me
no option but
to struggle
to remain
as they pass
too close
for comfort

when the depth
forces me
to give up
my toehold
of sand
or shell
to tread water
and embrace
the solitude
i will see
how truly clear
the waters
can be
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