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Risen to done, inclined
With a times shadow, to last
Among causes sign's...

Deeds of without...
Sated by roles of history
That a common power...
Makes a chance, of life's epistolary

Crave more...
Than an impunity
To introduce a quiet war
Of a candid salvation of humanity...

Rancor and/or hunger?
Places of distrust, if not deception?
Have a song's life, long before done and gone, were...
The truth of sincerity, is means, from its inception

Taken with the might, of serendipity
Come by the ought, of better aspiration
Mere, has become my voice for liberty
Like a stone, of choices seen, I see a host's generation...
Sing the body electric, and know the times; it's all a reason, has...
Sally would with the wall
Music so shrouded, a hat of compliance
The terror involved
A chance meeting with resolve, that stated intention...

My name is Carlton
Spate energies, and the vague way
A harping halt to better problems
Has saved me from a hateful demon, with it to say:

Choose me over any other, the collapse of vows
Has a futile throw of light, in the remark innuendo made
Salt and harmony, to fetch a liberty without how
Is a door on commonness, that has the shape of futures sate

Lemonade and dickory cookies
Shown the time of their life, a hallway to sigh
Scurrilous was a special man, with a plan, for a dreams ease
With the stone of fending remorse into a corner, of life...

Patiently, the day came to a close...
Proud Sally, or privileged Carlton
A wish adrift in the evening your, the scared host
Of another smile to win, the promise of a stoic question...

Hello, I have the world to sleep longer than me
Simply roles of victory, victimized by a lip of succor
Rhyming and doling the obvious, of a secret means
To an ending for serenity, that knows your craving for ours?
Promise a picture on the wall the world, and a deed in loves grasp, is found in the neighbors hands...
Aynjul May 5
and I thought I spoke delicious words?
yet here you are,
making me come back for thirds.
sweet as blueberries on a beautiful breezy sunny day
one by one, devouring every word you say.
the sentences glimmer, they are rare, rememberable yet short
& reading your name is like watching a butterfly float around me
brings peace,
pauses time,
takes me back to myself,
(with sincerity of course)
you make me ******* own words.
"you're not messy with your words.
so it's like, a good eat when you message me"
Chad Roman Apr 21
You're an island
that housed beauty many shipments ago
For a drowning soul,
can only be saved by a rush of gold

Treasures of gold, lie hidden bestowed,
Beneath the crater of an old souls bowl

If my heart be the earth,
I'd look for peace
If my death sparked life,
I'd look to leave
And if life had meaning,
What could this be?

If my heart was round, I'd assume the earth fits this mold
Many moons ago it could dare lay low

Darkness fears the light
Like a kid in twilight 
Pondering on quiet times
Spent churning the street fights
If you search and search, eventually you'll get the answer
Beached craft
Begging a current...
When the sun shines, does water laugh?
Dependency is the joke, to never relent...

Oil, has forgotten the cares of us...?
Slippery and truthful
Teeth are sincerity's weapon, poised to hush?
A saving ask, of when the truth is same's goal...

Justice for a tear?
Simple chaste, to entail charisma
Form and function, with pity's honor?
Sake promised, a fate before silence and sanity...

A ****** eye, with a stark devotion...
Paired to consume
The deeds of actual shares, a time for notions
That played their part, to a divine doom?

When is water, a living miracle?
When it feeds you...
Spare shadows and hunger, and means to lend a will...
Avid to terror's dream, who else sniff's glue?
The weight of the world? or the wait of the world in the works... Notice the madness of a world over a horizon. Psychosis, or prayers to knowing a timely God waits on you
Chad Roman Mar 2023
Why does sin linger at my porch
as if I know not what it brings...
Destruction has eyes of fury
in the eyes, it stares me down

My door swings open at the wind of malice
but shuts at the remorse of guilt
Ashamed of my roots, my being is questioned

do I deserve it?
No, How dare I...

I am not to feel as if I deserve, but to feel out of gratitude
to push on as if my breathe was to go a top everest
longing for the day of ever rest with my Father

I beg, do not scorch me
I am wanting to diverge,
Though my home has a porch of dirt that snaps at my ankle while I escape
my door shuts...

It's too late
evil has entered,

we are back at the start.

My cry is loud Lord
My wailing is a top the waves
I know you hear me, I know
David Hilburn Feb 2023
Easy does it
Break for now, only if will
Secrets in love, begin to wit

The rhythm of voices
Sated to defer, to the difference of occults
When enamored becomes romance, are we ready to seek choices?
Of clamor and sincerity, to direct a chance to what will...

Exception, in time
To wonder abroad, to a definitive course
Of stares worth the older, history is mine
With a song in our heart, is actuality ever worse?

Looking the misery of another, if not its mystery...
Was a facade of hereafter, the notion of decency?
Alive, and making the time of a wishes intimacy
Do I have one more smile? yes, yours for poignancy
David Hilburn Feb 2023
Finish my pout:
Still in silver service, silence for stone
Speed of specialness, I implore to route
A friends smile, to a season of its loan...

Brazen, the tooth of intimacy
Even to the point, of reticent doubt
We are the sigh, of a debacle, ready for instancy
That has come and gone with needs, the many is now...

And the taint of a maligning lip
So sovereign, for a river of couth's, wage
*** and deliberation's share, in the stoic misery we whit:

Is a taste in wishes with none's voice, for more?
Set in mutual distrust, the music of completion...
Is a hardened drive for poised meager and tumultuous, war?
Of sincerity to fathom the just, the tow of comprehension with sin?

I hate, therefore I dream in colors...
Of heaven with a remembered plea:
Sated with your soul, and the intricacy of what honor; force
I have given not, the heed of history, in the voice of youth to be free...?
Drunk enough to kiss the clown, with a certain moment to fare: Does a wild youth make you my best or worst, earwax?
David Hilburn Oct 2022
Patience, fate
Trees and treasures of kind
The tale of inclined sate
Has a sunny disposition, as if time

Care for a threshold of dissuasion another day?
Real regret, is the purpose behind our musings
Anger and delves of uniqueness, are to begin with may
A choice of shoulders, save itself for what patience looses...

Salt, is a final run to safety, a hug in the wind?
Curious speed, the irony of candor, to exist
Bred upon balance and the common, the tone of a new voice
That was a care, the towardness of you, an embarrassed list...

With no man's land, came the wish of potential
Sulking and denoted to be, the vice of remembering
The otherwise certain specific, the tongue of quintessential
Looks of responsibility for a question to guidance, sometimes humbling...

Will you marry me?
Places of blossoms, and the callous through and due, today
Of a quiet simplicity, for the anecdote of when boding is anarchy
Isn't a world of itself, the only reason a challenged voice, was anyway?

Persist and pout
The devil and the deed of the bluesy's...
Right to contain and contemplate another good intent, shout
Upon a caring rainbow found in the mere, all more, and me...
Dread says, ask for a tattoo only when you can afford it, unless you want it in all ways my pillow...
Chad Roman Feb 2022
My mind cries out for one more memory
I wouldn't  mind it myself
I just wonder if it will happen... soon
we are apart but...
yeah I still love you
Do you know this?

I know the decision was worth it
at the moment it hurts
I wish to see the day you realize what it was for
For now, please escape my thoughts
don't linger in my head

how can I forget?
it took a lot
please understand...
Yeah I still love you!

anyway as the night fades
the sun comes up
24 hours seems like forever
the pain doesn't leave
yet, you did...
wait, I did.
I'm selfishly thinking about you
yet selflessly we split

I await the day we meet again...
To show you how much I love you!
All that is gone isn't lost
A heart break story
happy ending loading....
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